Entry Thread: A Thin Line Between Love and Hate - Category 2

This thread is to be used for entries for Category 2 of the Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights Monster. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96935
Deadline: February 12, 2014, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific timezone)
Posts should include the information below:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask, a love aura, or specify which monster pocket you want (chroma whelp, love puppy, or mewkat).

Knight Name: Thewrongyggd
Link to entry image: N/A
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
Dear Devilites
I know you deal with hardworking jobs and trying to impress your bosses, but hear my message so.
You may be stranded on cradle, but you're not alone. Us knights have the same problem indeed.
At first sight of you I thought nothing of you. but your appearance amused me nonetheless. But then you perked up, your voice like a trumpet. A strange sound indeed. Your bumbling nature continued to amuse me further, as you fell on your face.
You may think your lives are hard, it's true. And we don't appreciate being captured and having things thrown at us.
But you must simply know one thing in mind. Some still think about you. Even if it's seething contempt.
So remember this the next time you're depressed. You've always got someone thinking about you and some people like you. and that's what matters. So when you get the chance to not throw things, think about us. And think about how you're my favorite out of everything else in the clockworks
Knight Name: Stegolomania
Link to entry image: http://fav.me/d75dgjj
Prize preference: Love Aura
One of my most hated enemies in the game...DUN DUN DUN the jellies :c
Colored pencil on sketch paper
Knight Name: Madganser
Link to entry image: NONE
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
Here we are, the Fire Storm citadel. The place once filled with the joys of an admirable
kingdom, Almire. Once thought to be a grand empire has turned to ashes, or so you think!
The days of this empire eternally burns and will forever burn in the bottom of Cradle.
while waiting to e unlit from the duke of eternal and vile Power, Lord Vanaduke. the
peasants that once roamed this majestic kingdom are now the likes of the everlasting
suffer, and throughout my travels I sense fear, fear of the people that once lived. Wanting
to rest without their grave disrupted but the scaffolding of these walls. Trojans, as we
call them stand guard of their dull-witted duke! while still putting up of a intense fight
I see the undead wanting revenge for whatever made this kingdom fall. A little soon after
I feel the terror of fire turrets blocked waiting for the right moment to burn anyone that
passes their way, with the undead under the molting hot stones ready to snap away at foe
as like they are avenging the turret. I once remember a lost soul told me, that no one ever
made it across the bridge I knew I had valor and I could take on the Lord himself. I make
to the Lord's place and oddly right away I find this blocks that heal me. I get on the
button and I find myself trapped in here with him! slowly I wither him away my blitz
blitz needle, soon after I find that his mask broke! I once found a codex that read:
Lord Vanaduke's mask is the source of his power. I knew that he was weak but yet still
able to crush me and heavily armored guards come on in to aid him! I knew right away I was
in serious trouble because they have the eyes of a hawk! I was able to sneak up behind
them and pierced their hearts with my Barbarous Thorn Blade! then soon after Vanaduke's
legs in the case that made him vulnerable, I quickly drew my sword in hand and stuck my
sword into his head and head on out.
a little story/poetry about my Hatred for the FSC and Vanaduke
also I'm making so many edits to make it better and more understandable and not confusing as to what I typed

Preferred prize: Forever Love puppy mask (for that special someone!)
IGN (In-Game-Name): Malkalack
A series of couplets for my darling Gremlins
Dear gremlins, thank you
You make great villains
In my fan fiction.
Really smashing eh?
And you never fail
To make me cuss at
My keyboard of games
!@#$, %&^*, *(#$%$ @*#$

knight name: Mordenius
image link: N/A
prize preference: love puppy monster pocket
To the subject of my affection
I attempt a kind connection.
It is the one who is of metal
although, there must be several.
mass produced to fight together
with allies of different measure.
It has a familiar shape
to those who wish to escape
and a very distinct rattle
so you know when its in battle.
Yes, I think you know who I mean:
The Mecha Knight! A wonderful machine!

