Once Upon A Time....
OOO wanted more people playing their game. They wanted long time players coming back to their game. They wanted more people to pa....play their game for longer.......they decided to remove the MIST!!!
All across the land people rejoiced. They sang songs. They danced and laughed. They played Spiral Knights all day. They made free crowns and became rich. They got tonnes of Radiant Fire Crystals. They heated and crafted with no energy cost. Life was good. Life in Spiral Knights could not be better. They couldn't get enough of Spiral Knights.
But OOO were sad. They found a way to get people playing again. They got more people playing for longer. They made people happy again. But OOO were not happy. Now that crafting doesn't require energy. Now that playing required no energy to travel the clockworks, OOO energy system was useless. OOO felt useless. OOO needed a way to make sure the energy system was useful again.
OOO thought. OOO discussed. OOO reflected! They worked so hard designing and bringing to life the Shadow Lairs. They worked so hard to create Operation Crimson Hammer, but people did not want to play them. People wanted to play Fire Storm Citadel.......OOO had a plan!
They reduced the number of Radiant Fire Crystals being obtained from clockworks and Fire Storm Citadel. They charged high amounts of energy to buy Radiant Fire Crystals from the Supply Depot. OOO now made their energy system useful again. Operation Crimson Hammer and Shadow Lair were useful again.
All across the land people became angry. They hate change! They were used to being handed everything to them on a silver platter. They wanted to dance, laugh and sing. Now they were sad. They didn't want to grind. They didn't want to spend all their hard earned free crowns on Radiant Fire Crystals. They became fat and greedy. OOO looked down on these players and laughed. They now finally have a game that forces players to play and play and play. They have a game that forces those who don't want to play and play and play to pay and pay and pay. OOO looked down on these players and laughed.
But there were a small group of people that looked back at OOO. They believed that OOO did things for the better good. They believed OOO loved their people and would never do anything to upset those who loved playing their game. There were a small group of people that looked back at OOO and laughed.....with them.
They increased the number of Radiant Fire Crystals being obtained from Shadow Lairs and Operation Crimson Hammer.
This sentence is horribly wrong. SL's got no boost (but didnt get hit by the nerf) and OCH got hit by the nerf (but to a lesser extent than FSC).