I want to invite friends playing SK but I don't know what should I say to them so they will give SK a try.
How to convince people playing SK?
SK is a game that functions, unlike all the crappy bugs and crashes mordern games have, stuff like total war:Rome II, BF4 and that Abomination called ride to hell: retribution all are nothing but garbbage. Tell them that these large budget games have no future unless they aplease the CoD fanboys, so if they hate CoD, crappy bugs and glitches. They should certainly give this game a try.
ps. i don't hate CoD, it is a good game, it is just that I hate the fact every game out there now days try to be like CoD to appeal to its fan base.
Not all CoDs are like that
you also want to tell us about your friends, what genre of games they are into too.
Maybe... tell them that there's a chance to see a jelly with mustache in-game.
That is why I'm here.
It's kinda hard to get anyone to play this if they notice how slow it gets updated.. or how a lot of the game is focused on grinding.
I'd help them get the TF2 hat and fight the Snarbolax (and by help, I don't mean drag through the game) .
If they like the game, they'll stick with it. If they don't, don't try forcing it on them.
If SK add one more hat or whatever,the users thee once played SK might come back for it.
Hey dood, you get a free tf2 hat by playing this game.
We don't know your friends, so we don't know what they will like. But I like Spiral Knights because it's fun, has great art work, doesn't take itself too seriously, is kind of cute and retro, etc. Why do you like Spiral Knights? Tell them that.