Hello guys :
As you know Aurum is a guild that primarily focuses on pvp content , but that does not mean that we don't play pve .
Also we do, but to enter you must have a required level in pvp.
Aurum is composed of two leaders
And 4 Officers
The rest of the team members , recruits and veterans, earning his rank because of their participation and contribution to the guild.
If you want we get to Aurum, we ask only that you fill out the form below, I will put.
If you pass the form, you'll know right here and make you a second test of skill.
Application Form :
1- Character Name :
2 - Time playing Spiral knights :
3 - Have equipment 5 star and all level full :
4 - What style do you like more , Bomber, Striker or Recom :
5 - Why you want to join Aurum
6 - Know anyone in our guild ? , tell me names.
7 - Are you ready to go to war at any time against any enemy?
8 - Finally, add an image to your maximum damage achieved in lockdown.
Greetings and good luck
1- Character Name : son-of-hades
2 - Time playing Spiral knights : over 9000
3 - Have equipment 5 star and all level full : idk what this means
4 - What style do you like more , Bomber, Striker or Recom : recom
5 - Why you want to join 21 : because it's my favorite number
6 - Know anyone in our guild ? , tell me names. : dAArknub, redblAAdes, skybrAAndon, seirAAn
7 - Are you ready to go to war at any time against any enemy? im afraid of war D:
8 - Finally, add an image to your maximum damage achieved in lockdown.