undocumented jelly cube

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I have seen a jelly cube that is not in the wiki, and it seems that no one has documented it yet. It is very similar to a regular jelly cube but is slightly larger, it has a glowing core, and is a slightly darker purple. This maybe an anesthetic change, due to tier as so far I personally have only seen it at the jelly palace(in tier 2), or it maybe a different jelly cube in general. thanks for reading.
Is it the Ultra Blast Cube? Also, what are your graphics settings? Some settings will remove some textures from the sprites resulting in oddly colored monsters.

This is a cube that appears a few times in the Jelly Palace. The best way I can really describe it other than "more pink." I'm not sure but it may simply be a Tier 3 Jelly spawn for the purpose of offering more of challenge in a boss area.
I don't know if it has more heath or attack though. My current setup is very unforgiving to jellies.
Yes, the monster pages of the wiki are quite incomplete respect to the tier of monsters. I think most monsters are there, but not their tier appearance change.
Jellys come in 3 varieties, the Tier 1 ones that are small, the Tier 2 ones that are larger, and the Tier 3 ones that are even larger and darker.
In Jelly palace some tier 3 jellys spawn along the Tier 2 ones. The most interesting thing is that they get other damage calculations applied to them depending on the tier of your weapon, you can see that on some tests I did here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/7342 where I get like 20 extra damage to them when going from depth 15 to 16 and a 5* weapon.
I called them Brute Jellies for some reason, they reminded me of the blue ones from beta.
I think this guy might be referring to the brute jellies that spawn in the last battle before the jelly king. They are not in the wiki for some reason...

Here's the difference that we're talking about in case anyone is still unclear.

There are no brute jellies.
What do we call them though. Tier 3 jelly cubes? Should we add images on the wiki for every tier of monster type?

I say yes. If possible, make them an animated .gif like this one here for the monster pages: Blast bomb explosion
What's been peeing me off was that I attempted something similar for the armors, but it failed horrifically. And with the Wiki requiring some "grace time" to update the image, I'm rather... hesitant to begin.

For monsters with tier versions, see the instructions here for naming of files for tier versions of monsters: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Talk:Visual_Encyclopedia/creature
Those images should be PNGs because that will give a clear image. You can make animated gifs and simply link to them in the text for people to view, but it's really too distracting to have them on the page directly (either link or do a resized thumbnail for them to click on since the resized version will not be animated - see http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Spur).
Eventually we'll have a version of the monster template that shows tier version images when applicable, but I haven't had time yet to work on that. If someone else wants to give it a shot, go for it.

Some monsters in the monster template are tier 2 or higher versions of the monster. I understand that we are supposed to follow this format:
But we cannot do that if [[Monster-Chromalisk.png]] contains a tier 2 version of that monster. I left a list of monsters on the Visual Encyclopedia/creature talk page that have the same, ah, issue.
I'm also compiling screenshots of monsters in different tiers! :D

Replace with Tier 1 versions is my advice. Although with the current image issues, maybe just do one as _1.png instead.
Edit: Feel free to ask me if the monster you're trying to screenshot is really one that has different tier versions or not. Or if you need confirmation of what tier an image is from, upload under a temporary name and ask me to confirm.

Looking at d0gr0ck's pic, I can state that there is no variation, they simply appear darker because they are transparent objects on a dark background.

Looking at d0gr0ck's pic, I can state that there is no variation, they simply appear darker because they are transparent objects on a dark background.
No, this appears to be a Tier 3 jelly spawn. It does have extra health over the smaller cube. These darker cubes are more common as you get closer to the core.
Being a boss area, this is similar to the occasional T3 monsters appearing in T2 danger rooms.
i use low quality and i can tell you that i have never seen these... i also dont notice any difference between the T1 and T2 lumber even though the wiki says there are differences... its most likely a T3 or "brute" jelly

I fought the Impostocube before. He was nice. He gave me a gold coin=)
Do you have a screenshot?