Since there can only be one victor, the highest Battle Level out of all three can only prevail, and that one Death Level applies to the other two?
SK Epic Battle Finishes RP (Currently Accepting Apps!)
I'm fine with that and I am wondering if Avalanche is accepted?
Turbon, Berrut and lur, who wants to bet Turbon will win?
Don't forget about Q-Proto-00 VS Aisha
There might be a fight with Avalanche if Count Bleck wants to fight.
Guys, I'm still at a hotel. Hehehe. Gonna be back
on Monday to master like type all your battles out. So don't get impatient. Until then, keep on making battles.
((OOC: This is only if Avalanche is accepted...))
Count Bleck looked into the distance and sighed. "How can Count Bleck, master of darkness lose to another dark creature?" Count Bleck saw the devilites resurrecting the woman he killed before and Count Bleck thought "Better get out of here!" Count Bleck rushes back up to the ice mountain and climbed back up.
Count Bleck slipped a few times, there seemed to be more ice this time around. When Count Bleck reached the summit, he noticed the girl was now gone. Count Bleck noticed something in the distance and it looked like a robot. Before he could move though, he heard something and when he turned around, it looked like an ice creature holding a staff.
Count Bleck shivered and said "Get off this mountain!" The creature said "It's the legendary Count Bleck, now die" The creature changed his staff into a sword and prepared for a fight.
I am happy to announce Avalanche is accepted. Gawd I hate the wifi. I also think I have to make a discussion thread...Want to?
...Who's Turbon?
But incase Truborn loses, I have plans.
Wraithborn. Dark Lumber Harbinger :D
Host to the Ghosts & Spirits of Beasts.
I'm only doing this since there are no Gremlin fighters in this game, this will not replace Iur
Name: Sagdi
Gender: male
Age: 37
Appearance: Basicly a giant mutant gremlin who looks somewhat like Berrut in shape.
Race: Mindless gremlin
Alliance: none
Equipment: a big thwacker and his fists (which cause poison), luckily he is smart enough to use the thwacker, sometimes. Also a poison gun he uses occasionaly, but mostly to whack people
Background: Sagdi was one of the gremlins who experimented on Berrut. When Berrut escaped and killed most the gremlins, he however escaped, but not without a barrel of toxic waste spilling all over him. He didn't know at the time but the waste started mutating him slowly into a giant poisoness gremlin. The first sign of this is that after he left the lab he went on a killing rampage. Luckily (for the gremlins) they caged him up in time before he killed any more gremlins. However, he was mutating and eventually changed into what he looks like today. That is when he broke out and kills all the gremlins in that level, and then escapes and kills whatever in sight.
App accepted! Halting any more battles until I take care of all the battles already already planned out.
UPDATE: Let the battles flow again!
Name: Hydra Jelly
Gender: Unknown
Age: 123
Race: Slime/construct
Alliance: Slime Colonists
Equipment: Tackle, sharp spikes (Like T3 slimes), releases poison when moves, naturally fast and slowly heals when on fire
Background: Hydra Jelly was an odd jelly that was created by gremlins with a scrap metal and spark of life core inside. As the gremlins were experimented, a glass containing the essence of a Giant toxoil spilled into him and started to expand him. The gremlins managed to make a shell for the jelly which made him smaller but if the shell broke, his big size would come back.
As Hydra was advancing and still being experimented on, he was strong enough and defeated the construct's. After 100 years, he finally left and managed to defeat tough foes including tons of devilites. He is friends with other constructs and doesn't want to fight them unless they strike first.
Also, Avalanche and Sagdi need to be added to the list at the start...
Awesome. App accepted. XD Too many apps. And, achievement added. ALSO: Epic SK Battle Finishes Discussion thread has been added or soon be added. Discuss there. In the Treasure Vault.
Discussion here:
as Sagdi was doing a normal rampage through a dark city/ (the same one that Count Bleck was resserected in) he came across a slime who was fighting devilites. He didn't find it odd or anything that a slime was there as he had no mind, he just attacked without hesitation.
((Slime is Hydra Jelly))
Also, if you think I missed a achievement, remind me and I'll check and add the name.
End of transmission. All discussion would go to the discussion thread.
I'm back from my hotel room, so I can post this: (With good wifi ;) )
Aisha vs Q-Proto-00!
Aisha rolls a 4, Q-Proto-00 rolls a 3.
