Got your attention, didn't I?
This game is exactly what it says on the tin: it's about the politics behind Spiral Knights.
There should be little to no combat here. Your success or failure will depend almost entirely on your people-skills. Top-ranking characters from many factions, like King Tinkinzar, Archvalkyrie Freya, and Captain Ozlo, will take the center stage. You could be a leader, envoy, or even a spy. Factions within factions may emerge, just like in real life. Since this is my first time seeing (let alone hosting) this kind of RP, I have no idea what might happen or what a strong character entails, so just give it your best shot!
As noted above, I don't know what constitutes a strong character, so this character sheet format will be tentative, at best.
Race: (human, gremlin, etc.)
Faction: (Spiral vs. Morai, Emberlight vs. Loyalist, etc. Note that these are not the only available factions; they're just examples.)
Equipment: (optional)
Intro: (Who are you and why are you here? What's your mission?)
I wish I could give you guys an intro story to work with, but I don't know where to begin, so I'm counting on you guys to get creative. That's what that intro section of the character sheet is for.
So for those of you who are getting tired of all these combat-centric roleplays, this game is for you. All OOC and IC stuff goes in this thread. I will not be making any separate threads for this game.
The political action takes place in each of the following locations:
*Spiral HQ (Spiral Knights)
*Colonial Palace (gremlins)
*White Council (valkyries)
*Black Council (fiends)
*The Network (constructs)
*Snarbolax Den (beasts)
*Royal Jelly Palace (slimes)
*Firestorm Citadel (undead)
*Obsidian Nexus (apocreans)