Luke watched Jaxter walk towards Renao at a coffee shop. Ugh, I guess everyone is now focused on Gwen. So much for Sir Snarble. He went back to the tree Sono was at, he was gone. He must be already on the lookout for Cicero and Gwen. Luke sat on a bench south of the Hall and formulated his thoughts, pondering what to do next.
Return to Cradle 2 RP Story Thread

Once the elevator reached the Arcade, several Knights had Sono at gunpoint. The Warden accompanying them walked forward. "Name, Rank, and Business!"
Sono slowly raised his hands. "Sonosuke Mokuzaki. Defender Elite. Returning to the Hall of Heroes for debriefing." The Warden stared at Sono through the slits on his helm before dismissing the other soldiers. "This is all in case the Queen Valkyrie comes back?"
"Gwenivere, yes." Sono slightly winced at this, however the Warden didn't seem to notice. "Anyways, you seem okay for now, so you may pass." The two saluted eachother, and Sono went on his way.
At the Hall, Sono plopped down in his usual chair. "There's a group of Wardens and Knights watching the Arcade, Lieutenant Barrus. I believe it's safe to say that was your call, was it not?"

"Hey Gwen... I have been monitoring comms chatter, and a team of wardens is at the top of the shaft, waiting to arrest us. I will try to reprogram the elevator, but it might not work." Cicero says, muttering. He hits the down button, but the panel flashes red.
Error, error. Unauthorized remote programming in progress. Error, error...
Cicero then realizes that things are not looking good. He toys with the notion of leaning over and kissing Gwen, as his last act on Cradle but dismisses it.
No need to anger her before I get shot to pieces. He thinks sourly.

Gwen leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Didn't I tell you to cheer up? Don't worry. We'll walk out of this alive, you'll see." She began weaving a barrier field, preparing to fire it up when the elevator reached the surface.
"One more thing: we will not be killing anyone to clear my name. We have to find a way out without shedding any blood." She grabbed his chin and looked him straight in the eye.

"Fine, Lieutenant. Fail me in my request, just as you have done so on numerous occasions. You don't think I don't know the darkness which you hide behind your duties. Oh-ho, well you're wrong. Like how you had to...ah, but the others don't need to hear this. Lieutenant, you're going to be brought down, and the Spiral Order and the Morai will follow. You've mocked these streets, parading in falsehood. You've taken a dark path. Farewell." Xindao waves a hand, and walks off without another word.
Walking out, the sun is setting, and all seems peaceful.
And yet it isn't. It never was, considering the things these Knights will do behind their paper walls.
Xindao walks to the Wildwoods, upset and alone, as those who know him forget him, and those who forget him, never remember. He walks a long distance, turning his head around to smell and take in the feel of the scenery. And yet, his sight. It fails him as it has always done. He walks far out, until he reaches a clearing, where a giant rock stands. He hops atop it, and sits Indian-style. He undoes the buttons down his shirt, and runs his hand through the gold and fuchsia glowing markings that make up a tattooed snake across his torso. He reaches up, and takes off his blindfold, and low-and-behold.
His eyes glow in the dark, his right eye, a golden iris lacking a pupil. His left, a fuchsia iris, also missing a pupil. He holds his gavel tightly, and his hands begin to shake. Tears of black blood roll down his cheeks.
Oh, ancient snake. Come find me as a brother and cold-blood. Oh, Anguis, please appear to me, and comfort me in my time of grief.

Cicero blushes profusely, as he pondered what just happened. Snapping out of it, he figured something out.
"They are going to shoot at us. And probably, they won't be throwing water balloons. What should we do about the combatants?"

She shook her head ruefully. "We won't be doing anything about the combatants. Do you trust me, Cicero?"
She felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach as the elevator slowed to a halt. I sure hope this works...

"Nope. We won't." Cicero says, as the rail pops down and the first Warden sights his weapon.
"Oh sh*t!"

Blesse sat with her hood down as she watched what was going on threw the helm of a Warden, having sent the message to take them alive for they had the right to a fair and honest trial like any other. Still her heart lurched when she saw them come up. Please don't fight, don't fight just give up and let us take you. Blesse kept chanting to herself as she watched. If anything she was about to jump out of her seat and rush to the arcade to help in the capture, but knew that Gwen knew Blesse was the main intel unit of the squad and if Blesse went down all the good information on the council went down with Blesse.

The elevator came to a halt at the top floor. Gwen immediately expanded her fiery forcefield to cover herself and Cicero. She closed her eyes and waited with baited breath for the hail of death that was sure to come.
Please let this work...please let this work...
OOC: I won't power-play anyone who wants to open fire on them. That's up to the players.

Cicero then draws his shield, and uses it to cover him and Gwen. Mostly Gwen.
OOC: This is intense.

Kryptos: “Greetings, and congratulations on completing your last assignment. Now I want you to track down this 'Valkyrie Queen' I've been hearing about and try to recruit her. Failing know what to do. She's been killing knights herself, so I'm not too keen on disturbing her work. Understood?"
Ursulan: “Ugh… understood sir… we will proceed with the search for Gwen. Manus out…” *hangs off* “Geez, he is talking like as if I was never there…”
Elzilia: *chuckled* “What is wrong, feeling lonely? Or underpowered?”
Ursulan: “No, not really, we have just beaten an immortal tree, I think the four of us should all celebrate.”
Affraiel: *arrives on the scene* “Did I hear the word ‘celebrate’? It ain’t no party until uncle Affraiel is here.” *picks up one of the golden block inside the ruined spire* “Nice, mind if I keep this as a souvenir?”
Ursulan: *sneers* “No, these ruins are belong to the Morai Legion now, but since you helped us during the fight with Judge Xinos, I will make it an exception.”
Affraiel: *puts the gold bar into his pocket* “Nice, well, now where do we go?”
Elzilia: *groans* “Captain Kryptos is an idiot! Can’t he see that we can’t find Gwen unless she comes to find us?”
Ursulan: “She is the Valkyrie queen, she could simply avoid combat by teleporting away, or some other cheap sorceries. There is no way that we can fight her head on, there is no point. Like Mister Krypto said as long as she is killing knights then she is a friend.”
Elzilia: *looks at the blade* “But for some reason, I still want to meet her and slice her pretty face off…”
Affraiel: *nods his head* “Couldn’t agree more… this little white haired brat needs to pay for what she did… hey how about we destroy another spire of hers? That would definitely make her show up.” *grins and stares at Midnight*
Midnight: *flusters* “… I don’t know where the next spire is… but I know someone who knows the exact location. The spire in question is the
platinum spire… the home to Father Paradise’s firstborn, Deus Immortelle, the primordial Valkyrie, his power and the purity of his essence is unmatched. He had a twin brother, whose jealousy towards Dues Immortelle turned him into a fallen. He is sealed inside a temple at the forbidden valley. He once lived inside the platinum spire, so he will certainly know where it is.”
Elzilia: “You can’t be serious, I know Gwen is beyond redemption, but unleashing the first of the fallen?! I think that is a bit too much… we will just have to deal with the best of the two evils. So here is the plan, me and Ursulan will go and have a look at this primordial fallen, he might be a risk in the future.” *looks at Midnight and Affraiel* “Old man and Midnight, you two go search for the queen, if the Spiral knight scum managed to jail her, try to release her. Affraiel has killed many people in the past and plus he is Isroan, Gwen sure wouldn’t turn a blind eye on him, and Midnight, since you are a Valkyrie, maybe you could convince her to join the Morais in the war against the Spiral Order.”
Affraiel: *grins* “Sounds like a plan… alright, let's split up our rations and we will depart at dawn break. Hey Midnight… do you think you can convince your queen to give me an absolution?”
Midnight: *fidgets* “Hm, I will try my best…”

The Knights held their guns up, murmuring amongst eachother.
"It's the Queen"
"I'm not imagining this, right?"
"Isn't that that guy who said he'd protect her?"
The Warden soon stepped forward. "Hold your fire!" He inspected the strange field around Gwen and Cicero. "Put down this field of yours and drop your weapons. Both of you." He turned to Cicero. "Name and Rank, son."
Sono could be seen at the Town Square entrance.
((OOC: I am horrible at making these kinds of characters))

Gwen did not comply with the Warden's orders. "You presume to order me around, human? I will do no such thing. I did not come here to dawdle and flit like a girl in the attic! What do you take me for, a murderer? You would do well to respect the guardians of justice, to whom you owe your lives. Put down your weapons and allow us to pass." She spoke in her most commanding voice, intending to intimidate the knights into submission.
Not that she was all fluff and no meat. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve.

Cicero raises his Polaris in a two-handed grip, ready to blow the heads off of the knights.
Or so it appears. He has no intention to dispatch them, but they didn't have to know that.

"I see you're not much of a Drinker." Jaxter said, Approaching Renao's table.
"It's Irish Coffee, Actually." Renao said, Drinking the substance carefully.
(OOC: Irish coffee has whiskey in it, if you must know.)
"We need a plan. We can't really use the Spiral Order com links, they can track us. In fact, we may need to tinker with our helmets a bit. And Cicero, we need to deal with him. Soon." Jaxter said, Pausing for effect.
Renao sipped her Irish Coffee once more, And said "We can deal with the com links no problem, And Cicero's a bit of a Twat, He forgot to hide his signal." She said, Casually flipping her Comlink to Selective Transmission.

Several of the younger soldiers hesitatingly began lowering their guns, to which the higher ranked shot them looks.
The Warden stood his ground. "We aren't gonna shoot you," he subtly looked towards his men, "lest someone wants their head on Armero's wall. So if you just comply with our-"
"Aw c'mon, Farsor," one of the Knights spoke up. "Why can't we just shoot?"
"So you don't see the fire shield and the Polaris?" Another looked at him.
"Both of you shut it!" Farsor sighed. 'I'm up to my chin in morons.' "Look, we have orders to not kill you or harm you in any way. We were only told to bring you two to court."

Walking into the Arcade Blesse made herself march to the stand off, if anything she had to be their to see her idea's in order. Having placed her faceplate and hood back on she looked at Gwen and Ciceco. Well, you came forth here today expecting us to attack you. I managed to get them to give you respect and not attack. What's your next move? Blesse though as she hooked into the network with her HUD shutting down the elevator's and dropping he Barricade's to the Arcade's exit's. If anything Blesse just wanted to confirm with her own eyes that Gwen was honestly what her prfile said she was.
Gwen, Ciceco. On the Behalf of the Spiral Order we place you under arrest for suspension of murder and harboring a criminal of the order. At this point your rights are in effect so please mind what you say for it will effect your court hearing as well as anything you might do at this point.
Blesse held the Tablet up for the two to read as she waited for their response.

Jaxter raised his eyebrows and nodded.
"I see you have the solution to your problem," He said. "But I'm dismantling the trackers just in case. As for Cicero, I don't think he's that dangerous, but he did take something from me..." Jaxter swung his plated leg.
"And I'd like to return the favor." Jaxter mused sadistically. "I'm heading to the Arcade, I hear they're doing something there in case Gwen and Cicero came back. You wanna come?"

Gwen lifted her chin and threw back her hood, allowing her glorious platinum hair to flow in the wind. Standing taller than half the men in the room and surrounded by a powerful shield of fire, she radiated with regal splendor truly befitting her title as Queen of the Valkyries. With her powerful voice echoing deep in the minds of her audience, she spoke:
"I will condescend to visit your little court. Show me the Hall of Judgment and bring me before Xindao, the Highblood."

