Hello. I'm giving away 300k crown for a giveaway. Wanna know how to enter? Just simply put your IGN bellow and i will put it into a random shuffle thingy and will announce it on Feb. 8, 2014
Giveaway* (Closed)

Still fishy though, in fact
IGN is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Woah woah! it's not a scam, trust me.
@Avenger-Of-Troy you can just put your IGN here.

Yeah, it doesn't look like a scam; more like a for-profit endeavor. It looks like you wanted to convince people to watch your video, so you made a "contest."
I think what made it look fishy is that it doesn't look fun. Contests are meant to be fun.
If you want people to watch your YouTube channel, why not just come right out and say so? I've seen people do that before, and players usually respond well to that.

@Thinslayer Nah nothing like that, there were only like 8 people who enter, and i didn't want it to be that easy for them to win. I wanted everyone to join the contest. I don't even make youtube videos that much.

A contest or a giveaway? Contest would imply some sort of competing with a chosen winner who presumably did the best job at whatever task. A giveaway is choosing someone random. So... bit confused. Also the video says the deadline is the 7th but here you say the 8th. I'm not sure I want to sign up for a contest if I have no idea what it is.... And you didn't clarify if you should comment your IGN on this thread or on your video...

@Sleepy-Hollows My bad i was kinda in a hurry :P It's a giveaway* And i did put a note on the video saying i change it to the 8 and read the description...

IGN: Malkalack
Me a greedy bugger! ooh, shiny
I don't have a YouTube account, though I still want to enter. Any help with that?