Everything is a good idea, and the starter pack will be great for people who are considering to spend a small amount of money, but want to definitely get into the game.
That is all.
Everything is a good idea, and the starter pack will be great for people who are considering to spend a small amount of money, but want to definitely get into the game.
That is all.
Yay for Achievements! Now you are officially catering to my set completion obsessions.
I might have to get the Starter Pack, pretty good value with all those upgrades and mist tanks.
This one: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/9565. Coming later today.
The question is.. what are the stats for the static flash & green ward? And even more importantly, what do they look like?
Also, not able to access the game, does anyone know what the current list of achievements are? Or has this update not been deployed?
edit: ninja'd =\
The Static Flash and Green Ward are 1* items. I doubt there is an upgrade path so it isn't a big deal. I'm surprised they didn't go for armor so people would buy it for costume.
I don't care about anything on this update but the very first thing.
Unless the 2 free items are 4*, they need to be GUARANTEED to have a UV, instead of normal chances. I mean, you can only get them once per account... what is the POINT of normal chances?
UV's are supposed to be rare. If, for some reason, you really wanted a specific UV on one of these two 100% completely free items, then get someone to unbind it and buy it from them when the option is available.
Oh I see. Thanks for the link.
The AH update and achievements sound very nice.
Will the starter pack only be available for a certain period of time or will it always be purchasable?
"If, for some reason, you really wanted a specific UV on one of these two 100% completely free items"
It costs 19.95...
Anyway, achievements. Yay!
Will the starter pack only be available for a certain period of time or will it always be purchasable?
We're doing this one indefinitely.
Eurydice, I have a really simple question for the devs that I already posted on another thread:
Are you going to do something about the CE price for the crafting or not?
Just a yes or no. It's simple.
Until then, I'm only using ME.
I was just thinking the other day how neat it would be to have achievements, and low and behold, achievements are being added! Awesome.
I'm really enjoying the update schedule, with all these minor updates, excited to see what we get with the next major one. :D
Agreed. I have been waiting for a long time for that answer already.
Please make the Heat Upgrade cost crowns! PLEEASE!!!
@ LoneKnight: The $19.95 you're spending is for the 7.5K energy. It's $0.0 for everything else, including the two items.
I suppose you could bifurcate the cost to everything else.... But that's silly. (And the two items would still be negligible.)
You are the kind of guy who buys things from McDonalds/*insert restaurant here* when he finds a coupon, right? Since it basically costs negative then. It's like earning money!
800 CE for 20% heat gain over 2 days? Nobody's buying that...
800 Crystal Energy for Heat Amplfier! Unbelievable!
20% more heat for 48 hours is not worth 800 energy. That's insane. You'd have to run 4000 energy worth of depths in 48 hours just to get your money's worth. That's completely absurd.
Only if it drops the price at or below what I am willing to pay! =)
And with McDonalds & whatever, that'd usually be the case since they always have coupons.
And if the original price was already at or below what I was willing to pay, a coupon would increase my enjoyment (or "utility" in economic terms).
And thank you for making me hungry =(
Very good deal on that Starter Pack to be perfectly honest, I'm tempted to buy it...
I have to say that the change to Yesmen broke my heart, but I understand why it was done. Achievement system was a pleasant surprise and I can't wait to check that out.
No new content, no care. The starter pack looks like a nice deal but then you realize that there's absolutely nothing left to do in this game unless you find running Jelly King/Citadel for the 9781484th time entertaining.
And rofl @ the price for the Amplifier. You have got to be kidding me.
Starter pack is tempting however I kinda said I'd never buy CE again and I'm usually good on my word so for now you can't have my money!
*edit* and yea that heat amp price is laughable no offense but really guys? come on!
Hmm it'll take a while to adjust to the new way sorting works, but I'll get used to it I'm sure.
It'd be cool if there was a way to combine sorting algorithms, but I understand if that's probably a little on the complicated side. It could probably be done without changing the UI, just have a click highlight each way of sorting that is being applied (another click would reverse it and then again would turn it off). I guess, who knows.
(the rest of you whining about lack of "content" go outside and play or something, it takes TIME to make new content, something you guys clearly have no concept of since you expect big updates on a weekly basis or something asinine like that).
a few comments:
* I agree with the WTF over the heat amplifier price. The vast majority of my time is spent not using heat for anything, and when I do get a new item, I can fully level them up in a day or two. Unless the game changes to requiring vastly more heat, I wouldn't pay 8CE for this, running a single gate is worth far more. This kind of thing would have been handy for 5* crafters, but those don't exist anymore, and even then, I don't think 800CE would be worth it.
* the starter pack comes with two trinket and weapon slot upgrades that "are character-bound". Does this mean that these upgrades will start ticking as soon as you get them? What happens if you already have those upgrade slots? Or, does it mean that the upgrade "usables" just can't be traded, like mist tanks can't be? I suspect it is the latter, but the release notes don't seem particularly clear to me.
It'll only be worth something if somehow OOO manages to decrease heat gain and screw over the players, yet again. :P
Why would they come up with this? People aren't crafting 5* gears much, so the urgency for heat isn't there. The price is also ridiculous.
@buckaawk Don't give them any ideas! :P
I might buy the starter pack next paycheck. Sweet
Let's see here...
AH fixes: Always nice to have.
Achievements: OH NOES MY TIME
Starter Pack: Sounds tempting, but I'm not swayed.
Heat Amp: I understand you need to create a "cash shop" for those willing to pay, but isn't 800CE A bit... ... ... exploitative?
And the addressed issues of the last patch has yet to be addressed. What we'd love to know is the rationale behind the increase of CE for crafting (apart from the "OH NOES PEOPLE ARE BUYING 5-STAR GEAR" reason, since that one could be easily fixed if the dev group actually took some time to read the suggestions forum), because at this point, you guys are seriously implying that all you want to do is to milk paying players for their money.
And yes, I do understand that it takes time to put together new content. But the issues of the last patch have yet to be addressed.
Also when will PVP SNIPE HERDING be implemented?
"I can fully level them up in a day or two. Unless the game changes to requiring vastly more heat, I wouldn't pay 8CE for this,"
@ wrs1864
next patch update: items 4*, 5* now require 10 times more heat, we did this because we feel like upgrading equipment is taking less time than we intended it to take :)
im predicting something like this
I went into the auction house to find Blue Shards expecting to have to sort through the pages to see what the best deal was, but the new update has it where it automatically divides the price based on the lot number. So 10 for 1000 winds up on top of 1 for 101, since it's a better deal per shard. It made it really easy to find the best deals, and I was impressed. Nice job.
The starter pack is pretty nice.
The heat amplifier is a bit wacko as far as prices go. Usually, F2Ps have some sort of item you can buy that gives +xx% exp and gold for a month. Heat is a similar mechanic, so in my opinion, those exp/gold increasing items are directly comparable to the heat amplifier. Suffice to say, a month of the heat amplifier would cost, according to a figure I saw in another thread, $30. That's... pretty ridiculous.
And achievements? I like achievements, but I like achievements much more when doing them gets me something more than simple bragging rights.
PS: It needs confirmation, but it seems like heat gain took a heavy nerf. Maybe it's just me. I wouldn't mind if it was, things were leveling very quickly before, and it'll be nice to have heat stay useful for longer.
sRAGRH, and here I was telling myself 'I won't give any money to these greedy pigs!!!' Then I see the starter pack :/
It's kinda not worth it, but kinda is...Need time to think this through..
Also, I haven't checked the achievements, but I really hope/doubt they have rewards (which they SHOULD, crowns/recipe/item/material)
Will the included Heat amplifier be sellable just like slot upgrades?
Will the included Heat amplifier be sellable just like slot upgrades?
From the Release Notes: All items are character-bound.
That means you can't trade them with other players.
Starter Pack is entirely too tempting. Will definitely shell out $20 for it. And Achievements? About time I think, looking forward to hopefully some clever ones.