After years of slumber, the great one charged at Aisha. She reacted quickly, for before the mighty construct rammed into Aisha, she raised a elemental shield. Then Q-Proto-00 roared and his claws began to grow longer. Aisha stared in surprise as he slightly ripped her clothes, almost slicing her knee to forehead. Then she shot many fireballs as she ran, only turning while running to see him running at her, claws outstretched, almost unfazed by the flaming fury that was dealt earlier. Then Q-Proto-00 suddenly jumped on his tail and slammed into the ground, just lengths before Aisha, before whipping his tail around to hit her. In a quick reaction, she shot a ball of curse right onto the tail, which slammed the ground in surprise and Q-Proto-00 roared in pain before going into a claw frenzy, only harming himself. Then he fell onto the cold floor.
Finish him!:
Aisha then gathered all her arcane and powerful energy together into one gigantic ball of energy floating in the air. The air shimmered with energy as sparks flew everywhere from this great sphere. Light almost made the deathly walls sparkle. Then she made her move. A long stream of arcane balls, poison and fire and curse and sleep and stun, all shot from the sphere to Q-Proto-00, drilling holes in him, with machinery exploding all over the place. Then she shot her final blow, with the whole sphere crashing down on Q-Proto-00, smashing him to pieces and oblivion, with gears and clockwork flying everywhere, years and years of furnishing and refining splattered on the walls like useless junk. The dust settled. Then Aisha shrugged and walked away.
Aisha wins. Point!
Triple battle. Muhahahaha!
Truborn rolls a 4. Berrut rolls a 2. Iur rolls a 9?!
Truborn rolls a DEATH LEVEL of 5 against Berrut.
Iur rolls a DEATH LEVEL of 10 against Truborn.
Truborn kills Berrut, which is a kill point. However, Iur gets 2 kill points because he wins the whole battle.
Berrut dies first, with Truborn following.
Battle Part 1:
Berrut charged at the great tree, his claws ravaging the air, whistling with the trees, cutting the breath of the battle. Truborn awakened, only to meet another enemy. But, he sees....Iur. Hovering towards him. Has he teamed up with Berrut to chop him down?! He will not allow it! Then he only saw Iur reaching out with his tentacles and attacked....Berrut?! Berrut was strangled in the match as Truborn rose from the ground and smashed his hand-mace onto Iur, which dissipated into separate goop glops as the tree mace smashed and then the glops reorganized into Iur right on the side of Truborn. Berrut broke free, only to stare at the White Tree, calling on his horn for help. Deadly wolvers, silkwings and lumbers appeared out of nowhere, to surround Berrut and Iur. Iur easily broke free by slashing his tentacles, killing off the minions. However, since more came, he rose into the air slowly while chopping the wolvers and the lumbers apart. As for Berrut, he was swarmed by the mass. He breathed ice, but as many of them froze and broke, they all came back, stronger than ever.
The Death of Berrut by Truborn
Berrut was struggling in the mass of powerful creatures so Truborn took his chance. He commanded all the aggressive monsters to stop swarming Berrut and ordered the silkwings to surround Berrut. Then the silkwings made Berrut rise into the air, in a giant tornado of devilish butterflies. He went higher and higher. Then the silkwings instantly went away, with Berrut plunging towards the ground. But before Berrut touched the ground, Truborn used his giant tree hand and smashed Berrut to bits of chunks and flesh, flying all over the place. Berrut has died.
Battle Part 2:
Iur saw Berrut get crushed as he rose into the air. Then he reached out with his tentacles and restricted the old tree from moving. He powered himself towards the tree and he shot his One Beam into the tree, drilling a hole through. This was nothing for the tree, for he was powerful and formidable. Iur, realizing his attack did not work, attacked the tree again. Then Truborn used both tree hands and smashed straight down in an arc fashion, with Iur trapped in the swarm of bushes and trees. However, Iur, with his body, squeezed through a small enclosing and whipped Truborn hard, smashing him into the ground.
