The time I spend on Spiral Knights
Note* I really express this poem in my personality. (Oh yeah, the grades are bad part is just for my point of view. I mean, 2 Bs is pretty bad, right?)
I watch as time goes by
It seems I could really fly
Oh the time wasted in haste
As I type this, I let out a long sigh.
Beginning years ago
When SK is just new
Where energy is found
As well as weapons too
Where the tortodrones bash
and the Slooms slash
All I have to say
SK made my day
I feel young back then
Now I'm older
And I feel
Much better
SK is the reason
I didn't kill myself
And as a stress reliever
So my heart will not melt.
SK is the reason
I didn't do my homework
I didn't go to debate contests
All I can say is deeerrrrp.
SK is the reason I am friendly
For I was once hard
and negative
But past times are far
SK is the reason
My parents once yelled at me
Until I get so tired I die
For getting up at three
SK is the reason
My friend chats with me
About merchanting
and weaponry, you see
SK is the reason
I get bad grades
At school, at home
For me, anyways
SK is the reason
Of all reasons
I made this poem
Not so burdensome
Even with positives
and negatives until I decay
SK is the reason
I can remain happy to this day.
Very nice poem. It's touching, and it's amazing how Spiral Knights can change people.