It's official, Spiral Knights is a respectable MMO

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The forum is a useless cesspit of trolls, just like every other MMO on the market.

Everyone who enjoys the game will be avoiding it like the plague now.

Legacy Username
I fear you may be right. Of

I fear you may be right.

Of course, we could just ignore the troll threads entirely and go about our merry ways. (I take that back, sometimes it's fun to feed them :3 Everything in moderation, though.)

I take offense to that! I'm

I take offense to that! I'm not a troll.

For what it's worth, after I

For what it's worth, after I posted this thread, I noticed the ingame-lulz thread, and I felt bad.

Legacy Username
There is a difference between

There is a difference between being a troll and being angry/inconsolable. I have been reading just about every post that comes through this forum and the only trolls I've seen in vast amounts are people who like the update and are trying to anger the angry people about it. This thread is not making that any better.

Shoebox's picture
I take offense to that! I'm

I take offense to that! I'm not a troll.

You're right, trolls regenerate 5HP per round.

@Shoe I'm not really sure

@Shoe I'm not really sure what game that's from but I think it's D&D. Also, FUNNY!

this game has the most

this game has the most unhappy trolls I've ever seen... bawww I don't wanna pay but I wanna get to the end game... lol no... this is a very expensive game but as you can see it is damn good, otherwise these trolls would have gone by now... but they choose to stay... lol

I choose to stay for now

I choose to stay for now because I'm waiting, however it's not looking's like bloody Mythos all over again.

I really REALLY loved what this game used to be but now, just *sigh* it's depressing to think about.

I'm not a troll, I'm just a very upset player who had his game changed under his nose after he invested in it and feels cheated.

I should've fully expected

I should've fully expected this thread to incite tons of argument. Requesting it be closed and moved, since I can't do either myself.

Legacy Username
It's a new game...

It's a new game, it will change a lot as they figure things out.
But it would be nice if the trolls would stop acting like immature little children, but what can you do.
A new game cannot even die within the first few months it's been starting.

Legacy Username

Denied being a troll without being accused, they know what they are.

Besides, cesspits are funner then any heaven, heavens boring, though.. these cesspit forums aren't giving a lot of variation, if the complaining was varied however.. =c

Thread was started because of

Thread was started because of me, trust me. They do this all the time to me. What do you think the varried *name* speaks out threads were for? To mock and ridicule me for starting up my own and having the balls to use my name like it meant something, which it does because I'm bloddy famous on here.

Legacy Username
Sigh, you give yourself too much credit though.

I sure can't deny you're pretty well known for complaining so much *though only on the forums, in game no one knows you.*
you're not the only complainer though, just the big one. y'know.. maybe if you didn't reply to threads like this, you'd have more time to give positive feedback on how to improve skype. big deal if someone is talking about trolls, why should you care less? you like the game, you should be more interested in changing the game for the better, rather then fueling the flame.

I have tried to change the

I have tried to change the game. I'm actually more well known in the game or at least I was pre patch. I don't give myself too much credit, I know it was started about me because after things started blowing up in my OOO thread, that's when this was posted. It's not that hard to put 2 and 2 together.

I tried to make a difference here:

Legacy Username
But would you call a MMO like

But would you call a MMO like this a "respectable MMO", or "just another MMO out there"?

Also, I don't know, but I think you guys don't know the difference between an actual troll and an idiot.
Not calling anyone an idiot, but really, those guys are not trolls at all.

@Sarcose - Edit the OP, and you can move the thread to the Graveyard, if you wish.

@GodofSkype - Seriously.

It used to be a respectable

It used to be a respectable MMO, but it's slowly heading down the "just like every other mmo" highway.

Yah seriously, I've tried to help the community and I still do today, heck I handed out free stuff to people playing from time to time before I left.

Legacy Username
I'm seem to be known as a

I'm seem to be known as a troll here, but I'm actually supporting this game while trolling those people who cry about the dual economy we have here.