Hello, My name is Manebuzz and welcome to Full Frontal Noobity. We are an old guild that my good friend (Biggeoff) created. We have no members so far other than me, Pingpong and Biggeoff as this guild wasn't given much attention because we had another guild on another account. Biggeoff has given me the honour of running this guild and to try and get it to take off, and that is exactly what i am going to do with the help of my best mates Biggeoff and Pingpong.
About Guild Masters:
I played Spiral Knights for 2 and a half years, using accounts Baileybaby + Dragon-Scale. 1 year ago my laptop broke and was unable to play for a year. Got a new laptop a few days ago and created a new account (Manebuzz) and ofcourse added my old friend's who i met a long time ago in a guild called Kingz of War (Dead Guild Now). Biggeoff and Pingpong from my previous account. My new account is on level 3 at the moment as it is new, but my experience is very good nonetheless.
Ping :3 is an awesome person who actually is girl yes girl. she is an awesome person who can take care of herself she can help you in any situation even if she is in proto gear. she is a veteran like the other GM's she has been playing Sk for 3 years and have experience with all situations there is. all you gotta know is that she can help you and is just one of the funniest persons i know.
Biggeoff (Redbullrocket):
No begging - You are free to ask someone in the guild chat for some mats or little cr, but if they say no, then do not ask again, that is begging.
Be friendly - I would like a guild full of friendly players. If there is an arguement in guild chat, take it to the guild hall, other members do not want to here you arguing while playing.
No Random Invites - If you are stuck on a mission, feel free to ask in guild chat for help. If you need help and nobody is available to join, invite me and i will help even if i am busy. I always have time to help my guild members.
Respect: Respect is earnt by being nice to the rest of the guild, helping others and ofcourse, showing respect to higher rank guild members.
How to Rank up:
Recruit: For new guild members. If you show yourself to be a fun, kind and helpful player, you will be promoted.
Member: This if for fun, kind and helpul players. To be promoted from member to Veteran, you have already showed you are a nice person, now you need to show you are good in the clockworks. You will need to do a mission of my choice, with me as a test, to see how good your are in combat.
Veteran: As a Veteran, you will need to pay 1,000cr weekly and all of the money goes to the guild hall for upgrades. Veterans are expected to be helpful and also have skill in PvE.
Officer: To be promoted to Officer you will need to have a guild meeting in the Guild Hall where other members will share things about you, while me and other officers will then agree to promote you or otherwise. Officers are expected to pay 3,000cr weekly and all of the money goes to the guild hall for upgrades.
Guild Master: I am the guild master, Along with Biggeoff and Pingpong we will not be promoting anyone to GM. The guild is run how i would like it to be, but that doesn't mean you cannot ask Pingpong anything, she is just as dedicated to the guild as i am.
Events: Every Sunday there will be a lottery, where you can pay 1,000cr on any day of the week, and the following sunday, one random guild member who put their money in, will win all of the cr that was entered that week.
How to join: You can send my a mail - (Manebuzz) or you can apply on here. I will check this forum multiple times everyday at random times. (Midnight - England Time)
GM's: Manebuzz, Ping-The-Lunartic, Redbullrocket(Biggeoff)
IGN: (In Game Name.)
Star of Gear: (You can join with just proto gear, but i will need to know your gear as it will allow me to know if you need help on missions. If you are 5* i would imagine you won't need much of my attention.)
How long have you been playin Spiral Knights?:
How often do you currently play?:
Do you know any current members?
Do you prefer PvE/PvP?: (Our guild is mainly a PvE type guild. This does not mean you cannot play Lockdown or Blastnetwork, it justs means we do not focus on it, and may not have guild lockdown sessions. If you guild members would like to play GvG then you can, but i will never play it as i do not enjoy PvE.)
Why you would like to join:
I will update the forum after changes have been made to the guild. e.g Someone joins or we have screenshots of the guild members.
Thankyou for reading and i hope to see you in our guild!
Well, at least your guild isn't called