I've no time for a proper OP now; will put a better one up later or something. Suffice to say that this is my own wierd way of dealing with Nick resigning from OOO last week. Which I only found out about an hour ago, thanks to parental internet control stuff blocking SK for the past 2 months or so -.- so it's really fresh news to me while it may be old news to you guys. But hey, although I may be a bit late, better late than never, right?
So... idk what this is supposed to really be. The news about Nick's resignation hit me sorta hard, and I'm not thinking too straight at the moment cause of that. After I read Lanieu's thread here, I started thinking of ways I could express my own thanks to Nick and all that stuff for his work with SK and making such a great game and all that. Cause he's a great guy, isn't he? I figured I'd write a short story about his character in my stories resigning his own post as [president/king/emperor/ruler/tyrant/hegemon/dude] of the Isoran Union/Republic/Something, since I'm not all that great at writing heart-felt comments.
Then I thought of something that I don't even know what, but basically I eventually got to the idea of making this kind of collection writing and prose and art and stuff made by other Spiral Knights like you guys expressing out thanks to Nick and our feelings about his resignation. If it got big enough, maybe end up emailing it to Nick maybe... Show it to him or something, idk. Cause gratitude you know? And while I'm still not thinking straight, Ima chuck this out here before I come to my senses and chicken out.
So, if any of you are interested in this, simply open the document below and add your own stuff. Stories of your own creation, poems, art, simple comments, ect (all about Nick, of course). Remember to sign it with your Knight name. Don't worry about keeping it very neat. Organization can wait till later. Every contribution is welcome. Spread the word to any friends, see if they care to add to this.
This is all only in it's beginning throes and pretty much empty, but hopefully it'll slowly grow and fill up as people begin to write their own things to put in this.
That all said, welcome to The Book of Nick.
Seems someone has put something into The Book of Nick :D Dunno if Nerlin Flood is a Knight name or real name though... :P Seems to know me, but I dunno who he/she is.