Are we recruiting? I guess so! o.o
Some stuff:
- We mainly do PvE stuff, but PvP people are welcome as well!
- You'll either find us doing vanaduke or jelly king grinds, except during events.
- There's no weekly guild upkeep donation required (yes, really).
- We want people who can control themselves.
You'd be surprised how many people can't in the game...
Some (Obvious) Rules:
- No begging (Why is this even in here, everyone knows this)
- No spamming invites to runs (Ask before inviting or joining a run).
- Storage access is on the honor system:
- Only allowed to take what you need.
- No hogging items for a future date.
- No taking items to sell.
- Asking for a promotion can disqualify you for one.
We promote when we trust you enough and you maintain your activity in the guild.
If interested message one of our GMs, probably easiest to get a hold of Petater