Knight Name: Ariav
Link to entry image: http://i.imgur.com/VOvOp82.png
Prize preference: Love aura
Knight Name: Danshurin
Link to entry image: N/A
Prize preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask
Tortodrone, you shall be missed,
Now, you are left to pre-exist,
Your origin, not one knows,
Now, left with dead bodies and crows.
Your scenarios, very mysterious,
From the distance, only darkness,
Developers left you to farewell,
In the future, you shall dwell.
Tortodrone, you will be loved,
Everyday, I will think of,
Once your here, we shall battle,
Let us see, who is more powerful.
I love tortodrones, those huge cuddly things <3
With you, this place seems wonderful.
I have lived many adventures in this place, I faced the most terrible beings, I challenge the larger and overcame. I became a vanguard and yet why do I feel so vacuum?
Take my shield, take my sword. I am your Spiral Knight to serve. I do not mind dying, if I protect your life with my life.
My Sprite battle saved me from many troubles, even I saw him evolve. Will he be able to bring my message?
Fly high, fly and do not stop until you reach it.
"- Greetings my lady.
I have an important story to tell and I can not hide it anymore. Although we are all Spiral Knight in this world, you are no longer a Knight for me.
I thought what I felt was that I missed our old planet, now I know it is not.
Please come with me to the mechanisms this February 14, 2014. I wish that from that day, be my princess and I your knight.
No matter where we are, or the dangers that lurk. Nothing can stop you entrege me this message: I love you my lady.
You are the life of emergency lifted me when I thought I could no more. You're my energy. You giving me courage and strength to I can make one last attack and charged to I can dodge all enemy attacks.
I have nothing more to say. You are everything to me.
- Your knight, Lobozel."
Knight Name: Lobozel
Prize preference: Love aura

