Winners have been chosen for next weeks run. Congrats to the winners!
Also wana shout out to Perronius for stepping up and leading the last SL when I got called into work. Props bro.
Winners have been chosen for next weeks run. Congrats to the winners!
Also wana shout out to Perronius for stepping up and leading the last SL when I got called into work. Props bro.
But because of my time restrictions, can we please enter the SL an hour or two earlier?
Also I'm hoping that the curse won't be that bad because I have no curse resistance.
@ crash
As long as you have three weapons and no negative curse resistance you'll be fine.
@ blue
Will participate in voice chat if there is any.
Nice, would love to chat it up with ya. Unfortunately it's looking to be another 6 or 7 day work week at the plant due to manning issues, so I might have to pass on leadership to someone else. We'll see
Now it's only a matter of getting there so I have enough time (I get off at 10:00 PST, 1:00 EST). How long does UFSC/the SL last?
and choosing my weapons. (BTW thanks for changing the date to Saturday :) )
Should I choose my beloved and trusted Divine Avenger 10 (UV: Dmg v Beast High, Undead: Low) or my newly acquired awesome Warmaster Rocket Hammer 5 (UV: CTR low), which might provide use for the dreadnauts and turrets.
Should I use a Shivermist 5 (Beast: low), my Blitz Needle 8 (UV: Dmg v Fiend Med), or my Gigawatt Puslar 10 (+gremlin low) (for the respawning turret things and possible UVana?)
Right now I'm planning to bring my DA and Blitz Needle or Rocket Hammer
Fortunantly I just got crafted my Crest of Almire 1 and have Snarby Cap 5 (UV: Normal def low) and Vog Cub Coat 5 (UV: Shock resist low)
My pet is Drakon 99 (too cheap to buy ultimate evo XD), with healthy perk.
I've done FSC elite all the time, but somehow cursed zombies with shields intimidate me :P
The date/day are still the same and won't waver without proper notice (friday night into saturday morning). If you have issues attending please let me know so we can find a replacement quickly.
Edit: Holy crap my bad. I just saw I accidently put Saturday's date. Fixed it then.
If you don't have any curse resistance I would advise against using the hammer, especially since it sounds like you are not too familiar with its kinks and specialties(Those come with usage. As you become super familiar with the rocket hammer it can prove helpful for Darkfire Vanaduke, but if you find yourself skilled with your Divine Avenger, then bring that.)
Darkfire Vanaduke is immune to the shivermist buster, so don't rely on the typical tactic that many parties use for standard Vanaduke.
Shadow Lair runs can take up to three hours (and that's leaving lots of room for error - I don't think Blueflood's runs have taken that long) depending on the team, especially if it is your first time running the lair because stopping to explain traps and other things that will make the run easier will eat up time rather quickly.
Curse is a tricky status, but if you have at least on weapon slot unlocked you can keep fighting (with no curse vulnerabilities, that is). Something to remember is that UFSC still is very... Fire based. Curse is dangerous, but there is still lots of fire laying everywhere!
I'd like to begin the SL early just in case (say 1, 1.5 hrs early).
I'm not worried about fire: I have Vog Cub Coat (as stated before) to help. I have also taken the liberty of watching UFSC videos: it mostly consists of extra Dreadnauts, totems, those respawning shooters, moving curse balls, extra zombies, more Trojans, less room, etc,etc,etc.
Having used my beloved DA for so long, I am happy to use it. However, I really like the hammer and can use shield cancel effectively as to prevent myself from dashing into the numerous traps in UFSC. It is also very since it is so similar to my DA. I have used it very well in FSC and Lockdown to great effect. It seems to be best against turrets and other stationary foes and shocked ones as well (the dash). I thing it will be great for dealing with the dreadnauts/crusaders since they take little knockback. Also most crowds with scorching barrier. It also is much faster than my DA which is greatly appreciated.
Also I don't have another WS, might as well buy one... Then I can have DA, War Hammer, and Blitz. 250 CE isn't that much.
If I don't, then I will just attack the caranvoid-thingys/dreadnauts and water DVana
*looks back at what I've written*
WOW I sure am being paranoid. XD Just like my first FSC. and UGWW. and OCH. But then again, it is never too bad to be over prepared. :P
Sorry that I sound so nooby.