Luke decided to upgrade his Defender. He looked over the materials he needed for one last time, and hitched his belt up, heading towards the Arcade. On the way he noticed Jaxter chatting with Renoa, he was almost tempted to ask them to come with him. He decided they probably had more important things to do and continued on his way. Rounding the Auction house he trudged up the stairs and stopped, staring at the metal barricade that barred the way. Hm, wonder why the barricade's up. He knocked on it a couple times. No answer.
Luke remembered to when he was a little boy, his father teaching him pointers on silent movement. "You see that Luke?" His father pointed to a slit in the top of the archway entering the Arcade. "When there is a Lockdown, a big metal barricade drops down and its impossible to break." His father had shown him a secret way in on top of the building. Luke climbed up a trash can, and jumped up onto the side of a building. He scaled the wall of a building that was parallel to the Arcade. He reached a hand up and grasped the roof, pulling himself up and onto the slanted roof. Rising to a slight crouch, Luke leapt towards the top of the Arcade.
He mistimed his jump.
Throwing a hand out, he felt his fingers hitch onto the gutter of the roof. He swung his other arm up and pulled himself up onto the roof. Again, moving at a crouch he found his way to a small hatch leading to one of the back rooms of the Arcade. Quietly lifting the hatch open, he slipped inside. Landing lightly on a small table, Luke smiled as he reached up and closed the hatch behind him. Then he went to step down off the table. Missing a step, Luke stumbled off the table, landing in a heap on the ground. Well that went well. Pulling himself up, he dusted off his armor and opened the door into the Arcade. There were some knights looking puzzled as they stared at the closed entrances. A couple technicians were tapping away at keyboards, trying to open the locked doors. Trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, Luke boarded a random lift and pressed down, wincing as the gears holding it ground to a start and started to descend slowly. Picking a suitable floor, he relaxed as the lift carried him to his desired location.
The light was glaring as the lift ground to a halt, Luke stepped out into a depth and blinked his eyes. Shading them, he then realized he was looking at a standoff. There was Gwen and Cicero on one side, and the Firebug with a couple other knights plus a warden. They were staring at each other. Luke froze, not knowing what to do.
then Gwen spoke, that broke Luke out of his shock. Realizing that they would probably be heading towards the lift he was standing in front of. Stepping quickly to the side, he waited for them to pass.

Renao tosses the trackers she had kept the whole time into the trashcan, And gives her Coffee Mug to the shop vendor. "Could I get some more Irish Coffee? To go please." Renao said, taking the canister. "Alright, Let's get going to the Arcade, Jaxter."

Holding up the pad Blesse wrote.
Lower your shield and you will be treated with respect that you are dew. No chain's no cuffs just a walk to the Court House where a Judge selected by your pears will call froth your judgement. We can not ask for those whom you want, only those whom the people have asked for and the Baron approved.
Blesse looked across the room and waited, having made sure all the elevator's were offline and the Barricades locking out anyone from entering the Arcade at this point.

Gwen glared at Blesse, her eyes seeming to bore into her very soul. "Did I stutter? Bring me Xindao the Highblood, or there will be no trial, not this day or any day!"

I have no influence of who your judge will be. Only the Baron does, and even then it must be fair and honest. Also don't try and intimidate me. Blesse said as she sent a message off to the Baron about the situation and waiting for his responce as for what to do. Still she looked back at Gwen, Blesse was scared but her nerves where harder to break down then the normal man. Living down in the darkness showed her the only real monster's or things to be scared of where nothing more then her imagination.
Still somewhere in the back of Blesse's mind was a ping of panic, for those shields would last so long and after that goes down either Gwen will be tired or she will try to attack. Ciceco would be shot to death should he try anything, or the Warden would take him down before the runt could do much more then move. It seemed the perfect stand off between two sides where both knew the stakes and where playing all their card's on the table. Dammit. Where are the rest of the guys I could have used some back up before just walking in here and locking this place down.

"Anguis? Hast thou abandoned me, reptilian brother? I hast not a day as once wished, and I could only beg to hear your voice..." Xindao whispers to himself, sitting on his knees, his unbuttoned shirt blowing a bit in the breeze. His tattoos and eyes glimmer and shine with their beautiful light, begging for the darkness to yield something new. "I see, as foreseen long ago in mine past..."
Find me when you can, dear serpent. Call to me, sing, whisper, scream, and I shall answer the call...
He brought out something. It was small, but it appeared to be two halves of an eye fragment from a Tortodrone. One half is a gold eye, and the other is fuchsia. "Ah, the bringing together of Nature and Corruption. Holy." They are melded together as one eye fragment, and shimmer with the light of energy. He lays it on the stone, and jumps into the sky, flickering in a bright flash before vanishing.
He reappears, in the street. "And now, for a simple message..." He whispers. He raises his gavel, and, as this is not an strategic attack, slams it onto the cobblestone road. A large symbol was now present, a large symbol of his. Turning, and flickering out of sight, he materializes at the ship. He slams his hammer on the crashed Morai ship, and the symbol appears again. He slowly flickers out again, and appears on a roof, facing up at the stars.
The stars stare down, grinning wickedly in sick delight. Imperceptible, thin white lines move far away in the sky, and stars appear and spread tentacles of light, and others are swallowed by tentacles of might. The gods and the devils, unseen usually, but the Judge could see them. These were the creatures who took his sight. But they didn't know they bestowed him with the power to see them. To know them. And their weaknesses, whatever those may be.
Mock me, but I don't follow your lead either.

