Suggestions By Njthug

1. Hp bars - I think if when we are attacking monsters it be cool if we could see there hp, so we know how much more hits we need.
2. Some type of levels for players - its strange how all the players are basically on the same "level" it would be cool if players had levels which could be figured out by how many weapons you leveled up to the max (5 stars)
3. Rare Materials are way too rare - have a drop rate for rare materials and weapons. Have the drop rate at least be 5% since it would be fair to all players. Out of every 200 boxes you smash you have a 5% chance of getting a rare drop.
4. Kill Count - This would show how many monsters a player killed daily and all-time.
5. 1 Versus 1 - Same as the coliseum idea, but have it only for 1 versus 1. (Smaller arena though).
6. Improvement on Guild - Guild wars guilds can go head to head in the coliseum against each other, and we could have guild points which improves how good a guild is.
More Ideas To Come Soon.
Njthug's version of a level is Player Level. Ya know, Dungeons and Dragons style. And I'm kinda glad we don't have those. The idea is currently that you can see a player's "level" by his gear; that shiny new armor or kickass sword. I find that way more attractive about this game than a level number would be.
I think the game could use a significant increase in the 'random' factor, to make it a lot more like a traditional dungeon crawler. The 'clockworks is ever changing' thing is the perfect lore setting for randomly-generated dungeons, and the fact that currently we just get a randomly-selected pre-made map from a pool of 3 maps for each area is a waste of potential, especially considering the spawns are identical for every one, and the 'rare' monsters are mostly just gimmicks. I know the name is thrown around a awful lot, but adding some Diablo influence into this game would drastically increase the replayability of the available content. I think this should be heavily influenced by the volume and type of minerals used. The minerals system itself should be expanded as well, to accommodate the larger dungeon variety. It should be possible to make insanely difficult gates with comparably high reward ratios. Also, add more variables to equipment, instead of making them all generic with a 5% chance of being a 'Unique' which is just another generic with a likely-to-be-useless ability.
I agree with you Seth. When I first started playing this game I actually was under the impression that levels were randomly created of little segments of levels, and then glued together. I must say it was disappointing to find out later on that they were all just pre-made in sets of 3.. There's absolutely nothing "ever changing" to that as you said, while it could be very doable to make it that way.
I also really, really think the game lacks a lot of over-all content. Types of levels, types of level-segments, types of monsters or more specifically monsters with different types of attacks, weapons, armor, different game-play options. This is still Closed-Beta/Preview though, so I hope they still have a lot planned. (and that they don't plan on actually releasing the Open Beta any time soon for that matter)
I agree that the game's definitely not ready for release. I've been wondering for a long time whether they intended to make this game into a proper F2P MMORPG that compares to the likes of Runescape, or whether they intend to turn it into a low-budget facebook game with no real development, because until this game I've never heard of Three Rings. I honestly hope it's the former, because the potential is certainly there, I haven't had so much fun playing a MMO in a long time. The enemies are really fun, challenging, and creative, the art is fantastic, and the gameplay is very, very engaging. If it gets the necessary tweaks and enough development this game can really be something special.
Oh, another thing I'd like to see is a larger difficulty increase from tier 2 to tier 3, other than a statistical one. Right now the enemies look a lot cooler, but overall are mostly the same. Tier 2 was impressive for the first time because it introduced a whole new set of challenges; the melee gremlins gained a two-hit combo and a dash attack, the mine gremlins gained their mine-throwing abilities, the Gun Puppies became MUCH more threatening. In tier 3 the melee gremlins aren't very different to play against, despite the shield covering their backs, and the spin attack is redundant. I suggest increasing their overall attack and move speed somewhat, as well as add the spin attack as a third hit to their melee combo, to make it much more threatening to attack them from the front now that it's a necessity.
The bomb gremlins are virtually identical to tier 2, I'm not sure what to suggest here, because I'm not sure what their role is supposed to be, but if you want to emphasize them as area denial targets that you need to pick off from a range (or with melee utilizing VERY good timing) then it would probably be a good idea to have them be able to scatter multiple bombs at a time on their location instead of just one. It always seemed kinda silly that they did that, when they seemingly had the ability to throw 5 bombs at you in the time it took them to place one. The healer upgrade is awesome, no need to change it at all, and the pyro gremlin there's not much to change, other than maybe making the flamethrower a little faster and having them take advantage of oil to set large areas ablaze more often. The Wolvers are fine, especially because they like to warp behind you and cut you off then you're trying to kite gremlins.
The trojans are baddass but individually they're probably the easiest enemies in the game, mostly because they tend to appear with very little support despite being one of the most vulnerable enemies in the game when alone. Their appearances in Firestorm Citadel is probably the best example of them used 'right', because they appear in pairs and/or with heavy support from threatening fire skeletons and fire puppies. They could be a more prominent individual threat if they were given a good speed and health boost, as well as a quick turning attack to threaten people attacking their backs. Also probably remove it's Fiend designation, so that people with equipment from the Angelic or Avenger trees don't kill them in 2 hits. Other than that, I just suggest they appear with larger groups and that their melee attack animation be altered to reflect the actual area of effect it has. I'd like to see Trojans more, because they're my favorite enemy in the game.
I also think it should take many more floors to reach The Core, assuming it's meant to be the 'endgame goal'. Also party size should not affect enemy strength so much, even if heat and crown are 'multiplied' and not 'divided', loot still is. Systems where enemy strength stays consistent and parties are used to mitigate difficulty at the cost of mitigating the reward are, in my opinion, better. Party-only dungeons or dungeons that are simply much too difficult to solo could be used to emphasize party play. Creating dungeons specifically for parties only would also allow for the use of puzzles that require cooperation to complete.
1. Agreed. A health bar would be useful.
2. We already have levels, Haven, Moorcroft and Emberlight those are. The devs however, wish to keep most players packed together throughout the whole game regardless of your gear/skills. So I wouldn't be counting on a lot of improvement for this one.
3. Rare materials are too common in my opinion. Below Emberlight you'll find at least one 5* material at every depth, isn't that plenty? Do keep in mind, materials only spawn at a good rate at the correct tier. You can't hope on 4-5* materials a lot if you're going from Moorcroft to Emberlight. Towards armor drops, I think it's a good thing that those don't drop often. Personally I would like to see armor drops removed from the game. Mainly this is because I feel like I'm stuck at the end of content this quickly already, and all that's left is alching some gear. So this part of my opinion could be biased.
4. Has been proposed before.
5. Could be a fun feature, but not for PvP ranking though.
6. I don't think this kind of hostility should be encouraged in this game, seeing how team-play seems to be quite important. Others may see it as healthy competition though, but my opinion is that it'll very likely result in hostility.