Honestly, the hammer doesn't really shine until you reach the boss room. In order for the rocket hammer to work to its full potential, you need space. UFSC doesn't make much room, so it's a much better tactic to keep things away from you so you can maneuver around them and kill them in the correct spots(there are SO many totems). Unless you're someone who can dodge or tank hits, and you'll willing to be cursed if you're taking your chances with the second option there, then I wouldn't recommend the hammer. The hammer is definitely the most effective thing come swarm-seed, as you just absolutely destroy the seed in its place, but getting there is another challenge entirely.
Another reason why the hammer isn't as effective in UFSC is because you must attack the carnavons from the front. The hammer is much more vulnerable when attacking from the front, so be weary of that.
Yea... You're right. Though I have plenty of experience getting slammed when I incorrectly use the dash on a normal slag in FSC for extra dmg instead of kiting.
Totems? The answer is shield bumping and smashing, though I imagine it will be hard with Dreadnauts/Trojans.
Actually I'll just go DA + Pulsar with a chance of Blitz. Thanks for the info/feedback.
The Gigawatt Pulsar will allow for safer attacking and will provide useful knockback+shock against spacing cursed slags, howlizers/puppies, and UVanaduke.
Also, Ill try to use my Concussive Firebolt to try to stun Shadow Vana, etc. just like I normally do :-)
Should be faster than that time with Autofire (see Blueflood's vids) cause I'm slightly more prepped.
Still want to start early though. Just in case.
completed, sadly Crash couldn't finish the run, 12est too late for them.
Diamondos was the only one who joined from the group, the others were no shows, I'm afraid. I mailed all, but none logged in. started the run at 1220 to give them time, and actually used the key at 1am, sent tells to everyone on the list before doing so.
Sorry Blue. I tried.
It was the 26th at first Theirillusion. I had changed it afterwards, since this is a dedicated Friday night run. My fault for not mailing people about the update. I'll try to be more diligent in the future.
Winners announced for 5/2. Congrats to the winners!
This weeks run will be decided by the RNG at the time of the event.
Also, because i goofed and posted the wrong date at first, some people will be on this list again from last week that did not have the opportunity to go.
I do hope that I can be re-put into the runnings for a chance in the near future, as I missed my run do to a misunderstanding in time zones.
Yep. If you posted in this thread at least once with a reason you wanted to go, you're in for every drawing - no need to repost.
It must be over a year since i done a SL run since i can't remember. It'd be nice to see how things have changed down there with so many recent updates.
Id love to try a SL run! Just came back after about a year of absents and have been picking SK up again. I'd love to go for a run and try something new!
Im a sworder only, and have a FF, DA, Voltedge, Levi and Acheron. I also have full Skolver and a WOS, however since I just started playing again so all my trinkets/weapon slots have run out. I consider myself to be fairly experienced (although not in SL runs, as i havent done one yet) as I've been playing on and off for about 3 years or so now, and I can look out for my self.
BTW: To all those who still do runs, whether contest or not, Id love it if I could do a run Snarbolax with you! I had an extra set of ash tail i was heating for full snarby before i stopped playing and now that ive started playing again, i really need to make one! Ill gladly split the cost of a key!
Congrats winners! Waiting to see how yet another one of these runs play out :x
If I have this friday off of work (praying for it), I'll be recording hardcore. Smile pretty everyone!
Ha, I was pretty much the same thing; I found an ash tail coat as a drop and I was intending to find some ppl for a shadow lair until I went on a 1 year hiatus. Fortunately Blueflood created this awesome thread that gave me the opportunity to get to the sanctuary and craft the snarby set. Good luck when you get picked Zuri! And thanks again for another SL run Blue, I had fun with Perronius and his guildie buddies.
so uh.. if you need me, for the next 30 days, my name will be Rockhardandready.... because reasons.
Will get 1 day off tmr, so, would like to do a SL run. Same IGN and gl
Pools are closed for this week and winners announced! Congrats to the winners!
Didnt know you were doin this.
I solod the lairs and i know it'd be funny to run a dualcom while kickin arse.
Ce aint a prob, preferably darkfire vana for radiants and payout.
Separately, Perhaps if u are up for it we could do ufsc shadow weps only but with a blitz just cuz vsna would be a pain with 4person health and acherons only. If you're capable, and know any1 worthwhile skillwise we should assemble somethin man. Us 2 or a group doesnt matter man ^^ just mail me back and i'll upload to my youtube as well
i want to be the very best,
Thank you for the amazing run Blueflood! also, Sirstorm and Flowchart, thank you for spotting me in the creation of my snarby helm. i can pay one of you back now and will work on paying the other back.
