The Problem
The missions are good content, but there is a fundamental issue with the way the game is played- players go through the missions and don't play the arcade. The missions are the main focus of the game, and leave the arcade and other features on the wayside. They stretch the already small player base thin and limit exploration greatly. If I am a new player, I see a ghost town when I get to Haven... parties, especially parties for certain levels in T2 and T3, are hard to come across.
I also feel that there is room to expand and greatly improve the game- easy room to expand. This is the great potential that I see in the mission system- geared towards making the player feel a sense of satisfaction when unlocking and completing missions, rather than a sense of completing some odd bucket list of things. This would also bridge the gap between the mission system and the arcade perfectly- requiring play in the arcade as well as in the missions.
The Concept
My fellow shawty Thunder posted a thread suggesting optional missions be found in the arcade-
And I thought- "Man, I really just don't like the way the game is focused around the missions."
And then it hit me. The general structure of the missions is as follows:
-Intro to general mechanics of gameplay
-Intro to beasts/slimes
-Intro to construct/gremlins
-Intro to undead/fiends
-Flavorful missions (Like Arkus... not related to bosses, but still plot)
-Intro to Boss
-Intro to Boss 2
-Boss 2
-Hall of heroes
Furthermore, each intro sequence is broken up into two parts: An explanation of whats going on with the monsters, and then two levels for each of the mobs.... So why not integrate this into the game, and instead start players into the arcade immediately... then offer tutorials as they go through it?
The Proposed Solution
To introduce a more natural feel to the game, scenario rooms should be tied to flavorful missions, and normal levels to introductory levels. Boss levels would be unlocked in sequence, slowly at first, then quickly leading up to the climactic encounter. Introductory levels, for crafting stations etcetera, should be introduced at the start of the game, but not required to go through.
To unlock the mission detailing what gremlins and construct are, one would simply encounter a gremlin or a construct themed level. To unlock the level that makes the knight face construct, the knight should encounter a construct. The knight could choose to learn about that construct/gremlin directly before fighting the level. Then after beating the level, the knight would be given ample opportunity to prepare for and beat the level given to the knight.
To unlock the flavorful missions, common scenario rooms should be encountered at least once after unlocking all of the bread and butter levels described below. The idea being that you the player finds something random and unique in the clockworks- like a recon module imprinted with Arkus's voice- and then the Spiral Order contacts you to investigate. This would give players the sense that they were the ones going through the game as if it were their own journey.
To unlock the introduction to a boss level, knights should have to beat all of the levels leading up to that sequence of level, as well as encounter a scenario room. Much like before, the knight has discovered the boss on her own. She goes through the levels, and finds a scenario hinting at the existence of the royal jelly palace. This would lead the knight towards discovering the royal jelly, or the roarmulus twins.
To get to the boss, no scenario room would be required, as the game would have been leading up to the boss as it were. Fighting the boss ahead of time and winning could potentially unlock the boss mission for you. (Or maybe not? It'd break from the story... small detail)
Other levels may or may not have prerequisites- battle sprites may require the knight to master basic gameplay elements before overwhelming them with additional features. Battle sprites could also be given to knights to help them through mastering basic gameplay elements. Either way would be fine, but they would have to be integrated. The hall of heroes would be unlocked after completing all missions prior to it, as is usual.
Changes to support this would be minimal, but would have to include things like hiding future missions, and allowing missions to be unlocked in differing blocks. Certain missions may also be unlocked via multiple scenario rooms- an abandoned camp with a loan statue of a trojan could also suffice unlock Arkus. Existing scenario rooms could also trigger certain missions to appear.
This change would allow additional missions to be inserted freely as well- and would make for a truly changing landscape if done properly.
"But it Would Make Progression RNG-Based!"
I would agree that this would not be a good thing, but my thought on the issue is that the scenario rooms required of the player wouldn't be that bad, and that if deemed necessary, there would be a number of ways in which the player could advance without meeting the prerequisites, should they get messed up by the RNG.
It could be timed based- if I don't find a scenario room in a certain amount of time, I'll receive one. Time could also be based on the number of levels completed- after 20 levels of not finding what I need, I would get that level guaranteed.
It could be that the last one or two missions fill in automatically. This would let me unlock 3-4/5 levels, and then get 1-2 of them for free. This would be my vote.
It could be that the player could unlock later missions first, and that only a percentage of levels would be needed to go on- like 3/5 for each block. My other vote. Easy to code, would work like a charm.
It could be that upon getting the correct gear for the hall of heroes ahead of time, the player would be allowed access to all missions they missed, as they currently do.
As for the player getting stuck via not being able to find a gremlin level (if they need gremlins), it is important to keep in mind status stratums, which make the odds of there existing one level themed around every enemy existing very high.
I like everything but the fact that you use scenario room to unlock something. I run the arcade a bit and I don't encounter them that often. if scenario rooms become more common, then I'll be all for it.