Just thought I'd ask, are there any guilds in place specifically for people who enjoy contributing to the wiki? And I mean like, actual helpful contributions, not for every random schmuck who feels the need to make fifty-five little alterations to their own user vanity page IN A ROW on a daily basis...
If there isn't, would any of my fellow contributors be interested in setting something like that up? Or is everyone else pretty much already in other random guilds already?
It's just, y'know, I feel bad when I'm soloing all the time, because Spiral Knights is really a team game, but when I try to get research done (for weapon damage charts, mostly) while in a group it's like, I know I'm just slowing people down when I idle out for a few seconds after every battle to write some numbers down, and at the same time if I'm desperately trying to find a gremlin to whack on an almost-entirely-construct floor and I finally find a mender and the random teammates run over and clobber it before I can get some hits in, well.. it impedes the research. But I figure if I was to roll with some other contributors, we could go into the dungeons together and be like, "Okay I'm going to be doing this, and you can do that, and we'll play together and be there for revives if necessary but not interfere in each others' work" and gab about all of our findings and theories and projects in guild chat and whatnot. ALL SORTS OF NERDY GOOD TIMES TO BE HAD!! :D
... Also I imagine any wiki contributors' guild would involve calling ourselves "Scribes" and that just sounds prestigious. \:3 So, does something like this exist? If not, anyone interested?
You should look for One Knight Stand as they roam the Clockworks. You'll find a few of the long time editors and wiki forum people collected there. There's no recruitment thread for them in the forums.
There's also a few people (myself included) in Echo Of Silence that do our fair share of poking about.