< run strongbademail.exe > < run nuclear missile launch > < run clone.exe >
SK-DOS (Spiral Knights MS-DOS parody, MS Paint Adventures-like story)
open sonic.exe
Error: too many inputs inserted.
Error: file/program does not exist.
Invalid command.
Invalid command.
Overrides can only be done by an administrator.
Error: files/programs do not exist.
Error: program/file does not exist.
5pi cannot be translated.
Running sonic.exe...
Fatal error has been detected. Press any key to restart. Cancelling all commands inserted.
Error: command does not exist.
This is one half.
Press any key to continue...
Run ntoskrnl.exe
Invalid command.
Error: ntoskrnl.exe can only be run by an administrator.
Invalid command.
run run.dll
Error: invalid command.
Error: file does not exist.
This is the first time I've given a hint, seeing as you're goofing off and you don't know what to do next.
Hint: One of these files from post 49 is the only file left on the system.
Also I turned the 5pi into hex and obtained this:
1AY&SX—“#„bd3ƒ'•ˆA—“™7Q‚ t”E’0x@b† ‰˜b€4‚SBpg˜!He(#dp“„F U‚#%5”„tP(Ap8RU–Db)H•I08dBˆ—Ve“4F„ud‚3xgƒRq VHVi#FHaT2fH!3“`r`$‘A'7$Xp`cXtˆ ’ b‚’T 6Cg‰%630Tˆ Fe!8AF•AQ C0W'eu•‘•0’a82a“QT€tF#y–'IVsQˆWRrH‘"y80”‘)ƒ6s6$@efC`!9IF9R$sqp!y† Cp'pS’b“gR8Ft„gf” V'RcV'xWq4'Wx– 67‡!F„@$•40eIXSq’'–‰%‰#T •a!–dD˜b—tw –pr4™™™ƒr—€I•Ys2`–1…•DYESFƒd%"0‚S4F…Ra“ˆ17ƒ‡Rˆe‡S28 aqwf‘G05˜%4B‡UF‡1•b†8‚57‡Y7Q•w…w€S!q"ha0’xva•’B˜“€•%rT…†2x†Y63‚yh#• 50R–‰•w6"Y”‰Iru(4yWHW$$T••)S1†'…X‰P˜8Tctd““%P`@ 'pq „ˆ$(X6V7fq”)UYa˜”ggƒtID‚U7—trhG@GSFF €FhBY”‘)3gp(˜‘RGR V–`$€8“QS8$0U‡dGIds&9’r`Bi’'–x#Tx6“ArA!™$Xc†)tUWt˜8PT”X…†’i•i '!—P“•S!SD˜ruY`#d€fT™˜ƒG—u5f6˜BeBRxbUAutg(—wry8GRI!s!rw#PA—5hTa6W5%R4utIF„8R3#s”34TwbAhbQ‰ƒV”…V ™!’"BrUT%h‡gIFe4f€Iˆbr2y†W„88'–yvhT Sˆ7†6 Phd"Q% Q9)„‰`„„ˆbiE`BA–R…"f†0gD'†"‘””PG7xi`•cd7(tgvFWW9bA8†X2dY•3G€'Y™FWd‰Q&”h9ƒRYW ‚X"b"H”rgG‚hH&Gi&@c”CtU0Ph 4–%$Qt“™e1B˜ Y% 7"–Fp˜X8tYx…•—r—T˜“au9(F8&†ƒ†‰BwAU™U’RE•9YCI—%$hE˜rsdF•„†Sƒg6"&& ‘$`€Q$8„9Q$A6T—bx—qV‘CY—p)a`‰D”†…U„„54""%‚„ˆdXE`(P`„'9E"gFvx‰RR…"T™Tfg'‚9†Ee–cTˆb0WtVI€5Y64Vt2AQPv”yE–Y`”R(‡—‰1Ef‘6†r(t‰@VP3ay(h ‡G`‘x$“…‰—–u˜Ra6UIx“—„‚‚™‰Hr&X€HWV@'wUQ27–AE#tb46EB…„DyRe†x!A5G5s•#4'aYiSb1D)RHI7qWe@5'™4@7BsW…9!˜8tG€„xH–ƒ2Eq8huCPd0!„SHH7ht‘’x—“™Rf4(uD@d7E7!y™ƒ‘YVgQBi9t‰@q†IB1
1AY&SX—“#„bd3ƒ'•ˆA—“™7Q‚ t”E’0x@b† ‰˜b€4‚SBpg˜!He(#dp“„F U‚#%5”„tP(Ap8RU–Db)H•I08dBˆ—Ve“4F„ud‚3xgƒRq VHVi#FHaT2fH!3“`r`$‘A'7$Xp`cXtˆ ’ b‚’T 6Cg‰%630Tˆ Fe!8AF•AQ C0W'eu•‘•0’a82a“QT€tF#y–'IVsQˆWRrH‘"y80”‘)ƒ6s6$@efC`!9IF9R$sqp!y† Cp'pS’b“gR8Ft„gf” V'RcV'xWq4'Wx– 67‡!F„@$•40eIXSq’'–‰%‰#T •a!–dD˜b—tw –pr4™™™ƒr—€I•Ys2`–1…•DYESFƒd%"0‚S4F…Ra“ˆ17ƒ‡Rˆe‡S28 aqwf‘G05˜%4B‡UF‡1•b†8‚57‡Y7Q•w…w€S!q"ha0’xva•’B˜“€•%rT…†2x†Y63‚yh#• 50R–‰•w6"Y”‰Iru(4yWHW$$T••)S1†'…X‰P˜8Tctd““%P`@ 'pq „ˆ$(X6V7fq”)UYa˜”ggƒtID‚U7—trhG@GSFF €FhBY”‘)3gp(˜‘RGR V–`$€8“QS8$0U‡dGIds&9’r`Bi’'–x#Tx6“ArA!™$Xc†)tUWt˜8PT”X…†’i•i '!—P“•S!SD˜ruY`#d€fT™˜ƒG—u5f6˜BeBRxbUAutg(—wry8GRI!s!rw#PA—5hTa6W5%R4utIF„8R3#s”34TwbAhbQ‰ƒV”…V ™!’"BrUT%h‡gIFe4f€Iˆbr2y†W„88'–yvhT Sˆ7†6 Phd"Q% Q9)„‰`„„ˆbiE`BA–R…"f†0gD'†"‘””PG7xi`•cd7(tgvFWW9bA8†X2dY•3G€'Y™FWd‰Q&”h9ƒRYW ‚X"b"H”rgG‚hH&Gi&@c”CtU0Ph 4–%$Qt“™e1B˜ Y% 7"–Fp˜X8tYx…•—r—T˜“au9(F8&†ƒ†‰BwAU™U’RE•9YCI—%$hE˜rsdF•„†Sƒg6"&& ‘$`€Q$8„9Q$A6T—bx—qV‘CY—p)a`‰D”†…U„„54""%‚„ˆdXE`(P`„'9E"gFvx‰RR…"T™Tfg'‚9†Ee–cTˆb0WtVI€5Y64Vt2AQPv”yE–Y`”R(‡—‰1Ef‘6†r(t‰@VP3ay(h ‡G`‘x$“…‰—–u˜Ra6UIx“—„‚‚™‰Hr&X€HWV@'wUQ27–AE#tb46EB…„DyRe†x!A5G5s•#4'aYiSb1D)RHI7qWe@5'™4@7BsW…9!˜8tG€„xH–ƒ2Eq8huCPd0!„SHH7ht‘’x—“™Rf4(uD@d7E7!y™ƒ‘YVgQBi9t‰@q†IB1
deltree /y c:\* . *
Error: invalid arguments.
I can't believe my subtle railroading failed.
This died faster than Eternity-Terminal's MSPA story.
The computer is still runnable, but broken to the point where only one file remains, and you'll have to guess it to continue the story.
I swear to god jesus if it's the last one....
Run ntoskrnl.exe
Run autoexec.bat
Run run.dll
Run voicechat.exe
Run sonic.exe
It seems though my attempt to delete everything worked after all
Format a: /q
Format c:
deltree c:\CHKDSK
deltree c:\DIR
So are you gonna add to the roleplay in Gremlin Chatter? Or not?
Locking commands for Pipipipipi for 100 posts.
Error: files do not exist.
Running voicechat.exe.
It should stay in Treasure Vault because the MS Paint Adventure is beginning. I hope you like my art skills.
/makes 100 spam posts
unban Pipipipipi
Locking commands for Pipipipipi for 1000 posts.
Because of your attempts to derail and adamantly break the whole thing I've decided to prevent you from running commands for 1000 posts. Continue and I will add more zeroes to that.
/makes 900 spam posts
Really? I was making a simple joke, the only response I expected was a This command can only be accessed by administrators
Run log.txt
Maybe we can get some information from the logs here.
/twiddles thumbs and whistles
When you ran Sonic.exe, it immediately deleted every file on the computer except voicechat.exe.
Either you aren't the same guy behind the alias, or you need to stop incessantly whining about how crap your life is because of a few forum users. Don't make this place your dumpster bin for sobs.
Besides that, if you want a thread to truly die, either graveyard it or leave it alone. It's inconsiderate for other people's threads to be knocked down a place because of a useless bump.
But I had a rather interesting plot made, and nobody even bothered to try talking to Tom to activate it.
Wait...someone said a command.
Let's execute that.
Displaying text:
Last user spoken to: Tom
< Open file: User Spy>.
< Run "User-Spy." > < Show recent users. Sort using file encryption. >
< Run encryption code: 11001101010100001101011010101010101000000111010110101011010101 >
< System override 17. >