SK Wiki

5 replies [Last post]

Hey there,

I've been looking through the wiki and I've noticed that a lot of the information there is out of date. Especially the player guides.

Does anyone update it anymore or is that a dead end? Because it seems Three Rings is still supporting it. (They have a link to it in-game and on this site.)

Also it seems someone messed with the image paths on the site because none of the images are showing up.

Warranty-Expired's picture

2/3 of guilds are outdated.

Poomph's picture

My first guild, Entity, is still there.

Red-Galaxy's picture

is it a dead guild?

Vesperaldus's picture
None of the images are

None of the images are showing up for me, either.

Bopp's picture

There seems to be a temporary problem with images. (It wasn't there yesterday for me.)

Yes, we still update the wiki. In fact, you can see a list of recent edits by clicking on the "Recent Changes" link on the left side of any wiki page.

Yes, many of the guild pages are out of date. Those are not important to Three Rings or people like me who edit a lot. They are pet projects of their owners.

Are you talking about the Swordmaster Guide? That thing has always been terrible. It's why I wrote my own competing guide. The Gunslinger Guide is also not great. The Bombing Guide is pretty good. The Shieldbearer Guide is okay.