Spiral knights will survive!
Despite all the butthurters,
Dude. Let it go.
There are other games you can play.
What makes "we", "we" the butthurters? The community as a whole is still getting new players, and plenty of old players don't have such a problem. Whether it took a while or they never had a problem.
And do you mean P2Pified..? F2P is free to play.. and being "free to playified" is an oxymoron to what you're saying.
Lol nice post Nearo
It MAY survive but it's certainly not what we originally supported and it's moving to being F2Pified and it sucks because this was the biggest thing that it had going for it.
^I disagree with your logic =)
hey buddy c:
ty~ I was listening to the song while I fought vanaduke, -and then I got D/C'd...-
so I came on the forums, saw all the "SK IS DEAD!" threads, and then it just all clicked. :)
I saw your thread sorry about your Vanna run if I have room next time I feel like owning Vanna I will send you an invite if I see your on and not busy. Yes, these forums are funny, and like how everything just clicked for you lol.
If you think that F2Pificiation doesn't exist for a F2P game, you are ignorant. Learn the differences.
I'll make sure the microwave is outside on next run :)
and yeah 8D love that song too c: win win.
too bad it didn't make me survive
win win lose.
So you're saying its bad for a game to be free to play? It's bad for casual players to play the game to their hearts content?
It's good that you can pay to win?
NO I am not saying that all, it's about balance and avoiding being like every other f2p game out there and being f2pified.
'BNP' and now 'f2pified' ... I love how Skype throws around obscure jargon from other game's gaming forums and then accuses people of being stupid and ignorant for not knowing the jargon from other game's forums. A barrelstopper and a greenie, really! Sheesh.
However, saying 'IT IS BAD' in all caps, doesn't change if something is good or bad, and throwing around obscure jargon doesn't make a good argument. I will agree that not everything in 'that update' was good, but some of it is being fixed. Only time will tell if crafting costs will be rolled back. Or, better than rolled back, changed over to new materials. Is the waste module really used for -nothing-? Get that into some of the poison weapons, and, I dunno, double the count on any 2* or 3* material, and some of the 4* materials that are in massive oversupply.
Oh, sorry, didn't mean to put a constructive suggestion into one of -those- threads, I forgot to stick to hyperbole an ad hominem. (That's nearly the same as saying exaggeration and personal attacks in plain language.)
I'm hoping they do fix things, but it really seems like they aren't an my patience is being tried and the patience of the people I support. We have had 2 patches now and nothing? It's not looking good.
I'm not throwing around obscure jargon, it's lingo of all MMO's online commmunities. You just have to learn it.
If you can't be bothered to define your terms I can't be bothered to listen to you.
I've defined the term SEVERAL times, it's not my fault if you don't see it.
I love this game and agree with every single change they've made recently. And I don't pay any money to play.
I'm not even just saying that to feed the trolls.
I like this game
Don't read froum much for well tradeing
but i'm not that surplised on a sudden change on single topic
I may be new but play lot mmo not famous ones though so this will pass or not
so let it be or not
i think a month is till pretty new in my book in
edit fogot check i f type it correcty
The core gameplay is still a lot of fun - delving into the Clockworks, whacking (and being whacked by) various monsters, having adventures with friends or randoms. It's casual and very enjoyable, and those are the strengths that will draw in and keep players coming back for more. Meanwhile the visual and audio production values are excellent.
Alchemy is also part of the core gameplay, yes, insofar as it allows you to delve deeper into the Clockworks to whack more dangerous monsters. But churning out crafted items so you can play the market and make heaps of virtual moneys? Mmmnot so much. If you want something like that I'm pretty sure there are plenty of business simulation games out there. You could go and play EVE Online, it's all about farming mats and playing the markets. I hear they even have spreadsheets.
At the end of the day, Spiral Knights is an arcade-style action game about cute knights whacking cute monsters. It's not Shiny Sword Salesman Emulator.
Seriously. It is like a never-ending cavalcade of make-the-numbers-bigger good times.
Bank balance, ship stats, space-ore mined, whichever. The whole point is to make the numbers bigger.
Sign me up for those spreadsheets please :D
oh wait.. I use a mac v.v FML
Don't they have a spreadsheeting program for Mac?
I actually like the game as it is now, i can just jump in, do a run through the clockworks or two and then go play something else for the day, even if i have Crystal Energy leftover for more runs, i'm taking this game slowly.
This is not one of those games where CAPITALISM HO! works very well, EVE Online and maybe Uncharted Waters Online works better for that.
spreadsheets outside of an mmo just aren't as cool :<
I think I actually have the spreadsheet thing somewhere on here that came in a package of stuff.
skype reminds me of how people acted once slavery ended in USA. i mean in the sense that some were reluctant to accept the change and fought against it.... looking at today they lost out
i must have missed something, what do they need to fix?
I not only agree with the changes, but find them to be NECESSARY for this game to actually survive.
If the ones who complain are "the butthurters," then wouldn't that make them the ones who were hurting said butts? In other words, that would make the people who say "GAME'S FINE STFU YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY," the butthurt ones. Being hurt in the butt by the butthurters.
you blew my mind leaving me clueless of what you just said @.@
It MAY survive but it's certainly not what we originally supported and it's moving to being F2Pified and it sucks because this was the biggest thing that it had going for it.