Note: This is my little sample...I'm not sure if I want to write more... is anyone interested?
Prologue: What happened...?
It’s funny to realize how time goes by so fast, and how back then we never realized it’d turn out this way. So young and naïve… It feels like yesterday, when we met each other at the training camp. You were so full of hope and excitement when we got to play around with the bigger, more dangerous weapons. I remember that silly little smirk on your face when you finally broke the training bag in the training hall. And who was I back then? A timid knight, indeed, especially scared to provoke anything in sight. That was many years ago…
You taught me how to fight, made me stronger, and shaped me into the knight I am today. Sometimes I find myself pondering, “What happened?” but the thought quickly strays away from my mind as I find something else to entertain myself… Oo look! A Gobble Snipe! Err… Where was I again? This is a common problem when I decide to think about the events of those years ago… I chose to remove them, well, more like *redirect* myself away from them…
You may be curious to why I'm even discussing this matter at all... The reason, because... I must find you again and myself.
Two paragraphs for a story is like taking two bites of a cookie and leaving it.
Give us more cookie. D: