Let me return to the same place if I just idled out

7 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

I'm not really sure what the best solution is but here is the problem.

I was soloing and in the middle of 2 safe places. To get that far requires a significant time investment. Today after playing for an hour or so, I had to run to the store quickly. I was back in 15-20 mins. But alas, I'd idled out and lost my progress.

This is even more frustrating because I had spent energy getting to that point, and more energy because I died a couple times. I understand that there needs to be an idle out time so server resources aren't wasted, but it would be nice if there was some way to lessen the sting of losing a lot of progress.

I would be thrilled if when I logged back on I could start at that same level again, but if that won't fly, being able to restart at the last Clockwork Terminal would be great too.

Legacy Username
Bumping oldest relevant

Bumping oldest relevant thread I could find.

In general, I'd like to see a way to save progress. It's very frustrating to find that completing a full dungeon is taking longer than I can handle. It's frustrating to find that I've had something happen in RL that needs my attention, and 15 or 20 minutes later is too late.

I know the server has resource limits. So I've got a simple idea.

1: If a person goes into "zzzz" mode, and has no monsters nearby, and is not in a party, then that person is "idle". The server process/thread that is waiting on an idle person can fully wait on a response from that person, or a death notice from a "need to reboot". No computing resources needed. In a blocking wait for either a read or a signal, so it can be swapped out.

2: A level that contains only "zzz" people cannot be entered by another person, nor matched for grouping.

The idea here is that if a group of people need to take a break, they break up the party into a bunch of singletons, and then each singleton goes to rest. The server processes go idle.

Later, when people return, they wake up. Then, they see who else is around or not around, and join up accordingly.

Now, what this won't give you:
- Chat. While idle, the server won't be spending time forwarding chat to you.
- Same party. When you wake up, you may have a different party.


If this is "too hard", then how about a "Save progress" option? At the very least, when you reach the point of being able to go down a level, have the choice be:
- Go down
- Save and return later

Choosing B brings you back to the character select screen, with your character saved at a certain depth of whatever dungeon. And note that this doesn't even need a server process; you become nothing more than a database row.

Equally, you could have an "auto save" like that -- maybe if you idle out while in the middle of the level, next time you will restart at the start of the level.

Legacy Username
The first suggestion with

The first suggestion with blocks and signals is way too involved. Not just from a programming standpoint, either. It's too confusing to most players. Even when presented in a simple fashion, people like to know what the exact rules are.

Being able to save and quit (suspend) at elevators (or even only at terminals) sounds like a decent idea, but it doesn't lend itself well to grouping. It seems like this would break up the group every time. I'm not sure what would be an elegant solution to that.

An auto save feature would be extremely easy to exploit. Don't like the way this run is going? Boss didn't drop the item you wanted? Just idle out and try again.

Legacy Username
Was playing with my

Was playing with my girlfriend and there was a storm outside which was causing my connection to waver. I dropped a few times, connected back into the dungeon perfectly fine because the game didn't remove me from play. Eventually when my connection was stable and I wasn't lagging at all, poof, game booted me to the title screen, logged back on immediately, welcome to Haven.

I didn't even get a grace period to log back on where I was. What I figured and guessed it to be is that I might have hit a bad point in the weather, net dropped for a second, router proxy changed and therefore the game didn't recognize my login even if it was from the same account.

Another time would have been useful for even a save and quit/suspend at terminals, because the girlfriend and I were playing again and going down quite a few floors and she had to take off for 15-30 minutes. Really hate having to abandon out in those kinds of situations when you'd much rather idle for a short spell rather than relocating to the last point, especially as our gameplay is still young with mist being one trip per day and energy not being easily purchasable if we hope to get equipped at all to survive the floors that require it.

Legacy Username

Made the thread some time ago, nobody replied :<


Legacy Username
> Made the thread some time

> Made the thread some time ago, nobody replied :<

Technically, this thread is (#96), 10/18; yours is (#147) , 10/22. Yours only deals with level changing; this is idling anywhere.

Legacy Username

Hm, nope, it deals with disconnecting at any time, for any reason. Just saying I asked for the same thing some time ago, not that I did it first.

Should I write many paragraphs explaining my point like you do so it becomes clear?

Legacy Username
OOO could always remove the

OOO could always remove the idle auto kick feature, it was/is one of the things that always seems annoying about YPP. (many a evening of "wiggle my mouse honey while im away")

That said, I have nothing for those who DC. I assume there is some sort of DC timeout where it auto dumps you back to town, you can't really fix that.