>Character Applications Allowed<
Please Submit some characters of your choice to this story, with their age, looks, personality, background, and/or special abilities.
Nanoka, a Drakon who's knight has died, comes in contact with a knight named Dragon's Light.
Dragon's Light is not a knight. (#Rhymeslikelimes)
Dragon's Light is a Draconian who never takes off his armor, lest be caught by poachers.
That literally want his hide.
Nanoka and Dragon have to delve deeper and deeper into the Clockworks, running from the fabled Everfade, a gremlin poacher.
Who never loses sight, speed, or age.
Soon Dragon teams up with three knights.
More people to hide his secret from.
Sprite: Drakon
Looks: Maroon with a black harness
Abilities: Can sniff out Dragon from almost any distance.
Personality: Cheerful, Go-Lucky, Helpful.
Background: Used to be owned by a knight that wore a full-set of 5* armor. Nanoka was abandoned at the Core., where SteelyIce supposedly died. Eventually got to higher levels, where she met DL.
Level: 18
Dragon's Light
Class: Swordsman
Looks: Full Set of Emberbreak Armor, Determined Silver Eyes, Personal Color: Forest Green.
Abilities: Faster than an average knight, due to him being half-dragon. Really skilled with his Nightblade and Tempered Calibur.
Personality: Almost complete opposite of Nanoka. Usually slightly depressed. Serious. Only laughed once in his life, and that was before the poachers. Never falls in love. Steely. Composed. Sometimes fearful, always looking out for Nanoka and his fellow knights.
Background: Parents were killed by poachers in the night. DL found the spiral knights after they crashed, and stole a new knight's armor, and posed as a newcomer. Eventually became close to his stolen Nightblade, and began his life as a loner swordsman. Still scarred by the death of his loving mother, and carefree father, who always took him on walks. Lives away from the knights, in a cave near a lake.
Any people who want their knight in Dragon's Light's "team" will either have to post their knight in the comments,
or email you suggestions to ruhirajan@icloud.com Send me an email if you want to be put in the story quickly.
If you want a character put in the story, but not part of DL's team, please say so.
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