Recon Module: Dennis Depth 21
It's been two hours since I've made contact with Leonardo the Vanguard. We've been seperated after the kat ambush and while I'm barely hanging on, I know Leo's in a worse condition due to his stubborness in wearing that forsaken cloth.
I'm going to leave a recon module at this candlestick. It was crazy enough to come in here with the two of us. No. I shouldn't even be here at all. I'm just a elite defender with a super blaster. I can't...
The candle is out! Oh man, oh man ohman! Listen, ifanyone's out there! Find me!
Recon Module: Leonardo Depth 22
Dennis. It's going to be all right. Use only the blaster and only take one on one fights when you can. Stay calm. I'm going to find you. With the way the clockworks are, it's very unsafe to approach any of the elevators. According to Spiral HQ, you're just one depth above me. I'll find a way to get back.
Contact with Yue on Depth 22:
"Come in Spiral HQ. This is Yue the Vanguard. Come in Spiral HQ."
"I copy you Yue. This is Mary from HQ. Have you contacted Leonardo or Dennis?"
"That's a negative. I've found a few recon modules. They are separated and are looking for a way back. I have suspicions that they are alive."
"Ten-Four Yue. Report back as soon as possible."
"Roger that."
End contact with Yue.
"You caught up. I guess I took my time with those Gremlins. Can never be too careful."
"Dennis is in depth 22."
"You found him?"
"You ditched him. Leo!"
"I found your last recon module in depth 21."
"Yeah, it turns out one of the elevators can--"
"Don't lie to me. I know you. You've never been the patient type!"
"He'll be fine. I found him a safe spot--"
"He didn't listen Leo. I managed to contact him through our Whispers. He's in a different depth 22. He's in a wolver's den."
"He... That idiot! He only has a super blaster!"
"I told HQ to send someone behind me. She'll get to the wolver's den."
"....Thanks Yue."
"Stop pretending you care in your recon modules. It makes me sick."
"Report back to HQ Leo. And stay away from the ranks. Soloers only make it worse."
"You turned out fine."
"No thanks to you."
Flashback: Leo has always ditched Yue in Firestorm Citadel. Yue was supposedly in a safe spot near the gates, but the slags saw her. Leo had always used half his life to revive her, but she was always waiting for him to finish off the rest of the slags. After going through fsc with Leo, Yue decided she could only survive with her Nitrodome.