So the new gate we have.. The Orange Pawn, or whatever it's called, on the farthest right.. It's pure red, and a suitable replacement for Ruby King. Please dump only Crimsonite in it so we can achieve our dream of 3 tiers of full arena, without fat Vanaduke now that he's not locked into t3. Just making the first announcement, if someone else wants to do a better organized/more detailed one feel free to.
New Pure Red Gate
I'm both with and against Fallout on this. I do think we should have at least one Arena-filled gate, but only one at a time.
By the time the new gate opens Emerald Queen will be gone, not that Emerald Queen is very good in the first place because Vanaduke is hogging up most of the third tier. Furthermore, the crimson/vale gates are awful. People do them because they need arenas for cash, but then you have lolwolvers being useless and unprofitable everywhere. If anything dump whatever experimental stuff you want into the Pink Falcon gate so it'll be something other than Arenas, but Orange Pawn is PURE RED, which we need to take advantage of. If you don't want to do arenas, there are plenty of other gates, but we all know that most fun things in this game require money, and Arena's the best way to get it, so we should have that option there as often as possible.
The bosses part isn't coming from the Red Minerals, nick said that they set him to show up on all the levels... LOL
Um, yawn and stuff. If playing the shortest level over and over is the fastest way to make coins (and I've seen nothing to contradict this, though if you look at payouts vs CE spent, then graveyards may be close but they take forever) then the payouts on arenas over time spent there needs to be adjusted so that spending 30 minutes in an arena-filled gate will get you the same amount of crowns as spending 30 minutes in a gate with any other level. Maybe it's as simple as making the hallways in between battles longer, so you have longer to run. Or maybe arenas aren't actually the fastest way to make crowns and it's just in our heads. Either way, I'm sure the devs are tracking the average payout per level.
The fastest way to make coins should be fun and interesting, and the game should not be doing anything to reward people for creating a scenario where the same thing happens over and over and over and over.
That gates isn't gonna stay pure very long, I just know it!
Well, it helps when you don't mess things up DarthLOL.
Do us a favor. If you're going to troll us, at least let us have a few days agony-free
Skaf, frankly speaking, wasting a player's time by creating empty areas to run through with the simple purpose of wasting time is just bad design. I agree that rerunning Arenas gets easy and boring, but by comparison all the other maps are easier, boring, AND unprofitable. You open less chests, fight less enemies, and spend more time LOLRUNNING without any thing meningful to offset it. The only thing that comes remotely near the effort of Arenas are Totem maps, the map with all the huge sleep jellies, and Firestorm Citadel. The map with the tortoise boss gets an honorable mention as well.
You don't have to make a level into an arena for it to be profitable/fun, Firestorm Citadel is a prime example of this, and this isn't because it takes one of the most annoying status effects in the game and combines it with THE most annoying enemies in the game. The side-games of it are actually somewhat challenging, and the spawn placements are actually very good. There's even a part where the Ash Tails, who otherwise have one of the easiest maps in the game, spawn in Firestorm Citadel and work to great effect.
Simply put, Arenas may be boring, but at least they aren't one of those horrible maps consisting of ONE ENEMY TYPE. I don't mind if they dramatically up the difficulty of the arena either, just so long as the difficulty-reward ration stays in proportion. The developers have shown us what they're capable of with Firestorm, I just wish we had a similar level of pressure in all the maps, or at the very least the upper tiers. Even Firestorm will become 'too easy' before long if it's the only thing we have to run for too long.
They can't really up the difficulty any higher for the third room without collapsing the level with lag. Even on solo a lot of players get a few seconds of lag when the final wave spawns in that room. And I thought we were doing pink falcon as the new arena gate.
Maybe all the other levels need to be enhanced to be as challenging/interesting/profitable as the Arena then? Maybe there could be more types of Arenas? I just can't see playing the same 3 battles many times in a row as something that's going to work long-term for a game, and would like to see better rewards from the game developers for a wider variety of levels so that we don't feel compelled to make the same level type all the time just to make crowns.
Why would you do that? I don't think there's anything wrong with having a level that's harder than the others and in turn more rewarding. Atm, we have 3 kinds of levels.
Low paying and easy levels (Wolver's Den and Treasure Vault), these ones seriously suck ._.
Normal level of reward and difficulty (Clockwork path, some others I don't care to remember) which is suited to everyone and the most common generally though maybe boring to stronger players.
Then we have the hardest but most rewarding levels, that'd be arena and firestorm citadel. Both are hard, fun and rewarding. Though one might think randomizing the arena more would be good, keep in mind you want to allow players to prepare equipment appropriate for the levels. (Like the obvious fire def for firestorm or poison for healing gremlins) Though, vanaduke could be more rewarding and so should red boxes, they're so crap <_< Well the developers are making more bosses, that's what we don't have so it's just a matter of time. For now I want my crowns =0
Anyways question, do we put whatever in this gate until emberlight, then put in crimsonite?
This just in: Someone put a green mineral in Pee Pawn, now there's a green stage.
Has it occurred to anybody that Gate Creation is a publicly accessible feature, and thus trying to control the full looks of an upcoming gate is plain silly?
We're in a closed beta for now, so it's easier with little people playing this game. But erm, what will you do when the game launches up for everybody? Spam the zone chats constantly and rant about dozens of people not following your idea of what a gate should look like?
