I'm currently trying to get a MAXIMUM! Shock Resistant Spiral Demo Suit & then Upgrade it to a Volcanic Demo Suit, but I seem to be only getting Low UV's(and Profit from the AH, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) So, does the Armor have to be Upgraded to get the MAXIMUM! Rating or can the 1* get it, too?
Can you get Very High/MAXIMUM! UV's on 1* Equipment?
Yes you can get Max on a 2* Item. I managed to get a Max Fire Resist on a Wolver Coat and plan to upgrade it to Skolvar Coat for a dual Fire/Ice Max Resist Armor.
That being said you are much more likely to get Low and Medium UV than an Ultra or Max UV. Each level of the UV seems to be more rare than the previous. It works a bit like this although I do not claim to know the percentages as it would take way more observations in crafting than I have personally done.
Low 60%
Medium 20%
High 10%
Very High 5%
Ultra 4%
Max 1%
Or something along those lines. It is even possible the percentage desent is even steeper as I just took whole number for ease of the discussion.
To add to the posts above, there are some exceptions to the rules.
"Unique variant bonus amounts are described by ability ratings, whether or not the stat is displayed by a bar. On armors, the boosts can go up to a Maximum! (6) rating, although Ultra (5) cannot be obtained. For weapons, boosts can go up to a Very High (4) rating. "
Yes, welcome to UV farming.