Im sure much of you will recognize me cause I'm an Ex-member of many many MANY guilds but I'm currently alone.
There are some resons that people keep inviting to guilds :
-I'm a fully 5* n a tier 3 player
-I'm pro in LD (over 10000 DMG n 3 caps almost every match)
-end I'm good in PvE
What I wanna say know to every guild master and offeciers is that DO NEVER EVER INVITE ME TO A YOUR GUILD
WHY? Ok remember when I said "I'm an ex-member of many many MANY guilds "? These guilds were dead or everyone leave it just after my entry by 4 months (6 max) such as Aeons end Beware I don't know why but it s not because of me cause I always follow the rules of a guild I think it s just my bad luck
I'm telling you these cause I receive everyday 3or 2 invites
So please don't invite me i don't wanna mess up your guild or squander your chance of forming a good one
(this speech is reported especially for "twenty one" end"jempire" members )
a visual representation of what presumably most people are thinking as they click this thread
can we just send you notices of guilds we want to die so you can join them and take care of it for us
because otherwise i have no clue who you are