When will the wiki be fixed?

1 reply [Last post]

I know I'm not the only one who has noticed that the images on the wiki have "self-destructed". However, does anyone know why this happened, or better yet, when it will be fixed? Personaly, I rely heavily on the wiki for deciding whether I should upgrade my current equipment, or which alchemy path I should choose if I decide to change it. Until this is fixed, I will have a much harder time choosing new equipment, since I want to upgrade my helmet, armor, and shield to 3*.

P.S. If someone is trolling, then I may decide to track them down and smash the screen on their computer (highly unlikely to actually happen).

Bopp's picture
already two threads

There are already two threads on this forum about this topic:


I agree that Three Rings' wiki admistrator should fix this problem ASAP. But let's not make any more threads about it.