=Looking for CE only unless otherwise listed!=
=Not looking for any item trades!=
=All prices listed are BUYOUT prices. Don't like the price then make an offer!=
IGN - Xxenohart
- Prismatic Dragon Wings - 15k E
- Divine Cat Tail - 10k E
- Divine Wolver Tail - 15k E
1 Prismatic Wings - 9500ce
1 Love Aura - 1500ce
2 Kat Tribe Fetish - 110kcr
1 Prismatic Mohawk - 3000ce
1 Prismatic Mohwak - 3000ce
1 Prismatic Spike Mohawk - 8000ce
1 Prismatic Long Feather - 6500ce
1 Apocrean Crown - 17000ce
2 Kat Tribe Fetish - 1250ce
1 Prismatic Gen1 Wings - 10000ce
1 Shadow Dragon Wings - 14000ce
1 Divine Parry Blade - 3000ce
1 Prismatic Halo - 7000ce
1 Prismatic Halo - 7000ce
1 Prismatic Mohawk - 3000ce
2 Kat Tribe Fetish - 105kcr
1 Snarborlax Cap w/ Pierce High - 6000ce
1 Divine Parry Blade - 3000ce
1 Prismatic Plume - 2500ce
1 Green Leafy Aura - 10000ce + 50kcr
1 Combuster w/ CTR MED - 5000ce
1 Prismatic Plume - 2000ce
1 Prismatic Plume - 2400ce
1 Green Leafy Aura - 12000ce
1 Skolver Cap (Pierce High, Shadow Low) w/ Prismatic Halo - 9000ce
1 Skolver Coat (Curse High) w/ Divine Valkyrie Wings, Crest of Winter - 9000ce
1 Spiral Plate Mail w/ Cool Dragon Wings, Cool Bomb Bandolier, Love Aura - Traded for Prismatic Dragon Wings
1 Blazebreak Armor w/ Toasty Valkyrie Wings, Toasty Bomb Bandolier - Traded for Prismatic Dragon Wings