Aggroing trojan?

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Mystrian's picture

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How long do you have to wait before it starts an attack? 1 whole second was what I gathered from testing. I purposely aggroed one and shot a callahan shot. Also want to know at what distance away does it "charge" you?

Qwez's picture

Trojans can combo their smashes... do you mean the first attack after aggroing? They generally attack as soon as they stop having to turn to face you, unless you're too close to them and they use their AOE shock attack.

As for the distance for Trojan charges, sometimes they charge at you when you are in smash range, but often times they charge when you are some paces beyond smashing range.

Mystrian's picture

Never seen one combo smash before.

So are trojan charge attack random?

Qwez's picture

Charging at close range is somewhat of an odd occurance, but generally only when you're farther away will Trojans charge at you.

By "combo smash" I mean that they continually smash without pause between each attack animation.