Now Recruiting for the Caliginous Order

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Legacy Username

Greetings! The name's Capitrium, or just Cap for short, and I am the leader of the Caliginous Order. We're accepting players of all types - causal, hardcore, and anywhere in between. As long as you are currently an active player (and I can't imagine you'd be reading this if you weren't), regardless of daily play time, you are eligible to join. That being said, try and drop in every once in a while so we know you didn't die or something :)

The rankings in the guild are yet to be decided on, but will likely be based on a combination of Tier, time in the guild, attitude, and general skill. We'd prefer people who are at least somewhat social. After all, if you join a guild only to end up not talking to anyone, then why join in the first place? EDIT: With the new Tier 1 content, recruitment is now open to all players. Apply now!

Speaking of applications, you can do so either on this page directly or on our guild site! It's pretty bare-bones at the moment, but once we've got more members and I've got a bit more free time I'll spruce it up a little. For those of you who apply only through the guild site, please make a post in the General Discussion section of the forums there; I'll likely make a dedicated section for applications in a few days, depending on the amount we get. Feel free to improvise, but try to include at least some of the following in your post:

- Your IGN
- Your Tier/Equipment
- When you started/how long you have been playing Spiral Knights
- An estimate of your average daily playing time
- Previous MMO's played
- Some background info about you (likes, dislikes, etc)
- Anything else you feel like including

Thanks for reading, and I hope to be reading your applications soon!

Legacy Username
My app.

I'm looking foir a guild to join and stay in. x.x
Kind of hard when no one replies in game or on the Forums so far. =/

- In game name - Lawlly
- Tier 2
- Equips - Magic hood/cloak, Tempered Calibur, Solid Cobalt Armour/Helmet and Great Defender. (Still working on maxing them all. Not enough energy. xD)
- Errm, roughly 2-3 weeks.
- About 1-3 hours.
- Flyff, S4 and Shaiya. (I only still play S4 though.)
- I greatly dislike morons, people who are inconsiderate and selfish, I dislike so much more but there is not enough time in the world.
Luckily I do have some likes though such as; having fun, great jokes, relaxing, music and general socializing.

My equips are not great but I have been told I am a good player by some friends, simply due to the fact that I shield well and attack strategically, not to mention the reviving others too much. Lol.
Also my time zone is GMT. ^_^

Legacy Username

I've been reading lots of different guild forums and came across urs and thought it sounded pretty good so i'd like to apply :)

-IGN - Mjharrison
-Tier 2 (very close to tier 3, 1 thing left to get)
- Equipment - Heavy Plate Helm, Boosted Plate Mail, Mighty Defender, Avenger, Nightblade (got recipe and mats for heavy plate mail, just need the ridiculous amounts of energy)
-Started bout a month ago
-Usually 2-4 hours unless i dont have much work to do and then i'll sit on here while watching tv or something
-This is my first main MMO that i have properly got into and stuck with
-I'm much like lawlly, i dont like people who are rude and inconsiderate and prefer a guild that talks to each other and helps out rather than these giant ones where people get annoyed for so much as saying hi. love playing rugby and most other sports yet at same time i love computer games so a fair balance i thing :) music and having fun are two of my fave past times

I like to think im a relatively good player, using not just brute strength but strategy aswell, but ofc thats up to you ot to decide, not me :)

Oh, and im also GMT :)

Legacy Username
Lawlly and Mjharrison,

Lawlly and Mjharrison, consider yourselves members of the Caliginous Order :) Work has kept me fairly busy this week, so I'll add you when I'm on tomorrow. I'll try to be on at around 3:00pm (my timezone is GMT -4, so that would be 7:00 on both of your times) and if you're both on we can do a JK run or something.

Legacy Username

*joined another guild*

Legacy Username

- Your IGN: Ryostar
- Your Tier/Equipment: 2, Cobalt Helm, Defender, Angelic Raiment (UV), Temp Calibur, Stun gun.
- When you started/how long you have been playing Spiral Knights: 2 days ago.
- An estimate of your average daily playing time: 4+
- Previous MMO's played: Rappelz
- Some background info about you: Australian, 20, Uni student. What else, hmm you'll get to know me if I join.
- Anything else you feel like including: Nope.

