Question About Moorcraft Manor

Is there a way to get directly to Moorcraft Manor? I have all my T2 stuff ready but I can't seem to get there. I tried clicking on the icon on the game map when I got on a gate, and no duh, it didn't work. I couldn't find a thread on this on the forums, either. I really want to get to T2 but I can't find my way to the Spiral Warden. Help? :(

Is there a particular gate in the Arcade I should try? I keep losing energy going down to find myself anywhere but at the Moorcraft Manor.
There's a Moorcroft Manor at Depth 8 of every gate. You just have to clear the levels until you get there. If you "join a party" maybe you can get lucky and skip a few, if the party you join happens to be several levels down already.
But once you talk to the Spiral Warden at Depth 8 and go through the veil into Moorcroft Manor for the first time, you'll have the option to start directly there on any gate and not spend any energy on the elevators that you're skipping.
Im trying to Farm the Black Cat set. im just wondering if this is an Event or i can just go to Teir2 Depth in Arcade and try and find it. Thanks for any responses!

This is outdated. For your information...
-Black Kats have a small chance to spawn in place of any Kat. They drop Ancient Pages.
-Margrel, the event boss drops 1 wicked whisker to the party upon defeat and a Black Kat Kowl to the book holder.
-Don't necro threads. Check the date of the posts.
-Don't use the forum search because I think you did.
-I don't care that much about this event so get your information from someone else.

What? How the heck is— wut, 2011?
Oh... Well, Blaze pretty much said all that's needed to be said.
Anyways, here is a useful link:

You can find Books of Dark Rituals only during a Kataclysm. That's the only time that kats are randomly replaced with black kats. There is no Kataclysm running right now, so you can't find Books of Dark Rituals.
Once you have a Book of Dark Rituals, you can redeem it whenever you want at Moorcroft Manor. The event does not need to be running still.
You've got to make you're way down from the Arcade or have someone invite you to Moorcroft Manor. After you get the Tier 2 Clearance you can start there any time you want.