What does it do? I had never seen it.
What does it do? I had never seen it.
I'm in the picture >_< Is all I wanted to say =0 I still have no clue what the button is for.
Perhaps it's the server's self-destruct button, did you press it earlier today?
Maybe, we pressed it early this morning. The pic has a time stamp. 5:07 AM, December 30
You have unused invitations, shame on you Tant!
It's hard not to have unused invitations they give out so many.
In one of the new patches, a crate hides the switch.
I still have no idea what it does, bump for information.
Every time you press that switch, a small electrical device implanted in Cory's left butt cheek zaps him, causing him to do the Cossack dance.
Must be frustrating for him with those of us who areburning the midnight oil down in Almire...
Can you imagine what a mess that would make of the bed?
His platonic life partner Ross seems to get a kick out of it.
I dunno, but that Kita is awesome and I think everyone should give her 1000 crowns
Anywho, you should also mention the button was only visible once we removed fire from on top of it. There was no sign telling us that we should have done that too. Once we removed the fire, the button was there. Unlike the random ones in Clockworks, this button was NOT pressed. When Tantarian pressed it all it did was make a noise.