How tall is each height type of knight?

Do we know yet?

Dang, unless every character in TF2 is secretly a giant, extra tall and below is mouse sized.

The Knight in the promotional image suggests a Knight's eye level meets the Sniper's elbows. If the average human being is 5' 10" (1.72 m), let's assume Sniper is slightly above average, at an even 6' (1.82 m) tall. Taking into account the average length of the arm, adjusted to take into consideration the Knight is eye level with the elbow, plus the head, it is quite possible that a Knight of Normal height, if we were to assume the knight in the promotional image is Normal, is roughly 4' (1.2 m) tall, with each Height Mod being a few inches different.
tl;dr Knights are short compared to humans.

If you by any chance have every played Garry's Mod and compared the Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 2 models, you'll find that the characters in the former actually are significantly larger than human-sized figures in other games. (In a sense, the former is a mod of the latter.) Not to mention the Sniper is also the tallest character in the game, even beating out the Heavy.
So while I'd guess that knights, basically being Chibi Space Marines, are shorter than average, I expect they're not horribly so.

Good gravel... That's even better than one of Zeddy's data-gathering threads with exponentiation and percentages!
You sir, win the forums.
I'm not kidding.

... I am perfectly okay with my knight being 4' tall, in fact I love that A LOT

Extra short 87.5%
Short 93%
Normal 100%
Tall 106.3%
Extra tall 112.5%

If we assume that the developers used a metric system when developing Spiral Knights and its models, one can deduct that a Spiral Knight's normal height is roughly 140cm.

GUYS! All knights and will be...midgets. Compared to the rest of the humans in the world of Earth. We just simply dwarf our characters.

But I'd be looking my knight in the eyes looking down only a little bit.
I wish I knew so I can have an avatar on VRC
Extra Short, Short, Normal, Tall, and Extra Tall?