He walked through the graveyard wearily as chilling rain came pouring down on his head. He pulled out his Spiral Order issued umbrella and held it above himself. She was kneeling in front of a year-old grave, wet tears streaming down her face.
"I... I thought you'd be here..." he started.
She turned her head around to look at him, shivering. He sat down next to her and held the umbrella over both of them.
"I... I..." she wiped a heavy tear from her cheek. "I still can't believe she's gone... We did everything together..."
He looked at the inscription on the gravestone they both sat in front of. The name on it belonged to her sister. She laid her head on his shoulder, and he put his arm around her. She looked up at him, her light blue eyes sparkling. He looked back at her.
"I think I'm in love with you," he realized.
She responded, "I think I'm in love with you too..."
They leaned in and their lips touched. He wrapped her in his arms and she looked up at him affectionately. The rain gained momentum and hail began to fall along with it. A chunk of hail smashed through the umbrella. He held her close. They both paid their respects to her sister quickly, then hurried into a nearby shack for cover from the storm. They hugged each other for a long time. When they left the shack, the storm had ended.
In the new sunlight, he saw her beauty with new eyes. She stepped closer to him and they shared a long, compassionate kiss. They were truly in love.
I have no idea what this is or where it came from.