Hi everyone
i have a question about immunity.
When I was searching for a shield i saw the owlite one.
The immunity "bar" was full at 2 elemental types (fire and shock I think)
does it mean that i never can be burned or shocked again?
I'm new so forgive me if its a dumb question =)
But if it gives full immunity why should i buy for example magic hoot,...
if I allready have full immunity too those types? Is it because the elemental defence?
Full immunity?
Sun, 05/29/2011 - 02:48
Legacy Username
Sun, 05/29/2011 - 03:06
Legacy Username
Full resistance does not make
Full resistance does not make you immune. This means you can have all of the best anti fire gear in the game and still have a chance of getting lit up.
EDIT: Ninja'd.
Sun, 05/29/2011 - 03:10
Legacy Username
Thanks for the quick replies.
Is this forum always so active? ^^
You don't have full immunity. I'm not sure you can ever. I still burn for 7 seconds with and without my Wise owlite shield (whether actually shielding or not). I don't know if there is a hard cap on status resists, but I do know they can go over one bar (so feel free to get more gear with the same resists if you want).