I'm thinking of getting a striker when I have enough, is that a good choice? I also thought striker seemed pretty good. Thoughts?
I'm thinking of getting a striker when I have enough, is that a good choice? I also thought striker seemed pretty good. Thoughts?
Thanks, Droganis. I think I'm gonna get a striker.
jp12365 AKA Rangerwill.
Calibur > Cutter. Cutter line isn't useful in t3, Calibur line still can be
if u want i can sell u a striker for 17k. IGN mangaroo
I say, if the striker line looks fun to use, then use it. Don't be afraid to try things out and re-spec your gear later. While it does take a considerable amount of effort to craft your own gear as a F2P player, that is kind of the point of the game, is it not? Unless your goal is to get to the endgame as fast as possible, there's nothing wrong with leveling a sword for T2, then starting a new one for T3 :)
Though I will suggest getting a cutter and testing it out first. Better to wast 2-3k buying one from the AH than it would be spending 17k+ just to find out that it looks fun, but really isn't ;)
The best sword in the game is the one you like best. Consider people's posts as opinions, you're entitled to your own. :)
Otherwise good suggestions in this thread.
I find the striker a great weapon to use with shields, since you can swing fast and shield instantly. Also good to get behind puppies or those big slow trees and finish them quickly. Could be coupled later with a damage bonus set like Skolver, or go faster with a Vog Cub set. The charge attack is not the most useful, though.
Go with the striker, the charge can kill those darned gun puppies before they start flinging bullet hell at you, and it cuts down mineral deposits in two hits!
Well said Kaybol. Every sword has its advantages and disadvantages so you have to base your choice around how you like to fight. Now before anyone flames me I will say this is my personal opinion and nothing more and I realize I am in a minority.
I personally find the Calibur line slow and plodding. It deals great damage and has a powerful charge attack. I personally can't get past the lack of speed. It is a great budget weapon and since it is a standard line you can find recipe upgrades from Kosma. It's biggest drawback comes from one of its best features the 360 spin attack. Not very useful in close quarters. The tendancy is to rely on the 360 spin which means that you have to charge a mob and let fly. Problem is if you miss or get hit setting it up you can be hosed in a hurry.
The Cutter series is arguable the fastest sword in the game but each hit isn't a particularly powerful strike. It does have the Vile Striker and Dread Venom Striker if you like to fight the JK but I have found that it keeps you in close contact with monsters longer because it takes more hits to kill.
I personally favor the Spur line. I know I'm in a major minority. What I like about it is that it is a great balance of speed and strike damage. I also like that it carries you forward on each slash pushing monsters in front of you. It can help you extracate your self from a danger room mob which even the calibur can't help with much and if you miss with your slash you are often carried past the attacking monster so that he doesn't hit you. It has a wider attack arc which makes it easier to take on monsters that tend to bunch up like spookats. The disadvantages are that the charged attack isn't very good but neither is the cutter's. It doesn't have a 5* version but I have been effective with an Arc-Razor in T3 but then I tend to Solo and take it slow trying to fight monsters 1-on-1 or 2-on-1. It also takes some getting use to. In that you have to learn when to Single, double and triple slash before shielding. The step into each slash can also get you in trouble in close quarters especially if there are thorns or spikes around. I also haven't upgraded to the Winmillion as I'm not sure about that projectile on every slash. I'm leveling a plain arc-razor to upgrade to protect the UV on my main arc-razor until I see if I like it or not. I suspect that I'll have to use single slashes on monsters that tend to dodge projectiles.
I haven't tried the other swords but I'm sure they have their areas of effectiveness. The best advise I can give is to try out swords that sound like they match your play stile well and don't be afraid to leave them behind if you don't like them that well.
Exactly. You'll reach a point in the game where you make enough crowns to try out a new 2* weapon every now and then. I'd encourage anyone to do it. Try new weapons. Try different weapon types if you haven't used a bomb yet. See what you enjoy most.
Personally I was a Striker user for the longest time. During the preview the Khorovod (Troika didn't exist yet) was a very popular weapon thanks to its knockback. You'd get ridiculed for using anything else basically. I tried it and hated it... I never thought I'd like slow swords from that moment on and stuck with my Striker. Recently I've crafted the Divine Avenger and I'm about to craft the Gran Faust and I can't believe how much I love them. I'm glad I gave them an honest shot.
Next up: Flourish I guess. All of this coming from a bomber at heart...
My first sword was a Cutter, and I loved it. The 3-hit combos of the other swords were boring to me, and a 10-hit combo seemed fantastic. It was, and I eventually crafted it into a Wild Hunting Blade, which IMO, is one of the best swords in the game, especially with Vog Cub armor or Increased Attack Speed. You can also go into shield almost immediately within any of the first four swings, as well as after doing a charge attack (literally going into shield in the next frame).
But, lately I've been using Brandishes and they aren't bad.
There is no "best" sword. It all just depends on your play style. I use a striker mainly because of its fast attacks. If you prefer slow but stronger attacks, then you could use something like a calibur or something along those lines.
I thank you for all your advice, and I think that I'm gong to check out the spur series, (Thanks to garrett.) And from the comments, I think that I will try out a cutter, then see if I like it. and if I do, then I might go and get that striker! Thanks for all the advice, and hope you enjoy yourselves playing the game.
-Jp12365.AKA Rangerwill.
I thank you for all your advice, and I think that I'm gong to check out the spur series, (Thanks to garrett.) And from the comments, I think that I will try out a cutter, then see if I like it. and if I do, then I might go and get that striker! Thanks for all the advice, and hope you enjoy yourselves playing the game.
-Jp12365.AKA Rangerwill.
Do you have a cutter? Do you like using it? If so, strikers are just fine. They have some loss in viability in Tier 3, when using a sword with shadow/elemental/piercing damage can allow you to increase damage against enemies weak to those types, but if you only plan on having 1 sword, supplementing with bombs or guns, you'll still be viable. The other normal damage sword for 3* is the Tempered Calibur, which is also perfectly fine for those non-sword specialists. I also love the Kamarin, but that is a dead-end at 4*, and is a kind of niche weapon, so be forewarned.
If you are going to just use lots of swords, then you get to look more at the brandish/flourish lines, with possible runs into the Sealed Sword lines. All of those are acceptable, but different types are better for different play styles, and personal preference is key.