(Knight name: Nyaonix
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket)
To A Certain Gremlin
To a certain Ironclaw Mender
How could you make my heart so tender?
Whilst in battle, it was you I sighted
For you, my heart soon ignited
Hotter than a Pepperkat
(A rather aggravated one at that)
Strike me with your staff of hearts
For I've been smitten, and it smarts
"A Gremlin and a Knight?
This can't possibly be right!"
While this affection may be taboo,
The only thing I care for is you
Let's cast aside our Cradlillian shackles
And sit together, watching a fire that crackles
Let's find a ship and leave, just me and you
And live on a planet built for two
Welcome me into your sweet embrace
So I may see your fuzzy, big toothed face
Let me see into your beautiful eyes
And together, we'll watch the clear-blue skies
Knight Name: Asnoddy
Date made: February 7th, 2014.
Text entry: February 13th, Unknown year, Time- 0000 AM
Again, I have a job to do, this time though, it seems my post is in the ghostly areas. I hate these areas... It is so hard for me to swing or pull the trigger, because all these ghost cats make me think of my own cat... Well, My dead cat, Meow Meow, was what I named him. Heh, I know stupid name, but he was a rescue that was found almost dead and tore to hell and back, after he was taken to the vet and patched up I never let him out of my room until he was better, I made sure everything was safe for him and he loved me... I could feel his love every night when he curled up right next to my chest and his furry little head laid down on my chest... I loved that cat to death... But... This friendship was short lived... Not a month later he was laying down with me one night and I awoke at 3 AM in the morning to his whines... I didn't know what was wrong with him so I picked him up and took him to my parents who rushed me and him to the vet... Where he was diagnosed with severe infection... The doc said even if they knew before hand, there was nothing they could do for him, His wounds were too great and the infection was something stupid that not even the best meds could heal with time... I cried that night... A lot.... I don't think I stopped crying next to him... Just laying there with my head down on the bed looking at my feet a small puddle of tears forming up... I remember the last thing he tried to do... He tried to lick my hand... But... When his soft little tongue hit my hand... So did his cute little furry head... I nudged and nudged... But... He didn't wake up... The doc told me that he was dead... I cried worse and worse for a few days... The only time I stopped crying after that, Was at his funeral... It was only me... and my tears hit his body like the rain which started up soon after he was done and buried... But, The last thing I did... Was place half of a heart in his fur by dying it red... I did the same to my skin... I dyed a part of my stomach into the other half of the heart... And shed my last tear... Hold on... They are coming...
-February 13th, 0800, Unknown year.
Well, 8 hours... Maybe a few hundred... No... For some reason, There was very little attacks... And, again, I had a hard time pulling the trigger... So, I'm bleeding.... One of those cat's bit me... Right in the arm... Ugh... I don't know how I will get through another few days of this... And, I just noticed another thing... Ugh... This lonely Knight is working through Valentine's Day... Even though I don't have any dates or anybody to look forward too, I still wish I didn't have to kill CATS for Valentine's... My favorite creatures... At least Lil-Techy is here for me... Although... He is just a battle sprite and doesn't talk to me no matter what I say to him... He is a cute little Drakon, but, still, even with him it is just as lonely... Ugh... There is another one... It doesn't seem to see me... Man.... I wish I could see my cat again... I don't even care if he looks like one of them... Just... Just to feel his love once more hugged to me... That would make this Valentine worth the work... All of this would... Great, I phased out for a few minutes starting at my gun and the cat... I need to go do my job... This is Knight Aaron Tech, Logging off for the day...
-February 13th, 2330, Unknown year.
Oh god... I... I'm stuck.... I hate these ares, I forgot how bad it was with those... Giant Cats... Lil-Techy is here with me... But... There... I... I can't explain it... But... I... My... It's... It's Meow Meow... I... I know its him... It has to be... He has the tattoo... The half heart... He isn't like the others at all.... He... He is hugged tightly to me... I can feel his warmth... Oh god.. I... I feel his warmth... He... He came back... But damnit... I'm still stuck INSIDE the big cat thing... The dark one... The one that can't be in the light... Ugh... I forgot it's name... The Grimkin! That what it was... but... It's not hurting me at all... It... it's protecting me...? I... It's 30 minutes until Valentine's... Could... Is it possible that... The monsters have heard my cries and saw my movements and knew that they were red flags...? I... I feel terrible... I'm crying again... But... It's all puddling in my helmet... I don't know what to do... Techy is stuffed in my bag and I can barely move, but... I feel no... Pain... Or depression... I'm so happy... I am so happy that Meow Meow is with me for so much longer... Huh... What are... The cats... They are writing things on my board... Um... It's hard to read... But... I think it says "If you had one day left, How would you spend it?" I... I think they are either giving me a gift.... A very... Very great... Gift... But for one day... Valentine's... That's it... Or... They are conducting some sick experiment... And they want to kill me... But... The reasureing snuggle from the blond broken winged cat on my chest, made me smile as I hugged to it crying more, This was a gift...
-Valentine's Day, 0500, Unknown Year.
Ugh... My head hurts a lot... Was it all a dream... I am back at home... Just... Sitting here in bed... It's strangely dark and the clock reads 5:00 AM, and my lights have been unplugged... It's hard to remember everything with my head hurting so badly... But, I do remember most of it... I remember passing out after hugging to Meow Meow and finishing my entry... But... It all seemed so... Oh god... It was real... I see the large cat towing above me... It makes me shake in this armoring... I can't hurt it, Yet... Wait... I was... I was... It ate me... How did I get... How did I get out of it...? He HAD to have let me out... So... They have giving me a gift... They ARE letting me spend one more day... ONE last day... With my cat... I am going to do as much as I can with him... For his last day with me... I don't even want to fight the monsters any more... Are they really THAT evil...?
-Febuary 15th, Unkown time and year.
I don't thing they are really evil... They left me a gift... I don't care how useless it seems, I love it... Meow Meow will never leave my side again... Thank you...
( If it isn't understandable, Then think of it like a journal, It's how I would write it out in that, I would be just as scared and confused as he is, and depressed. )
EDIT: (2/9/2014) Picture completed: http://doomguy-teatime.tumblr.com/image/76130631648 (Please Ignore my stupid Tumblr name... )
Prize preference: pocket monster Mewkat.