Sono merely hid in waiting behind the Alchemy Machine, noticing Luke managed to slip by the barricade. A bunch of Snipes flew over to his position, which he tried in vain to shoo away.
Farsor kept his eyes trained on Cicero. "Men, lower your weapons." They all complied. "We don't need to show them hostility anymore." Beat. "Does anyone know where Highblood Xindao is?"
The Knights murmured amongst each other in confusion. No one knew where he was, and few didn't know who he was.
Realizing his cover would be blown by the sudden crowd of snipes around him, Sono stepped out from behind the machine. Walking over to them, he called out, "I know where the Highblood is." Farsor and his Knights turned to him, surprised he had returned.
"Defender Elite, you have no business here. Leave."
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that with the barricades down?"
"Then stay out of our business."
"Those two" Sono gestured towards Cicero and Gwen, "were assigned with Blesse and I to a squad together, Even If temporarily. So their business is as good as mine."
"Being assigned a squad with someone doesn't mean you can butt into anything happening to them."
Sono crossed his arms, "I said I knew where Highblood Xindao is. Do you want to know or not?"
"Fine then," Farsor lowered his Leviathan. "Where is he?"
"Down in the Clockworks. I saw him go down the Wildwoods lift before I left to the hall."

The eyes of the serpentine beast snap open as something triggers it to awaken. As Anguis uncoils itself, it senses that something has come to approach it nearby. Looking down the length of its body, it makes note of no apparent loss of any scales. The visitor could not have been a hunter or poacher in that case.
The legendary beast scanned the area with great, amber eyes, until it picked up a small object resting upon a small rock. A small orb. Half Gold and half fuschia. Reminiscing through its catacomb of memories, it tried to recall any orb coming up in its life before-hand. Almost immediately as soon as it had begun, it halted in place, and lowered its head toward the orb. With a subtle out-burst of its tongue, it let out a sharp, yet soft hissing sound into the proximity of the small object, intending to call upon that who had left it there.
Even though it was a beast, unable of any sustained dialogue, it was intelligent enough to sound a few words, picked up from the various interlopers scouting the wild-woods in its lifespan. It wished for an audience for the one who had awakened it from its slumber, and wished to know why. None would be so foolish to awaken it on a whim. If they did so by mistake however, it would be one they would forever regret.
Concluding its hiss into the spherical object, it pulled its head back to its full, imposing height, and thrust it downwards along with the length of its body. Its mass disappearing into the ground, into deeper depths of the wild-woods, with just a single hole left as evidence of its presence.

A flicker, and a gust of wind later, Xindao was standing behind the tree to the clearing. The hole, the gate, it was wide open. He had only arrived five minutes after the snake had awoke. "Serpentine brother, I call you for help. Wake for me? Speak to me? I heard your tongue move, and I hurried fast as I could. I fear my children seek me without knowing me. Inform them, whisper my name? Slither through the ground and into the minds of the Order and the Morai? Announce I am here? I ask you humbly, as this is your ground I tread upon. A form in order? I could give you a body, one to understand the minds of the others. I will do whatever you wish, I only wish for fame and fortune to begin my quest. I need followers, I need money, I need gear, and I need to help. These are what I ask for."
Xindao pleads, sitting before the massive hole. He slowly wraps the blindfold tight over his eyes, and buttons up his shirt from the night before. Might as well put on a good appearance. He fixes his hair, and fingers his horns thoughtfully.

