Riley's Guild Related Suggestions

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Legacy Username

Hey all just thought I'd list some stuff I thought would fit well with this game. Some may have been suggested previously.
These will all revolve around the same basic premise.

(1) Guild Dungeon.
Now, we're all competing to put the right Minerals in the right gates. My guild, currently has been throing as much Crimsonite into Emerald Queen so we have a T3 arena to gain some decent crowns/heat in.
Then I thought, the Guild Hall is pretty useless right now, so ow about a Guild only dungeon, that the Guild Leader can decide what to make?

There is a Machine where Guild Members deposit Minerals in, much like the Arcade's gates have. This is located somewhere in the guild hall. Players keep depositing them, and then once enough have been reached, a dungeon can be opened for 24 hours only. Thing is, the Leader (or other designated officials) can choose what minerals go in.
So, if he so choose, he can add all the Crimsonite in and get a pure Arena dungeon.
And so forth for other tpyes and combinations.

It allows players and guilds to come together and make something mroe personal without having other players being 'mineral terrorists' (note, this is a satrical joke term we use in my guild).

It can be implemented with my (2) suggestion below, in levelling your guild and NOT your equipment and earning money. You gain Guild Points, and gain bonuses for clearing it quickly, without deaths and other such things.

It might detract progress from the regular gates. All guilds will be doing their own gates and ignore the racde ones, that's why I suggested making them have no Heat or Crown rewards for your equips and characters. But instead furthers your guild. It may still be a problem though

Inactivity could mean it'd go to waste, or be too reliant on active officials.

(2) Guild Levels and Points
Give your guild a levelling system. What for you ask? Well, benefits that could be included of course!

Okay so mixed with suggestion (1) above, we've got a means to earn Guild Points (GP). When you eanr Guild Points it goes toward your guild's total amount earned.
Each level up (which will NOT be easy to gain) your guild aquires a few benefits.

Level 00 - Normal Guild.
Level 01 - Choose Guild Name color when displayed under member's names.
Level 02 - Increase Guild dungeon depth to Moorcraft.
Level 03 - Guild Equips can be accessed and worn. (More below)
Level 04 - Increase Guild dungeon depth to Emberlight.
Level 05 - Guild merchant available (more below)
Level 06 - Increase Guild Dungeon depth to Firestorm Citadel
Level 07 - More guild equips unlocked
Level 08 - ???

Added depth to being in a guild.
Could add some activity for those at 'end game'

(3) Guild Equips
Having a unique Helmet, chosen by the leaders in color and design. Costume slot ONLY.

Not much to say, guild leader gets to choose from some designs, providing guild is appropriate levels. Then guild leader choose Primary and Secondary color.
The Guild Equips will be available for 2500 crowns and 50 energy each.
1 Helm + 1 Armor.
Available from NPC in guild hall.

Guilds are given a unique look.
It's optional.

May cause arguments/elitism.

(4) Guild Merchant
A travelling merchant that appears at a certain time each weekend.
Will carry random recipes and trinkets/equips.
Occaisionally carries rare mats, for a HIGH price.
Depending on guild activity and play time/contributions depends on how much items will cost. There is a limit to this 'discount' though. So super active guilds won't get super cheap items. 10% discount max, maybe.

More often than not, he won't stock great things. Rare stuff will be rare.
And once it's bought, it's gone. First come, first serve. No duplicate rare stuff when it arrives
Sometimes stocks new guild designs. If you purchase a design it goes to the guild automatically and a message is displayed to your guild:
"Player has just purchased Wyrm Scale Guild Helm. This will be availavble for Guild Leader to customise in the Guild Hall."
Guild Equips will be highest prices. Something around the 45k mark.
Only stocks 10 items at once.

Rewards guild contributions and activity with possible new items.
Gives guildies something to look out for every week.

Not many i can think of. Increased prices and super rarity and limited stock make this pretty fair I feel.

Okay guys so let me know if you can think of any pros/cons I havent thought of, and ways to tweek it so this could work well.
Feedback is very appreciated.

King-Tinkinzar's picture
Glad you wrote the cons down

Glad you wrote the cons down :)

Legacy Username
I like it. With the Guild

I like it. With the Guild Dungeon, does the dungeon have to be temporary? I don't like the idea of throwing a bunch of minerals in only for them to be gone when you're done with the dungeon. Maybe the Leader can choose when the dungeon goes ka-florp, so that you don't have to keep wasting minerals?

Legacy Username
Well, my only thought is so

Well, my only thought is so we have a reason to keep going back to the original gates. To earn more minerals to contribute to yuor own guild's one.
Because if the gate was infinite/indefinite, then you would all just put in enough whatever to create that gate, then never plkay the originals again.

I don't think Three Rings would like people ignoring their unique level creation system.
Minerals are infinite, so it's not really wasting them to get a custom gate for say, a week.
Thanks for the input :)