Hello this is Sweroy (IGN)
This is a short story of me (snarby prince), my dad: Snarbolax, and mother snarby!
Prize prefence: Chroma Whelp Monster pocket
Tell me if u guys have a problem with reading my script... I can make it better and comfortable
Sweroy went home after his big battle against the gremlins. He went into the gloaming wildwoods to see his dad, the Snarbolax. “Hi son” said the snarbolax. “Hi dad” replied Sweroy
Sweroy: Whats wrong?
Snarbolax: Having a bad day
Sweroy: Why?
Snarbolax: Ur mom’s gone rabid
Sweroy: Oh
Snarbolax: Again
Sweroy: I understand
Why has she gone rabid?
Snarbolax: She says I haven’t been paying attention to her lately
Sweroy: Why is that?
Snarbolax: She says I’m too busy fighting knights nowadays
Sweroy: Mhm
Snarbolax: I’m trying to make her feel better, what should I do?
Sweroy: Give her something for valentines day
Snarbolax: Like what?
Sweroy: Flowers, a card, a snarbolax shaped love puppy disguise?
Snarbolax: No that’s not good enough
Sweroy: Then what do u suppose?
Snarbolax: A piece of ham with a ribbon around it?
Sweroy: Um, -_- sure dad whatever u think is good
Snarbolax: Thx son
Sweroy: Hey u take care of me, I take care of u
Snarbolax: Then I’ll get her a piece of ham with a ribbon around it
Sweroy: Tell her I said hi
Snarbolax: Oh and son no need..... I need you to go to the shadow lair to calm her down
Sweroy: Sure thing dad, sure thing
Sweroy went to the Shadow lair and calmed her mother (female snarbolax) down. He brought her back just in time for a feast, with all of the wolvers. It was a day with no wolver stunning bells, no swords, guns, or bombs, and especially no knights to disturb their feast...
And Sweroy’s family lived happily every after
Ign: Hyiaku
Just a little something I made.
Preferred prize: mewkat pocket monster
"Be my light in the dark path I take.
Be my sorrow I forsake.
Be my pain inside the dreams of my realm.
Be my suffering with which I am dealt.
Be for me there, in the end.
I see the light inside your eyes.
I see the tides, of oceans made of skies.
I see it all, I see it in you.
I see your pain, you hide it too.
I see myself beneath your gentle touch.
I am cold, I've seen too much.
I am worn, I've stood against an old crutch.
I am dark, I've been lost inside my mind.
I am brittle, I've learned not to try.
I am crooked, I've fallen and haven't come back.
In the path I take I see myself gone.
In the sorrow I forsake I see myself drown.
In the pain inside I may learn how to feel.
In the suffering I am dealt with, to others I won't deal.
In the end, be there for me, cause I'll be there for you."

Knight Name: Littlemiabot
Link to entry image: Click here!
Prize preference: love puppy monster pocket
Note: Expo markers on a laptop cover :)

Knight Name: Reto-Da-Liz
Link to entry video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysOmq85NMM0
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Knight Name: Warranty-Is-Voided
Link to entry image: http://i.imgur.com/RH4pwNU.png
Prize preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask

Knight Name: Choridia
Prize preference: love puppy monster pocket
- That's gonna be a long day...
Amber knight been jumping around a huge field, which appeared to be a place for her fight with damn lot of devilites. Wearing Chaos set in such situations are never the best decision, as long as you're not ready for a lots of avoiding and dodging. But surprisingly, knight been doing things fine, but she's been doing it in strange manner. Yes, she - the name of the knight appeared to be Choridia, and her favorite costume helm is Blazebreak Helm. So in such costume, with kinda not-begginer armor, she's been jumping around, dodging things floating in her... and killing pit bosses one by one. Completely irrational, but it actually happened, that she still been successful at beating devilites here - avoiding overtimers and not letting yesmans to appear, she's been killing them one by one... until the last one was left. He tried to claim himself a place of just died pit boss, but not successfully, as there's left no one else except him.
Small devilite looked at seemingly angry amber knight with dark Barbarous Thorn in hand and Barbarous Shield in another... and in fear tried to jump away as she fastly moved at him. Yet, she pushed him with shield, so in result he just flew away into the wall, stunned and unable to react on other things that started to happen.
He's been cornered. He tried to raise his office chair to protect himself, but in a matter of moment it's just been teared in small pieces...
- Please don't hurt me... - he wispered, covering his head with his small arms.
- Hurt you? Bah, I didn't had such plan from the beggining, even if it seems quite interesting, - she put her shield on the back, and, by putting her free hand on the head of devilite, raised him up to the level of her face. - I guess you just don't know how much I hate your kind. And all those greavers, and others... the whole fiend kind.
Little devilite closed his eyes in fear of punishment...but after few seconds, nothing actually happened. Choridia did nothing, just been looking at him. And he, still scared, carefully opened his left eye, staring at Choridia.
- Now listen me carefully, - she said, seeing that she finally got devilite's full attention. - First, I'm your boss today. Second, you have a day off. Third, you don't drop office stuff at me and other knights today, or else I'll force you to move every crystal depisote I'll find to be closer to elevator. As long as you do everything right - you stay fine and can do nothing. Understood?
- Y-yes, - he tried to nod, but not like it's even been close to be easy if someone holds you in the air, holding the hand at your head. Though, he kinda succeed at it.
- Good, - now the voice of knight completely not sounded angry, and maybe she even been smiling right now. She put devilite back on the ground, so he's been able to stay well from now. - You know, you're actually kinda cute then you don't try to throw things at me or someone else. Enjoy your day off, Happy Valentine Day.
After that, she waved to the devilite and gone away. He waved to her as well... and sit in the corner, thinking. About stuff, lots of stuff. Especially about what just happened. Lots of knights passed him that way. Surprised that he doesn't try to even move in their side, but yet not touching them as well...
At the end of the day, amber knight arrived at the depth with that devilite again. And again put a fight with fiends... but soon she found the one she gaved a day off. He's still been sitting in the corner.
- Hey, - she stepped closer to him. - What's the matter? I though you would enjoy your day off, and what I see doesn't looks like enjoyme... oh.
She looked at her hand, where small devilite actually put something. And it's been small red papercraft heart, which been looking like badge. She looked at devilite...
- Happy Valentine Day, my boss, - he said, and even with his strange face, it's been looking like he smiles happily.
- Thank you... - and in another second, she just hugged that little and incredibly nice one devilite.

Knight Name: Goldeneman
Link to entry image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG_IoTTVDtI&feature=youtu.be
Prize preference: Love Puppy Pocket

Knight Name: Dreams-Knight
Link to entry image: http://galaxyinvader.deviantart.com/art/Valentine-Gun-Pup-432641590
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

((Darn you Edo, I wanted to do a sonnet-style thing first.))
Knight Name: Pennzqwu
Prize Preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask.
Tinker, o tinker, what do you create?
Why do you hunch over steel, day and night?
You've not partaken of food in your haste.
Regardless of dark, regardless of light.
Child, o child, come over and see.
My old body's life is wearing away.
Create a Haven, a Sanctuary,
I wish ere death at the end of my days.
Child o child, I envision dreams.
A paradise with no reason to cry.
All kept together, no flaw in the seams.
This is the reason I create and strive.
Tinker, o tinker, why have you betrayed?
Broken the pact that you forged, sealed in steel?
Why not a glance, not a word will you say?
Why won't you rest, and let your body heal?
Tinker, o tinker! Please, what have you done?
What has transpired? Your sanity's gone.
Is this your dream? Your Cradle without sun?
Have you been making this...thing all along?
Tinker, o tinker! Why won't you speak back?
Death is coming! Crimson and sable hues!
Slowly but surely, a brutal attack.
Bodies are everywhere, on the road strewn.
Tinker, o tinker...

Knight Name: Gvdtok
Link to entry image: http://ainogommon.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-knight-Imposto-cube-in-Love-...
Prize preference: Love Aura

I composed a song for the mewkats!
Knight Name: Protocat
Link to entry song: https://soundcloud.com/protocat/mewkat
Prize preference: AS MANY MEWKATS AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE! Just kidding, the mewkat pocket monster would be great :D

Knight name: vanillaboy
Link to art: http://m.imgur.com/vHs7TwY,eLKzm0P
Prize preference: love aura