Eyes illuminated from the darkness of the fresh hole, as words began to echo upward into the wild-wood atmosphere above. A noticebale hiss edging each word, as it spoke in a vague way, almost as a loud whisper.
"Material needss fade in time, Many have tried me on many a time, Order or Morai they both invade, why should I help you raise their grade?".
The serpent slowly rose out of its hole, circling around the guest to its lair. Anguis had seen all sorts seeking its legend, for glory, power, wisdom, enlightenment and even its hide. It seemed that all this one wanted was influence over the two forces. The serpent wondered further, why it should aid one who seeked such shallow goals, to bolster factions that would sometime in the future take over the wild-woods with even more efficiency than before.
Regardless, Anguis asked its own questions in its distinctive, riddled tongue.
"You know of my pressencce and thus come to seek, the serpent that remains so ancient and sleek, you must have thought out more for the snake that resstss, so why do you batter me with ssuch foolissh requesstss?"

"You do not understand, brother. I seek their allegiance to eradicate the factions, therefore their goals. I seek to end their violence for millenia until I die and pass on an heir to create more children elsewhere. I want to take my place on the Court, and Judge in absolution. I want my children united, and the gods and devils that toyed with them for so long, banished. I ask you to be my messenger and help me Ascend in their favor. Only a jumpstart can set my control in motion." He talks calmly...

Anguis blinks once, before coiling around in a circular motion once more.
"It could be that you bear resolve, enough to cure, enough to ssolve, but lesst your heir is perfect you'll reign alone, acurssed to the fate of the almirian throne".
The serpent's words rang out, as it wondered where on Cradle this intriguing one could find an heir with the same or similar ideas, unhindered by greed or avarice. However, the general idea amused him, and so, it enquired further into its purpose.
"You assk me to sspeak to all who lissten, both morai of dark, and order that glisstens, yet I bear no gift to contact through mind, while sshowing in flessh would react like a crime...". It wondered how it could act as such a messenger. It could not talk via telepathy. It could easily burrow up through the levels, but that would attract unwanted attention, and enough war-engines would prove too much of an annoyance to bother with such a task.
He awaited patiently for a response.

Jaxter walked towards the Arcade with Renao, only to find it blocked and guarded by vigilant Wardens and knights.
"I'm gonna go around to the roof. The Morai blasted a huge whole in it when they attacked." Jaxter loaded his guns. "I've got a score to settle." He sprinted up towards the wall, and started to climb to the top.
When he finally got to the top, he saw Gwen and Cicero quarreling with the commanding Warden. Jaxter spied the knight who took his leg.
'There you are...' Jaxter thought. His kneecap opened up to reveal the Valiance hidden there, as well as a scope popping out of the top of his leg. he knelt down to peer through the scope, and locked his sights on Cicero's arm.
But to Jaxter's disappointment, a slight shimmer caught his eye, and it was enveloping both Gwen and Cicero.
"Damn..." He folded his leg sniper back up and sighed. "A shield...let's wait."
He sat and drank as he watched the conflict unfold beneath him.

Seeing the sun glint off Jaxter's rum bottle, Cicero twists, and covers his head and torso with his giant shield.

Jaxter saw Cicero scrunch up and hide, so he must have seen him drinking on the roof.
"That guy..." Jaxter quickly scrambled downwards to hide from anyone's line of sight.
"I don't think anyone else saw..." Jaxter capped his bottle and clipped it back to his belt.

"Dear Anguis, I've made my decision long before this. I want the allegiance of the Order and the Morai at whatever cost, even if I end up with nothing and no one. My message must be sent, to the creatures of the Clockworks. Slimes and Undead and certainly Fiends will not give any pay to my word. But the Beasts, Gremlins, and Constructs will. A Beast of your power and antiquity would be heard by the brethren of Chromalisks and Wolvers alike. Gremlins favor elements, and they can be persuaded, as their king was and will be, by fear. And Constructs will listen if they are either reprogrammed or their information is altered to our benefit. And then you, Anguis, you will be my symbol among the Morai and the Order. They will be enticed by my Highblood, as is the reason for being so high in DNA. I am their superior, and they will be favoring me. They can't look down, only up."
"Anguis, I already know I'm going to be alone in the end as I was in the beginning. The heir is no problem, they will be created soon enough. I have a resolve. I believe we should all act upon it. As for the Slimes, Undead, and Fiends that will want nothing to do with me and/or oppose me, I can banish them. All that is needed is to Seal the path to Vog, then shatter all Kat kingdoms, and finally, take out the Jelly Monarchs, both."
Xindao stands before the serpent, sensing the volatility of the situation as his position is threatened. Exposure is nigh. The breeze blows calmly across the trees. "Anguis, it's better than you being abused by them into doing what they want, and that would mean more blood, for all of us. I promise, my resolve is absolute, and may require little to no sacrifice at all. It's better odds than with them. You'd only be continuing the conflict."
His shadow wriggles in white and black tentacles that spread over the rock. He anticipates the calm and kindness of his Punishments.