Thank You!!!
Thankfully, this time my gear suits the shadow lair :)
/e puts on Skolver Cap, Vog Cub Coat, Savage Tortoise, Divine Avenger, Acheron (ASI: low), Trinket Slot, Weapon Slot
/e switches perk to bomb CTR
/e holds up Dark Retribution 5 (CTR: low)
P.S. I actually befriended Solanales in Lockdown last Wednesday (not knowing he was in the run)!!! :D. Gonna be a pleasure bombing with him (if he's online in the first SL).
Crash is coolio. Bombing with Snarby yo. It was quite fun, what with him annoying everyone with a DR and I failed to whack people with a Nitro.
Savage Tortoise is good, though since status is almost always better than damage type (For example, Skolver Freeze res is more important than the Piercing res), I'd recommend a Gorgomega to deal with the jerk Silversaps. I think Lichens can also stun you if sufficiently gargantuan, so the Gorgomega also neatly roflstomps that as well.
I go by Warranty-Is-Voided, everyone knows who I am and if we get to be in the same party, I'll be looking forward to your DR spam.
:) nice. Leekcoco will be helping me with the runs today since I got called in to work again... Good luck!
I've always wanted to do a shadow lair, i almost got to go once. But my friend decided to choose someone else because they were an SL veteran.
Thank you for this opportunity and good luck to everyone!
(my IGN is Spar-Crux, and my steam name is SparCrux without the hyphen.)
The Ice Queen run was fun, Leek was a great leader. I ended up leaving at the Unknown Passage due to being extremely sleepy.
(@Blueflood) I planned on making the Mercurial Demo set this run, but since you logged on, I couldn't ask for the Gremlonium. Obviously you have a real life, so I don't expect you to be on all the time, but wouldn't it be more convenient to keep all the donations on a seperate account that all the main leaders (Skycapp, you, Leekcoco, etc.) have access to?
Ah that's a good point! I'll be sure to dish out extra with the keys next time. Good call Poomph. I'm not all about the extra account/alt thing though. I do have a second account, but that's just used for the rare moments where the wifey wants to run some clockworks with me :)
Also (sorry for double post) I'm going to have to put these runs on hold for a while. Though I like giving out free stuff, the whole point was for me to be directly involved and meet more awesome people. Work has just been extra demanding and this is our busy season.
Don't worry! They'll be back before you know it :)
Thanks to all who ran with us!
Hey Blueflood, how to you pay for all these keys? CE, I know, but you must be rich.
I spend maybe 10$ a month... maybe. No harm in paying for something you like. And it really isn't hard to make that amount of money if you just do one clockworks run a day. I also had some ASI VH/max items i rolled on and sold... nothing too fancy.
In the end it wraps around ~120$ for a whole year, which isn't that. c:
Have a good trip Blue!
I shall be waiting with more keys to give so this can come back even stronger than before.
Thanks again for the Shadow lair vids, blue :x
Also, I'm only posting to show gratitude. I'd join myself but the start of weekends are basically busy for my job as well. It feels much better knowing that I'm giving keys for those who want to experience shadow lairs.
Sorry about using the Dark Retribution. Turns out that it's NOT good for IQ as I thought D: . Thankfully I will know this for future IQ runs (This was my first). Next time, I'll be sure to use a Gigawatt Puslar and Warhammer (which strangely didn't go through the Swarm like I thought it would :/ )
As for the Savage Torto, that was the only other piercing shield I had (except for a lonely ageist).
Anyway, THANK YOU!!! for the run :). It was suuuper fun.
I look forward to future runs with you Blueflood, especially now that school is ending for me.
Are you still doing it? If you are I would Love to join u in your adventure!! I almost have full 4 star just nee those elites but I should have 4 star soon... hopefully you are still doing this and thinking about my request :D
I've been to all shadow lairs but I only did the red Twins on the elite difficulty and now I feel my shadow lair runs are incomplete. I can bring my own shadow key and some sparks.
I would like to go on the shadow lair with you. Pick any. Idc
My guild is still struggling. We couldn't go even with a shadow key.
I'd like to try Ice Queen wearing Chaos and using my Combuster. Not sure if good idea or not.
IGN- Clawsword
The shadow lair winners are chosen by a random number generator rather than how much you want to get in. Besides, you can probably speedrun Firestorm Citadel on normal difficulty for the tokens if that is what you need, preferably with a full party of people from your guild.