Name: Mariohuge
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
The Duke of Almire, Vana, was a respected soul. Many thought him to be one of the greats, and he brought true peace to the clockworks.
That is...until the Gremlins appeared.
Threatening to invade Almire, the Gremlins agreed to keep from laying waste to it in exchange for crowns...and lots of them. It wasn't long until Almire was broke, with the hierarchy slowly falling into destruction.
Vana decided to explore the higher depths, trying to find more crowns for the kingdom. He travelled through compounds and forests, having no luck with the drop system. He was just about to give up while travelling through a Devilish Drudgery, when he came across a strange-looking mask. A note was next to the mask:
"The wearer of this mask shall gain great power, while also being possessed by it. Give to Paul for office party, for putting too much sugar in my coffee."
Vana thought he could sell the mask to the Gremlins and keep the Kingdom at peace for a while longer, so he took the mask and headed back to the citadel...
When Vana reached the kingdom, though, the Gremlins were burning it down.
Vana watched as the elevator he was on descended on what was once a peaceful kingdom, now burning and in ashes. The Gremlins saw Vana as he descended, and prepared to fight him. A few of these Gremlins had wolvers at their side, meant to take out any resistance. Vana looked at the mask in his possession, trying to think if it was a smart idea to put it on. When the elevator finally landed, though, he knew what he had to do. Putting on the mask, he felt a great power pass through him, slowly corrupting him, and he used it to eradicate the forces enacting the siege of his kindgom!
Years have passed, and now the Duke of Almire named Vana is no more, for he calls himself Lord Vanaduke. Memories of his past still haunt him, and the mask's possession has leaked onto him. Even if he were to take it off, he still would not be able to differentiate from man and beast. The Spiral Knights have landed on Cradle, home to the clockworks, and now Vanaduke fights them too. Some say he's forever lost his mind, others say he was always like this deep down.
Though sometimes, on a single day of a year, one that the Spiral Knights and the clockworks themselves have proclaimed to be a day of love, Vanaduke looks on his kingdom and a sense of his old self comes to the surface. Unable to act against it, he builds sprite wells based around the power of the Sprites, who used to be the "snipes" of the kingdom of Almire. Vanaduke's old self does this not out of hatred for his new self, but in hopes that one day, those brave Spiral Knights shall be able to use those fountains to travel through the kingdom-turned-citadel and end his suffering.
This is the tragic story of Vana, and how his once great kingdom turned into the home of Lord Vanaduke.

Knight Name: Spearing
Link to entry image: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226770835
Prize preference: Mewkat monster pocket

knight name: squatty
link to entry image: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/040/4/1/grave_scarab_by_tinywin-d...
prize preference: mewkat pocket monster

Knight Name: Theirillusion
Link to entry image: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_RcnBWqju0
Prize preference: Mewkat pocket monster.
Knight Name: Missy_Freakoutnow
Link to art: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226363535
Prize Preference: Pocket Monster Chroma Welp
Knight Name: Lozminda
Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/PSXXLWz
Prize preferance: Forever love puppy mask
Vana being cutesy with an ash tail ^.^
Colour pencils on paper

Link : Link
Prize Preference : Mewkat Pocket Monster -3-
Knight Name: Soraheat
Link to entry image: http://soraheat.deviantart.com/art/Love-in-Cradle-433180743
Prize Preference: Forever love puppy mask
Knight Name: Troplink
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask

Knight Name: Bitsbee
Link to Entry Image: Link
Prize preference: Love Puppy Monster Pocket
EDIT: Oops. Forgot to add the Date & my Knight's name on the drawing. Will re-upload when back from school.
EDIT2: Updated Version with name & Date.

Knight Name: Jehuty-Ocean
Link to entry image: http://stitchpunk0.deviantart.com/art/SK-Snarby-Valentine-433291262
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket

Knight Name: Feon
Link to entry image: http://sav13ygrace.deviantart.com/art/Damage-Bonus-vs-Fiend-Medium-43330...
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
Knight name : Omnomnomz
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
This is written solely for Guardian Knight Arkus (from the mission The Silent Legion).
Hope you guys like it! ^^
there you are
silhouetted against the gravel tiles
a lone figure under the faint light
isolated from the world
it's for too long that you wandered in the uncharted depths
and sought solace in puddles of silence – but that didn’t work
for you still wallowed in grief
perpetually saying there’s nothing you can do anymore
but before you lose heart in everything
please remember that I’m here
always right behind you
no matter where you’ll go
it’s true I can’t promise you a happier past
but I can give you a better future
it’s true I can’t ease your aching heart
but I can hold your hand and stride with you
for we can transcend boundaries
if we just have a little faith in us
because two is better than one
it’s always better we are together
and I’ll believe in a love like this
I hope you do too
I love you

Knight name: Cyborg-Rox
Link to entry image: http://cyborgrox.deviantart.com/art/Spiral-Knights-Lovemulus-Twin-433379859
Prize Preference: Love Aura

Knight Name: Onaraasider
Prize Preference: Forever Love Puppy Mask
Health Capsules are red,
Remedy Capsules are blue,
Your beautiful face is glued to my head,
I proudly wear your torso too,
My love for you is shown with little said,
It is not your cousins that have caught my view,
It is you that spits the flame of love, my beloved,
Others try to harm your fiery hide but it won't do,
As long as i am here to love, with your face on my head,
I will block every ice weapon formed against you,
My love for you shall melt ice and burn the dead,
My heart will always burn strong for you, my sweet salamander.

Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
Link to entry image: http://imgur.com/Ugehw5z
Prize preference: Chroma Welp Monster Pocket
Moar pictures: http://fightingpolygon.deviantart.com/art/Love-Puppy-Costume-433457213

Knight Name: Vyktor-Kun
Link to entry image: http://nous3rnam3.deviantart.com/art/The-loving-support-433473413
Prize preference:i dont particularly care, but since i have to chose i guess ill go for the Mewkat pocket

Knight Name: Shuichi
Link to entry image: http://shuie.deviantart.com/art/Puppy-Love-433477582
Prize preference: Monster pocket: love puppy

note: sorry..... the snarby caps hair is a bit light..... gah! Should i rescan it?
IGN: Sweroy
Link: http://sweroy.deviantart.com/art/Scan-20140211-222830-433504269?ga_submi...
Prize preference: Chroma whelp
EDIT: sorry but me and my bro put the art into mature content (don't know what that is, just click display anyways) and i was a bit rushed
Name: Goldhole
Link: http://sweroy.deviantart.com/art/Jelly-kingdom-433501628
Prize Preference: Chroma whelp
Btw i'm sweroy's lil bro.... so i used his acount cause i have no deviantart account.....
Knight Name: Chesderp
Link to entry image: http://chestnutferaligatr.deviantart.com/art/SK-Valentines-day-contest-e...
Prize preference: Forever love puppy mask
Rushed a bit on this, nevertheless I hope you guys like it.
MI dibujo desde deviantArt: http://irieed.deviantart.com/art/IrieeDead-And-The-Queen-of-Ice-433511155
Nombre del Caballero: Irieedead
Preferencia de premio: Love aura.
Hecho a pc sin bases

