Divine Avenger is probably the most popular endgame sword

Sudaruska is also the primary troika. Why is this? Because Triglav is the alternate troika.
Someone should really go update this. Probably Bopp. Probably Bopp.

Don't talk like this about johny! He is the most special DA.

I think perhaps writing a new one from scratch with the help of many experiences swordsmen could be a better solution as yours holds only your opinions and the other one is not so good.

Yes, that's what I was trying to say in post #1. And I was thinking of you when I wrote post #1, by the way.
In my judgment, and the judgment of people who have commented on my guide, its best feature is the clear distinction (in some sections, anyway) among facts, semi-objective analysis, and subjective opinion. I would like to see that approach spread more widely.
In other aspects, there are many good ways to organize a guide --- for example, by monster species rather than sword damage type.
I've edited the Swordmaster Guide exactly twice, to fix glaring errors. I don't edit it because (A) it has deep structural problems that require a rewrite, (B) I would rewrite it to match my own sword guide of course, and (C) then we would no longer have two independent sources of opinion on this topic. Ideally, some knowledgeable, thoughtful sworders with viewpoints different from mine would improve that thing to the point where it deserves its pseudo-official status.
Edit: At the risk of self-aggrandizing: I wouldn't mind turning over my guide to the community, by replacing the Swordmaster Guide with it. But then we're giving up on two independent sources.