As far as my opinion goes, your only "task" is to explain to newer players how their mineral drops can affect the looks of a new gate. When they know the concept, it's up to them to decide what they would want in there. It's not up to you to tell them what you want in there.
Congratulations, you're altering the only currently grind-able gate, when there is only usually one at a time, out of some over-inflated sense of self-importance that makes you think you should tell all the other players in the game that they have to play the game YOUR way. So a kid's building a tower out of lincoln logs by stacking them, do you run over and knock it down, and tell him "NO, YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CABIN! STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!"
Endcrab, it's funny, but you actually used an argument against Polantaris that is 100% against what you are doing.
Cheers for making me smile!
How is that? I think you misread. I'm not telling him he has to play arena gates, I'm saying he should stop screwing with the people who do, because there are plenty of other gates to play.
You think I'm the only one who would do that? I'm not. So stop acting like I've ruined your life by being the only one to have the audacity to actually admit it.
And to be completely honest, I know how the general community works. Once people decide that it's "the only way to grind", suddenly it won't be just one gate. It will be all of them. If you want a constant 100% truly set grind, play WoW, or some other MMO.
Why are people getting so upset over some people trying to make more arenas? Just ignore it and play the other gates if you want variety!
Yeah, that's true. But it works both ways. The gates have the ability to dump only 1 kind into it.
So therefore, your argument is that, we cna all do what we want.
And we want to politely request that people help us try and get something that's more rewarding than 5 Wolvers and a few Lumbers in a stage.
WHO PUT yellow and blue in the pure red gate??~????!!
Endcrab, you wrote:
Congratulations, you're altering the only currently grind-able gate, when there is only usually one at a time, out of some over-inflated sense of self-importance that makes you think you should tell all the other players in the game that they have to play the game YOUR way. So a kid's building a tower out of lincoln logs by stacking them, do you run over and knock it down, and tell him "NO, YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CABIN! STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!"
This was your reply to Polantaris to point out (s)he is trying to control how a gate is created, right?
Okay, let me point it out to you now. You are coming on quite strong in this thread that this specific game should be pure red because you and a few others would love that. That's a minority telling the crowd what to do.
Do you get it now?
If you don't, read this paragraph.
A = you, B = Polantaris. A tells people to make it pure red. B says (s)he'll do whichever (s)he prefers. A tells B (s)he's trying to run over the work that people are trying to do. But hey, B doesn't seem to like what A is doing either! Isn't the pot calling the kettle black here hm?
Basically, you can't "claim" a new gate and expect people to go along with it. If you would like a more or less pure red gate, then you'll need to compete for it in a free way. Gather up lots of red first with a group, and then drop in series of reds multiple times. Sure it won't be pure red, but if you do it right you can create several arena stages in a row multiple times.
There are three other gates, and Polantaris is saying that he or she will deliberately work against us, not that they'll do whatever. For the community of the game that isn't content with 100 ME a day, and doesn't buy energy with money, which, while small, makes up most of the regular players, having a red gate is very useful. Doing whatever is fine, we share the gates. Deliberately working to sabotage a group of people, just because you don't play the way they do, is saying "stop liking what I don't like." You misunderstood the anecdote. It's not the action of adding the materials to the gate we are trying to make, but the intent behind it.
Still, it's their right to drop in whichever they like. As I said earlier, compete for the gate. I can't see that being very hard if only 1 or 2 individuals actively try to sabotage you really.
A side-note: Right now you're only able to grind through arena's to gain the most profit possible because things aren't well balanced. Difficulty-wise, Nick has stated that the third round of an arena should be a near-impossible mission. Right now it's far from that, which makes it such an easy source of crowns and heat. Don't expect this to stay the same in the future, or at least I hope it isn't going to stay the same.
Frankly, you're as childish as him. Trying to control your "playground" like a little child.
It's a free game, stop trying to control it all. Accept that things won't always be the way you want it, even if it is due to people who sabotage you on purpose. Just have fun!
I'm childish for trying to enjoy the game? Alright, then you're childish for deciding what everyone else has to do.
I can guarantee you that when this game goes public, and we have thousands of players, there will be a group that will grind endlessly on certain types of gates and decide that those gates are the only way to go. Right now it's only one type, but by release there will be several, and then that will become the only gate people see. I don't want that. I know plenty of people who don't. If you want a solid, perfect, set grind, play a different game. It's that simple. This game is based on what people put into the system, and deciding that people have to put only certain things is being stubborn and controlling.
I might be seen as childish for trying to stop this, but I would prefer to play a game where things change every few days, then playing a game where the same thing is "Go here, then here, then here, repeat" every single day, like most MMOs are. I like this system, but if it's decided that only Gate Combinations W, X, Y, and Z are the only good Gates, then suddenly those are the only four gates that ever appear. And you know what that is? Boring as hell. And if you think that won't happen, you're fooling yourself.
Point of order... micropayment games (crystal energy scheme in here, doubloons over at Y!PP, etc) are not free. If you're using crystal energy, then you aren't playing for "free." It's just someone else is paying for you.
NOOOOOOOOOOO enough with the blasted arenas and bosses IM sick of the same thing over and over. it has been done to many times. i demand you to stop or i shall tesla cannon you.