Knight Name: Untrustful
Link to entry:
The following is a set of fictional events based on a true story.
Announcer: From Haven, the dating capitol of Cradle, it's...SPIRAL HEARTS! With your host...BECHAMEL!
Bechamel: Hello and welcome to the fabulous dating game show Spiral Hearts! Let's move on and introduce the bachelors!
*A mechanical platform swivels to show 3 shadowy figures*
Bechamel: Trust me, they're not as ominous as they appear.
*Audience laughs*
Bechamel: Contestant #1 has been a supervisor for what seems to be an indeterminable amount of time. You know him from the Arcade, it's Sullivan!
*A light shines on Sullivan, who is seen attempting to stamp paperwork*
Bechamel: This next contestant is a smith known for improving your gear and mine. It's Punch!
*Punch is introduced, and is seemingly twitching for an unexplained reason*
Bechamel: Last but not least, an employee that works behind the scenes here at Spiral Hearts, it's Mecha Knight Kit!
*Mecha Knight Kit turns and faces Punch*
Bechamel: Our female hostess for the evening was coaxed by her coworkers to come here tonight.
*Sullivan shows his disapproval*
Bechamel: So here she is, it's Kora!
*Kora is seen being pushed onto the stage by Kozma and is visibly confused*
Announcer: Kora is an intel agent representing Spiral HQ. She enjoys her work, loves snipe watching, and taking long walks in Jigsaw Valley.
*Sullivan is visibly pleased*
Announcer: Her pet peeves include graveyards, fire, the Crimson Order, and a shortage of sparks of life.
Kora: Bechamel? What's going on?
Bechamel: Well Kora, you're here tonight as a special guest, we have 3 gentlemen who'd like to meet you, but you have to choose only one after a series of questions.
Kora: Oh...well...I...
Bechamel: Go ahead and have a seat, relax, and enjoy yourself.
Kora: Well...alright I suppose.
Bechamel: Okay gentlemen, how about you greet Kora.
Sullivan: Glad I caught you. I'm looking for someone special.
Punch: Hello.
*Mecha Knight Kit continues facing Punch quietly*
Kora: You said there were 3 people?
Bechamel: Okay Kora, you may now begin asking them these questions.
*Bechamel hands Kora 3 cards*
Kora: Hmm...okay. Question #1, what would you do to make me feel special?
Sullivan: Offer you a promotion.
Punch: I would make you stronger.
*Mecha Knight malfunctions and suffers the shock status*
Kora: Question #2, what would you like most to happen when someone says the word Abracadabra?
Sullivan: See positive quarterly growth.
Punch: Someone pull a love puppy out of their hat.
*Smoke begins emitting from Mecha Knight Kit*
Kora: Last question, what musical instrument best describes your personality?
Sullivan: Soprano Saxophone.
Punch: Metallophone.
*Mecha Knight Kit begins breaking down in a rhythmic manner*
Bechamel: Okay Kora. You've heard their answers, possibly their hopes and dreams, so who do you choose for a date?
Kora: Well it's a tough choice, contestants one and two seem alright, but there's something about contestant 3 that makes him different from the other two.
Bechamel: So you choose #3?
Kora: Yes.
Bechamel: Before we meet contestant 3, let's show you the other 2 contestants you missed. Contestant #1, come on down.
Sullivan: Hi Kora. Sorry I didn't stand out above the competition. But if you ever need me...
Kora: To exchange krogmo coins?
Sullivan: ...Yes. I'll be in the Arcade.
Bechamel: Contestant #2 come on down!
*Mecha Knight Kit attempts to follow Punch, but is intercepted by Bechamel, who Mecha Knight Kit now chooses to follow*
Punch: Hello Kora.
Kora: Hello Punch.
Punch: Bye Kora.
Kora: Uh...bye Punch.
Bechamel: ...and now the moment you've been waiting for-
Kora: It's Mecha Knight Kit isn't it?
Bechamel: How did you know?
Kora: I'm seeing smoke rise to the roof, he should be taken outside before he becomes a health hazard.
*Kora attempts to lead Mecha Knight Kit outside, but it grows attached to Bechamel*
Kora: I think it likes you Bechamel.
Bechamel: Um. That's all the time we have left on Spiral Hearts. See you next time, same time, and hopefully same network.
*Bechamel runs outside with Mecha Knight Kit in close pursuit*
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket

Knight name: Lizzi
Link to artwork: DeviantArt version | Tumblr version
Prize preference: Mewkat Monster Pocket
Knight name: Arsonistcatnip
Link to artwork: Tumblr post
Prize preference: Love aura

Knight Name:Ernst-Swordman
Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbxQNXzsNtg&feature=youtu.be
Prize preference: chroma whelp

Knight Name: Khaleus
Link to entry image: http://ucasi.deviantart.com/art/Lord-vanaduky-433583466
Prize preference: Mewkat monster pocket
(Knight Name: Edolas).
(Prize Pref: Love Aura).
The blossoms of the trees, growing pink and violet in the time come to pass.
They do not compare to your ever-lasting beauty in my eye.
Your movements so graceful, though others would cast a vote of disagreement,
I cannot find a match more fitting for comparison to a silkwings cry.
How you pass me by with swings of such passion, the movements resembling a harsh winters night.
Yet the contrast of the passing storm, you shed yourself of the fleeting rage.
The wisdom you beseech me with such ire and glorious sound.
Makes me desire you for time eternal, til the start of a new age.
The bark in which you shed for the land, the people who misunderstand your pride.
But I will always hold you dear into my heart, I feel the unheard confessions.
The great need to protect what we both care for, and strive for love itself.
Unbeknownst to the wild fires of others that surround you, in their craving crafting obsessions.
As you lay down to rest, my very spirit weeps for your returning wake,
For I will always remember your form of perfection, even if you fall into this slumber.
Make sure that you will remember me as your one true partner in the life ahead of you.
My one sweet,
And Truly.... My Lumber.