The guards rush off, Running after a criminal wandering the streets. 'Who could that have been?' Renao thought, Taking this as a good omen.
Renao Charged her blasters up, And pointed to the ground hoping that the blast would be enough force to jump her over the gate.
Sure enough, It got her over the gate- But Renao saw Jaxter aiming a leg cannon at Cicero. When Renao finally landed, she walked over to where Jaxter was located, And tossed a rock at the joint, Hoping to jam his leg. Renao yelled "Now is not the time for revenge!" Before putting her back against the wall, Watching the scene play out.

"Oh come on!" He whispered. "You could have just told me nicely..." He took the rock from out under his knee joint and sat.
"And I bet you would try to do the same thing if he took a leg from you." He said. "We're criminals, you and I. And I know what you would have done."

Luke slowly sat down as he noticed Renal and Master arrive. Dang, is everyone here? Seems the only one missing is this high blood everyone is speaking of. Wonder where he is.

Anguis considered what the judge had said, and it peaked its interest further than it had previously. How long had it been when he had once been reveered by others? To revel in the cries of all the lesser ones? Perhaps the strange intruder's words rung of some truth. Maybe his time in solitude, sheltered away from everything had warped his intentions and natural majestic pose. Being a symbol in the name of factions may be an ideal thing.
The strange one had one thing correct. Anguis would be able to influence many if not all beasts in wild-woods and beyond. The gremlins could be co-erced with certain snippets of lost knowledge known to the memory banks of Anguis' ancient brain. Controlling the Gremlins would in turn control the constructs. The fiends, they could be dealt with sure enough. Even if it meant burrowing through their cities to unstable conditions. The Jelly Monarchs would be problematic, but that was a way off.
The Ghost of the ground came out of its deep thought, and edged in closer to the strange judge, tongue forking out, nearly touching his face.
"I have considered your proposal judge, and though I am still aware, that although your plan has its flaws, it seems a worthy dare. As such I conclude to you, that in recent thoughts of deep, you have earnt my eyes and fangs, and for now you may keep".
The great serpent continued, taking its head away, and rising it to its full height.
"You speak wisely with those words you bear, truth lies in them, I must agree, I shall shake off the shackles of containment, and commit your prestigious, and possibly noble needs".
The great snake bowed in respect, hoping to gain as much or more from this connection, even if it only meant to reveal his glory once more to the world of Cradle.

Farsor shook his head. "No one is using any lift. We locked them all down so those two can't escape into the Clockworks."
Sono walked over to one of the empty lifts. "Alright." He punched in a code on the panel, activating the lift. "Apparently Clockwork Reconnaissance has it's benefits." Even though his helmet covered his face, Farsor was clearly shocked and slightly annoyed.
"Defender Elite, you do not have sufficient privileges to access the Clockworks at this time!"
"I thought you wanted Gwen to come along. She wants the Highblood, I'm going to get the Highblood-"
"I will take care of this! Just like every other time there was a disaster-"
"I don't remember you taking care of anything when the Morai attacked."
Farsor was fuming under his mask as several of his soldiers started "Ooo"-ing. He slammed his shield on the ground several times so they'd stop. Leaning into Sono's face, Farsor spoke through gritted teeth. "Alright, son. You take charge of this search."
*What is it?*
'... I didn't think this far ahead.'
*You're joking, right?*
'I didn't think he'd just let me!'
*Just do like what you did when the Morai attacked: take charge of the situation. If you fail, just know that you've not only let down your squad mates slash possible new friends, but you've also gotten yourself a possible demotion.*
'Oh gee. That brings me so much happiness.'
"I'm gonna need..." He pointed at a random soldier, "You with me." He called out to Luke. "Luke, you're comming with! And if either of you want to come," he turned towards Gwen and Cicero, "be my guest. I don't have any beef with you, so I hope you'd agree to come along. If not... meh."

