Greetings once again Praetors. With the continues growth of the Khanate I have had to implement several new positions. This guidline falls closest to the recruitment topics since recruits and existing knights can be applicants for such positions. If you are already in one of these positions this can serve as a reference for your duties.
Auditor General
- Responsible for monthly oversight of the Guild's financial, construction and recruitment activities.
- Regarding Financial matters: Gives treasury accounts for the start and the end of the month. Also
indicating the number of knights contributing to the treasury/storage and their respsetcive amounts.
Must keep a tally of the top 5 contributors for the month
- Regarding recruitment: Must keep track of which officers have recruited and how many have been recruited
kicked, or left from the guild.
- Regarding construction: Keep track of the projected and actual cost of projects instituted by the Task Master/Guild Master
*May assign apprentice auditors for aid
Chief Architect
- Designing commissioned projects within the guild hall for all areas of the guild
- Must design at least 3 blueprints for submission per project for consideration. If designs do not meet the desired
specifications of the Guild Master more must be submitted.
- Must work with the Guild Master for specifications and the Task Master for cost projections
*May assign apprentice architects for aid
Chief Magistrate
- Supreme executor of the Guild Master will and the laws of the guild
- Handles all cases of misconduct and disorder of all members (including all other officers and excluding
the Guild Master)
- Enforces law and order in the guild
- Makes supreme judgments over all cases (in the absence of the Guild Master)
- complex or multifaceted disputes between one or more members can be resolved in a hearing with the
Magistrate and Guild Master (if available) as co-judges and jurors
- Works with and as a treasury warden to enforce the guild quotas
Secretary of Commerce
- Involved with all aspects of trade and commerce between the guild and non members and/or other guilds
- Works with the Task Master and Auditors to promote and enhance current streams of revenue
- Conducts trade business within the confines of the chamber of Commerce
- Buys and sells materials for use within the guild
*May assign secretaries to assist
Task Master
- Chief co-coordinating body of guild affairs for events, projects and financial matters
- Sets the pace and timetables (in conjunction with the Guild Master if available) for assigned Tasks and events
- Chief editor of the Praetorian Khanate wiki page
- Responsible for getting financial information from the auditor and secretary to manage costs (putting available information
and revenue into consideration for any assignment).
- Responsible for giving the architects the budgets they can work with.
- Responsible for managing and checking with the duties of treasury wardens
Treasury Wardens
- Officers with the additional responsibilities of checking if members are meeting their accepted responsibilities
of guild contributing (crowns and materials)
- Must make sure all members (who log in) have contributed (at least) 200 crowns for the week
- Must issue notices, warning and citation to uncooperative knights unwilling to meet responsibilities and report to
(either) the Magistrate, task Master or Guild Master
*In the absence of the Guild Master the Task master and Chief Magistrate Hold Supreme Authority of the guild (in conjunction)
Aside from their respective duties, these positions also have the titles of Viceroy and/or Vicereine (gender specific) giving them the
authority of second in command of the guild
I would love the position of Auditor General. I'm decent with logistics