Carcharoth's picture
Welcome :)

Mjharrison, I'm GMT + 1, so I guess you'll most likely do your runs with me ;)

Anyway, for those that have been invited and accepted: Welcome to the guild!

PS: IGN = Carcharoth

Legacy Username
First Guild Event

A quick announcement for our first guild event. Details are available on our guild site. Sign up now for a chance to win up to 400 CE! The event doesn't take place until June 11th and 12th, so apply now!

Legacy Username
Hi! I'd like to join your

Hi! I'd like to join your guild!

- Your IGN: Zethus
- Your Tier/Equipment: Tier 1, I basically just started this character so I don't really have anything aside from the starting gear.
- When you started/how long you have been playing Spiral Knights: I started playing around November or so during the preview event, but stopped around January. Just recently I've picked the game back up!
- An estimate of your average daily playing time: Two hours maybe of solid dungeon time. Maybe more depending on if I'm chatting with anyone.
- Previous MMO's played: Final Fantasy XI and PSO if that counts as an MMO?
- Some background info about you: I'm a pretty chill guy! I can get along with pretty much anyone, and I love giving out helpful advice! I'm a university student, but I'm pretty fried from two straight years of studies, so I've opted to take this summer off!

Legacy Username
New content

With the addition of the new boss stratum in T1, recruitment is expanding! Players from Tier 1 may now apply regardless of time played on SK. Hopefully you will be able to participate in the guild event next weekend, but if not a similar one may be in the works :)

Remember to check your inboxes, I usually try to get on at least once a day around midnight (GMT -4) to do invites and sometimes a run of FSC. Longer playtimes on the weekends, so if I don't see you during the week I'll talk to you on the weekend at some point I'm sure.

Legacy Username

- Maffleman
- Tier 2
- Cobalt Cap, Defender, Cobalt Armor, Tempered Calibur (almost ascended), proto gun (trying to get a new one lol)
- About a month.. not every day though
- 1-2 hours, until my energy runs out ._.
- WoW, Vindictus, Maplestory, Lunia, Rohan, and some others
- I like funny things, people who are willing to chat in the game and who will laugh and tell jokes.. dislike douches lol ;)
- I'm a nice dude, i have a good sense of humor, and i get along with people well lol

Legacy Username
A fellow former Mapler, eh

A fellow former Mapler, eh hathzorz? :P I tried to send you an invite, but it seems like you spelled your ign wrong or something. Fix it or send me a mail in-game and I'll invite you.

Legacy Username
IGN - Supermrtumnus Tier

IGN - Supermrtumnus
Tier 3
Full Mighty Cobalt set, Ascended Calibur, Hunting Blade (I'm almost ready to upgrade these all to 5*, I just need CR, CE and the recipes I'm missing)
I've been playing for around 2 weeks
I usually play for around 3 hours, but sometimes I play a lot longer.
I've played WoW before, that's about it.
The only thing I really dislike is people who complain about other party members who might be inexperienced. It really gets on my nerves.
I like anyone who's sociable and enjoys having fun within the game :)

Legacy Username
Bump it up

This should be on the first page, hooray for a social group :)

Legacy Username
Sounds like a fun guild to be

Sounds like a fun guild to be part of~
IGN: Acherpwn
Pretty much t2 approved (got more than enuff equips but still need to finish off the t1 run quota)
I'm a regular player who enjoys JK runnin'

Not rly looking for any recipes per se. Just a fun bunch to run with XD

Legacy Username

Hello! I was perusing the guild page searching for a guild and this is the one that stuck out to me the most.

My in-game name is Azujax and I just made Tier 2 with all of my equipment being 2-starred except the second weapon. I started about a week and a half ago and I've been having a good time playing on my own so far, but it's a bit too quiet for my tastes. I've been looking for a fun group of people who don't mind a new, casual player to chat with as I learn the ropes. Having some friends to do some clockwork adventuring with instead of the random blokes all the time wouldn't be too bad either!

Thus far I've spent 1-2 hours online each day that I've been playing, but I wouldn't be surprised if that increased with a fun guild. The previous MMO's I've played are Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft, and I'm still on Transformice fairly often (if you can count that as an MMO, lol).

Llike I said, I'm not looking for anything other than a bunch of fun people to hang out with, and you guys sound like you fit the bill. Hope to see you in-game!