Last week Halody (The Halcyons Odyssey) started a guild event called Halody pick up lines. The winner got 10kcr just for fun and stuff.
You can read some of the entries here.
However now I keep getting in game mails with pick up lines from random people, and a dude on the forums as well, so I thought, hey why not make this a SK event?
So here are the rules:
- Submit a pick up line, doesn't matter whether it's directed towards the male or female audience.
- You can submit as many times as you like.
- You're allowed to make it as dirty as you can possibly think of.
- If it's too dirty for the forums, mail me and I'll just post it on our blog.
Winner gets 50kcr and gets to take me out on a date.
The event ends whenever the heck I feel like it. So do your best, maybe there will be multiple winners, which means more free food for me. Tada.
Are you you a beaver? Cuz dam.
I'm going for a walk, can you hold this for me? *Holds out hand*
My two favorite things are commitment and changing myself. (Bonus points for anyone who gets that.)
EDIT: "Winner gets 50kcr and gets to take me out on a date."