I'm not one for beating around the bush so I'm just gonna jump right into it LOL...
I created Chronic Crafters to help better the community and provide help for players in any and all their needs. From selling rare mats at low prices to crafting a 4* sword, we're here to help you. As it stands we are at 40+ members and I decided to create this post so new players that are recruited aren't running around with their heads cut off as to what we're all about.
This guild has what I like to call "specialty sections" which I've divided to suit each player's strength and also how he/she would like to help out.
Runners: They help collect mats, provide combat strategies and can also be "swords for hire" if a player needs an extra in his or her party.
Shop Keepers: Self explanatory, they sell materials, recipes, and equipment (whichever they wish to specialize in) at lower prices.
Crafters: They help craft the needs of the guild and supply Shop Keepers with what they need. Probably the most demanding job of all as it is the backbone of the guild.
Spotters: They keep a watchful eye on the Auction House market, helping Shop Keepers with their pricing and also offer strategies on good business-ship on how to work the AH to your advantage.
The chain of command is as follows:
RamenFrog: Guild Master, I mostly handle the technical aspects of the guild and keep it running smoothly unless an emergency spurs me to take action.
Notional: 2nd in command, he's in charge of the Officers and ranking. Consider him the Guild Master if I am not present. (currently away due to personal life)
Cylestial (her 2nd profile is CelestialBank): Officer. In charge of Runners and battle strategy. Basically all combat oriented aspects of the guild.
Tundron: Officer. In charge of teaching new recruits the ropes of how we do things and recruiting new members.
CalamityJane: Temporary 2nd in command. Has all of Notional's responsibilities.
Veterans: Members who can access Tier 3.
Members: erm..Members who can access Tier 2.
Recruits: Members who can access Tier 1.
I also want to point out, to become an officer in my guild, you need to have strong character, extensive knowledge of the game and also patience. I promote Officers as they are needed as well in terms of the guild growing in numbers but don't sacrifice quality. (in short, currently I'm not looking to promote any to Officer anytime soon)
Rules and Guidelines:
Respect all players, even if they are not in our guild.
Be open to new ideas as well as throw out suggestions as they come to you~
Don't harass other guild members for free things. (We give them under our own power, but its irritating having someone beg for them)
No Begging.
There are Officially 2 Branches that have been made to this guild.
Holy-Aether - Guild Leader of the guild Merchants. As the name implies, they will be dealing primarily in business. (Important to note, Allied Guild, not official branch, alot of people got confused about it lol)
Adramissy - Guild Leader of the guild Order of Chronic. The extended version of Chronic Crafters and may be thought of as the "fighting force" such as Runners and Swords for Hire.
Tundron (forgot his other account's name for this guild) - Rascals. The bootcamp for newly recruited new players. Will provide the ins and outs info of the game and help get you started. (Later on transfer to an alternate branch if you prefer)
These are friendly guilds, so if you locate them, they will be trustworthy.
I will edit this post as info changes on it, so check back regularly to make sure your up to speed on current events.
Bumped due to new info added, hopefully I'm not causing issues 8D