The Death of Truborn
Iur rose into the air once again and swarmed the poor tree with tentacles. So many tentacles that the huge lumber is barely seen under all that mass. Then Iur made the tentacles prickly and sharp, slicing the tree. Under the mass, one can hear the great moaning and groaning as the tree was being slain. Iur then squeezed the tentacles until roots and wood snapped under the pressure and Truborn's one Great Eye, was horrendously crushed into juice and arcane energy under the deathly pressure. Iur then let all his tentacles roll away and shot his one Eye right into Truborn, piercing his deformed and ugly body, making his Nature Energy fade away with the wind as his treelike host melted. All the shards of wood flew into the air and Iur showed no mercy, wrapping against each of them and melting them all.
Iur wins! 2 points!
Truborn wins second! 1 point!
Berrut just loses. :P
See what I have to type up?! Don't do dat again! XD
Battles can be DECLARED AGAIN!
Aisha sighed as the robot was defeated and she climbed out of the room and started going down the mountain. After 15 minutes, she found a forest and leaned down on a tree to patch up her clothes which were ripped a lot. During the patching process, the tree she was leaning on moved because it was a lumber and Aisha fell onto the ground. Aisha looked in the distance and saw what looked like a big fight and saw the beast from before. After the battle finished and a white tree vanished, she saw a weird creature. She run towards it and prepared a stun orb at the creature.
((The creature is lur.))
Next App. From a creature dwelling within a mysterious swamp on the outskirts of the Wildwoods.
Name: Venmaw (The Plague Dragon).
Gender: Male
Age: 100
Race: Beast (Virulisk)
Appearance: 3 Green eyes on either side of its head, Dark Green scales, Lime/Yellow Green as the scales reach its legs & feet, Armoured Dark Grey Carapace along its back & tail, Webbed Hands & feet, Giant horns, descending in size toward its tail.
Alliance: Wildwood Beasts
Equipment: Giant Horns used for Charging, "Blight of Ancients" A Foul breath of vapour containing Deadly Toxins in a Cloud of Acid, 1 of the 3 eyes can sense Heat, another Movement, and the last Sound. Can swim under and around the lagoon below the swamp to either retreat or strike from anywhere, Will try to eat anything that doesnt look like itd cause him digestion issues.
Background: So the Legend of the White Lumber passes. But do not think this was all that lurked within the vast area of the Wildwoods here on cradle. There lies an even greater legend, and with a far greater temper to boot. This tale depicts the Legend of Venmaw, the Plague Dragon.
Deep in Wildwoods, there lies a grand marshland, covered with mangroves and deep watery expanses. Though this land is riddles with varying slimes, Lumbers and Chromas, one said beast is said to be their guardian, who they both revere and fear alike. A one great Virulisk, rivalling the size of Vanaduke himself. His eyes are rumoured to see all, and have been a sought after item from many a Monster Hunter. However, no adventurer has ever taken an eye from the Plague Dragon, just terrible tales and crippling injuries.
Tales of its great Temper, the camoflauge it depicts, its suprising ability to hide within the Lagoon, coming up from under the men at the last second, but the greatest tale is that of its Breath. Named the "Blight of Anicents", it is released as a Cloud of Acid, envelloping into any crevice or crease it surges by. The Breath takes effect almost immediately, as it corrodes the metals on Knight's armour, swords and shields. The next effect is seen as the vapour seeps in through the holes in the armour, making the victims incredibly sick. In between the violent convulsing and vomitting of the Knights, the last thing any see is the great maw of the beast as they are eaten semi-alive.
And so the legends from such a foe are scarce, which add to its reputation. I wonder if anyone will vanquish such a Leviathan. Only time will tell.
Q-Proto-00's crystal started to activate and started to fix himself together. Q-Proto-00 fixed himself back up and started to jump on his tail. He tried to jump out of the room but on the last jump, the floor collapsed and he fell down to the next floor where he could see a woman holding a yellow weapon. Q-Proto-00, prepared for the landing and maybe the fight.
((OOC: The character Q-Proto-00 will be fighting is The Iron Maiden who get resurrected by some devilites.))
Name: Lord Malkrath
Gender: Male
Age: 34 in human years
Appearance: Huge (a bit taller than Lord Vanaduke) mocha-brown furred Gremlin Thwacker with white underbelly. His gear looks a lot like a Darkfang's gear, except for the fact that he has six huge vial objects coming out of his back, that pump purple-colored reviving chemicals into him every time he dies, everything is black, dark grey, and silver, and he has no badge thing.
