I'm only accepting CE offers, no trades, and I'm not buying anything. Thank you :U Have a nice day!
Flame Aura - [10kce]
Toasty Valkyrie Wings - [4200ce]
Holly scarf - [1kce]
I'm only accepting CE offers, no trades, and I'm not buying anything. Thank you :U Have a nice day!
Flame Aura - [10kce]
Toasty Valkyrie Wings - [4200ce]
Holly scarf - [1kce]
bump! add on steam for fastest way to contact me either of us
Do you still have the iron wolf tail by chance?
I'll start an offer for the iron tail for 15k for now
It's selling on Steam market for 40 dollars and the recent flash sale was being sold for 23kCE. I think 18kce is already a deal.
Apologies, I'm still unaware of the market after a long hiatus from the game
I can't seem to find it on steam
EDIT: Nevermind, found it on Steam MARKET, I find it hilarious no one can answer me directly but anyway
Since I can't buy it on Steam(30day bs waiting period), I'll take your 18kCE for it
Hope this helps :D Have a nice day
Not sure if you saw, but I'm online to do the deal
Hello again, couldn't catch you online
I'll be retracting my offer on the Iron Wolf Tail, but I will be buying your MewKat Pokemon instead
Want to trade YOUR dusker cap shock high for MY 2* Magic Cloak Shadow MAX?
IGN = Mythriltides
I got the CE for the dusker cap shock high. When/where to we meet?
I also send both of your characters in game mails.
Prices may drop by then~Forgot that was getting closer
I'd like to offer 4k energy for those military valkyrie wings please. If you're not satisfied with that much of a price drop, I can do an add on of 250 instead.
too low. Sorry.
@Spring-At-Peace Sorry for the misunderstanding --
Stagger Storm UV CTR Med- [6kce]
I will take your stagger storm CTR MED
In game name = MYTHRILTIDES
I have also sent both of you an in game mail.
I have a prismatic wolver tail i can sell to you for 7.5k ce or of equivalent item...if you're interested.
IGN Edatank