What are some reasons why you don't pay into this game?
I used to pay this game a lot. I bought elevator passes, OCH, energy purchases, packs because I thought this game was fantastic in those days. Whenever a promo came out, i bought energy above 10$ even if i don't need it because getting promo boxes from energy purchases was one of the most entertaining things for me. I could sell them if i wanted to make some more profit, or unbox them if i wanted to try my luck or have fun
I don't get why they put it on SD, the P2P model was gone once they did this because before I was: Buying ce to get promo item, transfer ce to cr (ce would rise during promos) and buy another box off the AH...
Now there is no need to pay the game... Elevator passes were the good time... I convinced so many people to get it because of how good it was in the old game model... but like Mushta said... here are the choices...
1. Make an in-game energy purchase, and instantly make 3500 energy
2. Buy 4 TF2 keys from community market, then sell them between 1200(very fast)-1500(takes some time) energy each in game. In this case, i can get between 4800-6000 energy, which is far better than first choice even if i am quickselling.
SK IS linked to TF2 market thus entering Steam market thus entering valuable money to get other game... A lot of TF2 market just opened up, IDK why....
New year, new resolution, leaving old habits and garbage behind... like SK...
still not a single official post about
Incorrect. I'd link you to the post but I fail to find it.
People are paying good money and all they're getting is just more and more moneygrabbin accessory/costume events. This ain't a dress-up game
Ah, but people want to look unique and express themselves. Costumes are like, the best example of F2P money making: the only people who buy them are people who want them (optional!), they don't give any extra benefits for purchasers (no 'pay to win'), and they don't take a lot of man power to make (pretty much just artist work, whereas features would be artist/designer/programmer work). You mention them like 'updates', when in reality they're little things to keep the company afloat while they work programmers on actual features.
I am wondering how many complete F2P vanguards are there?
As of this post, I am still a completely-F2P player (since April 2011) with multiple 5* sets. Now, most of them were made before the Forge was a thing. I actually have enough RFC to make two more 5* items, so I'm not going to be crafting anything seriously any time soon.
If I were to make a purchase, it would be for use of crafting new items AND to get a limited-time offer of an item.
The current Forge system and the reality of the current drop rates makes it so paying for say, 3500 CE isn't enough to completely pay to build an item to level 10 5*. Heck, if we go with the current 700CE/50 Radiant Fire Crystals, you'd need at least 6300 CE just to pay for the 453 crystals to heat it to 10 AFTER it's already 5*.
That's a huge deterrent for me. I might be paid more than enough per hour at my job so that sacrificing an hour's worth of pay saves me weeks of grinding, but the fact that it would really come down to that otherwise makes it even less appealing.
F2P since 2011 or 2010. I'm one of them vet players. My account is older than many, many famous accounts, yet I don't want the fame. My costume takes care of that for me.
Incorrect. I'd link you to the post but I fail to find it.
proof your words plz
fail to find maybe coz it dont exist ?
Because it's boring, and I'd rather put $ into better games.
^To be fair, i am pretty sure any game would get boring after 2 years of play. Including skyrim
proof your words plz
fail to find maybe coz it dont exist ?
I'm very sure a GM replied to a thread Fehzor made. If you don't want to believe me, go ahead. I'm not gonna bother proving regardless.
Rezzler. Before I played SK I played Minecraft. And do you have any idea how long I played Minecraft?
Two... Maybe three years? That's my guess.
I've been playing another game off and on for about six years. Granted it's a sandbox game, and heavily modable, which is constant content from the community. Games that one cannot mod, especially ones that aren't open world or sandbox, will become boring eventually. Skyrim might become boring... Until you turn the dragons into trains, and raise an army of naked penguin people to overthrow Solitude.
True enough. Still, it wouldn't be as boring if I could actually heat up and use my new weapons.
^To be fair, i am pretty sure any game would get boring after 2 years of play. Including skyrim
With the 7 years on Diablo II and estimated time of 5000+ hours, I very doubt this statement... my Gamecube memory stick can prove how much I love SSBM and how much that game (with no update for the past 10-ish year) got me back playing sooo many time... I erased my data file so many time and i have 1,500 hours on it atm...
2 years as a F2P is good?
*look at TF2*
*look at LoL*
yeah... 2 years is "good" for certain people standard...
he only buys CE to say thank you to OOO
2+ month after radiant nerf, still not a single official post about (does it back or ?),i can call it disrespect
for players.. in that situation what *ty* u talk about ? *ty* for disrespect ?