Race: Gremlin
Alliance: Gremlin Colonists
Equipment: Gigantic silver double-headed warhammer that gas a spike on the end, Gigantic silver shield, both have huge damage at point blank range, and stun if father away. Like a knight, the warhammer has a charge attack, which is slamming it against the ground very, very, VERY hard and causing cracks to riddle the earth and a spike of rock to hit the opponent.
He can also roar, which can cause stun, and he can swing his claws and hit you, which also causes stun. The spike at the end of his warhammer can cause piercing damage.
Background: Malkrath was once a small Gremlin Thwacker named Mal, who was never very good at harming knights or capturing them or any of the like. He never moved up the chain, and was constantly abused by his fellow Gremlins. They called him horrible names and were extremely cruel to him. This continued for many years, almost too numerous to count, until he signed up for the regenerative chemicals process. The first time they injected the serum into him, he became ill and almost died, and was abused even more. "Haha! Look at Mal! That cowardly idiot is sick! Haha!" The scientists and the Gremlin leaders rescued him, however and brought him back from the verge of death. He was grateful to them, as no one had ever showed him any kindness before.
The second time the serum was tried, they had accidentally mixed a highly controversial strength enhancer into the formula, ad Mal grew so huge that he busted out the the bunker. He delighted in his new-found strength and was very content. The third and final time the used the serum, it was perfect. Mal was blasted and burned and mangled, but the serum brought him back. The only problem was that it needed to be injected after every time he died, so they hooked him up to a regeneration machine, AKA his armor and the vial objects. He renamed himself Malkrath and was granted Lordship, and set free in the upper world. Now he roams everywhere, looking for knights to destroy.
are you going to anytime soon type the other fights?
I've been feeling a lack of inspiration lately. So...uh...I'll type up as long I feel a spark of life. That may be in 1 day...or 50 years..... ._.
...Did you get too close to Venmaw?
Seems like getting people unwell or drained is up his alley.
Even just looking at the guy may give writers block, Oh hey Ven-.
What was I gonna say? Um...Uh...
I think all the champions ever mentioned in this whole game should deserve a RP or fan fiction of their own. That would be awesome...
Love to hear Venmaw's story.
He'd tell it himself,
but itd come out all groany, and grumpy, and full of toxious gas.
I could guess what he had been through, but it IS 100 years. Of Chroma-ing.
I wish I had a inspiration wand...
The bog echoe'd with a low rumble as the marshy waters began to part. The remains of bodies and equipment tumbled to either side of the mass that was rising from below. Thick scales emerged from the putrid liquid, followed by the lights of 6 glowing eyes. The Tyranical Warden of the Wildwood Swamplands had awoken from a great slumber, and was ready to feed. It gurgled to itself, before letting out a Primal Roar that shook the snipes from nearby trees, sending them flying in all directions.
The great beast placed one foot forward, knocking over swamp-trees and beast alike that was unfortunate enough to be stepped on. Venmaw's eyes were looking all around its path, independantly from eachother, searching and scouring for something to feast upon. One of his eyes picked up a presence, the feint glow of core energy, eminating slightly beyond the boggy borders. Venmaw growled to itself, and headed toward the area where he may have a worthy feast.
The glow of energy belonged to Truborn's dying sparks, and if any were to stay in the area, they would meet a 2nd beast of the Wildwoods, that wasn't so timid in striking out. Venmaw was awake, and he was hungry!
(He'll arrive there after the fight between Aisha & Iur to probably Eat and/or Kill the Victor, Truborn and any other snack-sized mortals).
The ground rattled, as if the earth itself was afraid of the great creature that was coming out of iside it. The ground near Venmaw split open, and a huge metal capsule rose out of the ground. A button beeped on it's front, and, with a burst of steam, the pod opened, and Malkrath stepped out. He looked at the huge lizard with no glint of fear in his eyes.
"Haha! What are you, a challeger?" he rumbled.
Holy moly that is a lot of battle requests...
2nd. Wait a few days...
I was thinking of battling your beast of a Gremlin, but was wondering how Id get a mass of a Venmaw over to you.
Thanks for bringing him to me instead \o3o/
If Berrut calmed down, itd be 2 Nature vs 1 Swarm.
But seeing as that wont happen anytime soon, It looks to be a Three way.
Well, 1 Ice Wolver, 1 Swarm thing, and:
1 Ancient Lumber, his host of silkwings inside him, and all the wolvers, chromas & Lumbers in the forest awaiting his call.