i played a game recently that is now doing horrible. It isnt a MMORPG like Spiral Knights, but its in-game community reminds me of it. The game is called S4 League, and at the beginning everyone was friendly to each other etc etc...but now...its just absolutely ridiculous. Nearly every match, everyone called each other noob just because their better than the other person. You guys that are complaining about the updates, obviously never EVER played s4league...in that game, EVERY UPDATE IS ONLY AP(real cash) UPDATES. They have these updates once every month. The forumers look forward to updates that might direct the game different from its downward spiral, but its just a useless hope. That game had so much potential(like spiral knights).And don't even get me started with the GMS...they're robots and they will bann you if you insult people in-game(and some cases where people can change the names of people and make it seem like the person really said something). I would give you guys the link to the site, but i don't know if spiral knights forums would allow that...but if you ask, i shall give.
SK isnt really a MMORPG its more like a hub based game than a massive multiplayer online