Let's say you have a weapon that causes an enemy to be set on fire. Then you have a damage buff. Would the damage buff also buff the damage of the fire? Or is the fire damage calculated separately and thus not affected by anything but the weapon level?
Question about fire
Mon, 12/27/2010 - 08:46
Legacy Username
Mon, 12/27/2010 - 19:02
Legacy Username
That certainly doesn't make it worthless.
Alchemizers normally rely on their status ailments (or Elemental and Shadow damage types in the Prismatech's and Shadowtech's cases respectively) in order to be effective, since otherwise they're two-shot guns with relatively weak attack power. Any kind of buff you can make work for the individual shots is worth it, so if your firegun got such a buff, make sure you get the most out of it.
Fri, 12/31/2010 - 05:10
Legacy Username
Hmm so extra elemental/status
Hmm so extra elemental/status damage done is not increased by buffs? That seems quite unfair towards bomb damage increase. I'm thinking about the Fiery Vaporizer here. Most of its power comes from the dealt fire status. Having a bomb damage increase will only increase it's tiny blast damage, not the fire damage?
I am pretty sure Fire is calculated separatly, but I'm not sure...