Problem with the new Tortodrone Photo

3 replies [Last post]
Sir-Onox's picture

I'm going to upload the new 'corrupted' Tortodrone tomorrow, but there is a big problem:
The current Tortodrone image is the normal looking in the wiki, and according with the HUD, the 'corrupted' Tortodrone is called just Tortodrone... Should I save the old image with a different name before upload the actual corrupted look or just replace it? We don't know if OOO will use the normal Tortodrones as future enemies too...

Skyguarder's picture

There's a bug on the wiki currently. DO NOT re-upload it.

Glacies's picture

Skyguarder, he's asking if it's alright not that he's having issues uploading it.

As to the OP reply; Sir-Onox, I would honestly suggest just replacing the image as I doubt outside the current prestige we will be seeing anymore of them naturally. If they are added later on they can always have the image moved to a different location. The same thing happened to the Ironwood Sentinel, didn't it?

Sir-Onox's picture
I replaced the new Tortodrone

I replaced the new Tortodrone look and saved the normal Torto for the encyclopedia images purposes (they appear at the end of the mission event but there is not a fight directly against them)

I still think that OOO should rename the new Torto as 'Corrupted Tortodrone', but it's alright in this way...