He holds the Serpent's massive head in his arms, pressing his head to it affectionately. "Fantastic..." he whispers, and as the Serpent rises, he spins around. "Then let us go, and spread the field of your presence among the Wildwoods here, and the Wolvers here will then in turn seek out those of other packs." He begins walking, beckoning to the snake. "It's nice to have a friend..." he chuckles, and brandishes his gavel when~
The Wildwoods rumble, and a dark mist floats across the trees, and the lanterns dim.
"So fate, this is what you've arranged? As I am befallen by the Snarbolax, the others seek to fetch me? What coincidence, or maybe just more gods and devils pulling strings..." he mutters to himself. The ground starts moving, and he falls to his knees. The earth shifts around him, ALL around him. hills fall, and rise, and gates and triggers manipulate themselves around. It is suddenly the familiar level of which the Snarbolax lies.
"Perfect. Maybe I can bond with some friends..." he whispers.

Nothing but blood, bone and metal. Useless. Snarble spat out the head of a knight and curled up on the grass. No meat on their bones. What do they do, sit and watch the telly all day? He closed his eyes to catch a few Z's, but found himself oddly still awake.
Someone was coming.
He stood up and snarled. This better not be another Council member.

Luke stepped back at the sudden mention of his name. Registering the question, he nodded. "Sure, let's find us a high blood!"
He got up and secured his belt, turning his head slightly as he waited for Gwen or Cicero to answer Sono's question.

Blesse turned as she worked in her HUD. Silently she started to send messages out word to the people who could contact the Baron as well as anyone knowing information on the Xindao guy. It was going roughly for she had to break so many rules just to get ahold of one man.
Sir, this is Blesse with the Task Force asigned to take in the Murder, as well as hunt the council. We have cornered one of them and currently are in a stand still. We need you to get here as fast as you can and contact Xindao for a judgement hearing on the case of Gwen.
Her message was short but too the point, this stand off was not going to end until some one drew blood or a more peaceful soultion could have been found, and blesse hoped she found the peaceful one.

Gwen dropped her fire shield and turned to Cicero. "Come on, I think we should go with them. Besides, we'll kill two birds with one stone, eh? We'll get at that old Snarble and find us Xindao at the same time!" She winked and tugged at his arm. "What do you say?"

Turning around Blesse saw the shield was down, but thankfully the men where at their ends. Some pointing their weapons while others having their weapons drawn. Please don't lose your resolve now. It was the only though going threw Blesse's mind at this point. Her pain was that she was about to watch a slaughter.
Clear the way to the holding cells, we need guards to clear the Girmmson as quick as possible. We have the suspects moving into the holding area and we don't need anyone trying to kill them on the way.
The message being sent to the captain of the Military Police, hoping the message went threw.
Why would they give unto this. Side from what they just said.

Jaxter's ears heard the faint sound of agreement below. His eyes lit up like suns, and scrambled over to the edge of the hole. He saw the shield drop and Gwen leave Cicero wide open. Jaxter grinned.
"Ready or not..." His leg opened up again to reveal the Valiance and scope. "Here I come."
The scope honed in on Cicero's arm, the one he used to shoot down the scaffolding. The bullet charged up, the gun vibrating from the power it was holding, and it fired.
It traveled as fast as a rabid wolver on drugs, and Jaxter rushed behind cover as soon as the bullet left his knee, not wanting to be seen. But he could handle not being able to see what happened, so he hopped down from the roof and peeped around the corner.
And the bullet...
(I wanna let our GM decide what happens here...)
"No. Not in the slightest." Cicero says quietly.
"This sounds like the best way to get shot as soon as we walk up the elevator. We need to kill the people and wipe the records." Cicero insists angrily.