That's right people. Spiral debate club. Easy to sign up, only 1k cr. Mail me, (Doomskull) to join, and I will not kick you out unless you are spamming, harassing, etc. Just mail me the fee in-game, and you can debate to your pleasure. I will have the topic up the night before for you guys to think about, right here in this post. I will also post place we are meeting, when, etc. I am on Eastern Standard US time, so I may not be on when some of you are on, but I hope this can be a fun experience for everybody!
The debates are 30 minutes, no more, no less. We have two team, in which you get to pick your side. The winning team gets 500cr each, and the losing team gets 100cr each. But, sadly, since I am a poor sniveling fool, I will only allow 12 people in on each debate. Post in advance to reserve spots! The entrance fee is, sadly, 200cr, because I feel like I won't have enough money for the winners at some point. But anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope to get those members!
The current people in the club are...
Senior members:
Recruits: Thinslayer, Valorai, Psychnade
Masters: Doomskull
I'm game.